Sunday, January 1, 2023

For the most part --- the Brooklyn GOP under Ted Ghorra can't handle the truth --- but sometimes, like this year's two messages for the New Year from Jerry Kassar --- the truth just smacks yuh in duh face like Will Smith did to Chris Rock last March


Here is Gerry Kassar's official statement as NYS Chairman of the NYS Conservative Party to his party's membership  ---  and to the world  ---   for the New Year 2023:

...."  [[[ 596]]]

The unstated part of that message  ---  and what nobody want's anybody to know is that  >>>  all of that was at the expense of the Brooklyn and NYS GOP.....

To drive home what HE wanted everybody to see and absorb  ---  Kassar also made a personal statement in his own words to his party's membership  ---  and to the world  ---   for the New Year 2023:


....'  [[[ (Note: this site also links to the "Official Statement" quoted and cited above) ]]]

Since this is hardly the kind of New Year's "Auld Lang Syne" that you Brooklyn GOP sad sacks might have been expecting for your first 2023 morning.....  Maybe, it might make the sharper knives in the BK-GOP drawer wake up and smell the coffee for once.....  It even might motivate the truly spunky Brooklyn Republican activists that there might be out there to give Ted a call for New Year's Day  >>>  to tell him that this New Year's smack in the face from Kassar is just another in the long line of embarrassments for the Brooklyn GOP since Ghorra was given the job of Kings County Republican Chair.

Remember, the road to recovery from addictions, compulsive destructive behaviors, and even plain old bad habits is an acknowledgement that there is a problem  ---  this Brooklyn GOP-Conservative Party thing is all of that and a lot more.


Anonymous said...

Kassar and Chris Rock. Two peas in a pod.

Anonymous said...

Wrong analogy, Oscar's breath!

Kassar's the slapper, and Ted Ghorra and Chris Rock're the slappees.

Now, that is two pees in a pot.