Friday, January 20, 2023

There is only one message for Republicans and Conservatives in Brooklyn ---


Go  ---  take all all that you have and give it to the poor.....

That way they won't waste any of their time and energy having to take it from you.....

Everything in society and government is now fostering that result  ---  so, get with the program.....

It will soon be accomplished in all of New York City that there will only be two classes: on top, a small supervening and isolated controlling class, "the rich" (and possibly with certain chosen vassals called "professonals" ---  sterile and not self sustaining); and a majority in an underlying homogeneous "middle class", formerly known as "the Poor".....


Anonymous said...

Great advice Gale. Does Fisher Investments know about this?

Anonymous said...

Fisher Investments is a fiduciary, so they will make as much of your money for the poor as possible. They make money when you make money, meaning eventually the poor will get more of that money.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Fishman holds himself to the fiduciary standard because of the clear signal it sends to his clients.

Anonymous said...

I know who that is. And the poor of NYC will get all that he has too, because of the signal that will send to Republicans that all they got was because of their privilege.

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing crime on the rise but justin says crime is down. I guess he knows best.

Anonymous said...

Ragusa has $1,000 in the bank. Avery hasn't even started yet. I would never bet against Nick Chamberas.

Anonymous said...

Ragusa. Avery. I almost, almost can't believe that these dingbats are candidates for anything.