Sunday, February 6, 2022

Taken as a whole, the new district lines for congress, state senate, and assembly in and including the neighborhoods of Southwest Brooklyn are a gerrymandered mess


The new lines do not create districts that are either compact or contiguous

The NYS senate lines are the worst  ---  Savino's district has two very separated Brooklyn elements that are connected only by the waters touching the shores of Staten Island and Brooklyn  ---  the Gounardes district is all full of snaking slivers and one watery connection across the mouth of Sheepshead Bay

Nicole Malliotakis actually has the least to complain about  ---  and Toonces made out the best and seems OK on the Brooklyn side of the bridge

It's a good thing that the NYS Legislature didn't have some more time, or they might have tried some stuff that could have been even more complicated. one-sided, and outrageous 

It sure looks like the NYS laws and NYS Constitution were violated in a heavy-handed and gross excercise of political might in Albany.  

The best way to overturn any of these lines is to first attack the WHOLE process, and the resulting combined completely gerrymandered jigsaw puzzle of districts in the NY state courts  ---  and hopefully, then getting such a case into the U.S. Supreme Court in a way that doesn't take forever.


Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember when Joe Bruno designed a district tailor-made for Marty Golden...

Anonymous said...

Is it named Gerrymandered after Jerry Nadler?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that Jerry Nadler is contiguous, but he sure ain't in any way compact.

Anonymous said...

I'm old enough that I cant remember Bruno Golden or the tailor.

Anonymous said...

It's named Gerrymander after Gerry Kassar

Anonymous said...

"Brooklyn Republican Party chairman Ted Ghorra welcomed Alec Brook-Krasny into the GOP fold for the 46th Assembly District."

Sayonara, Brian Fox!

Anonymous said...

Brook-Krasny can beat Frontus.

Anonymous said...

What do the real bosses Kassar & Brannan say about this?