Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Neville Chamberlain was a giant of a man compared to Joe Biden --- Chamberlain went to Munich --- he didn't send Calamity Harris in his place

Meanwhile, as everybody else is looking at Russia and Eastern Europe  ---  the U.S. armed forces, Homeland Security, the FBI-CIA-NSA-DIA, and a panoply of other federal and local police authorities are being prepared for what Biden sees as the real looming threat to this nation  >>>  truckers bringing their protests to Washington, D.C. to upstage Biden's "State of the Union" Address

Seeing President Biden speak from his D.C. bunker yesterday made one proud to be an American  ---  his message that it is Americans that need to suffer in response to any Russian aggression in "... Ukraine..." just filled me with pride that Joe Biden clearly sees that the real villains here are Americans, and everybody like them that oppose $5.00-a-gallon-gasoline  ---  wait until he brings fully-masked Kamala back to go toe-to-toe with those villainous, and very likely barefaced, truckers

What more needs to be said, right now ?????


Anonymous said...

Is Chamberlain related to Chambareass?

Anonymous said...

Is Chamberlain the guy from the 52nd?

Galewyn Massey said...


TO: "ANONYMOUS SAID... AT 2:50 PM" & "... AT 3:49 PM"


Moron #1 take a well-sharpened brand new pencil and stick it into Moron #2's eye as far as it will go.....

Moron #2, stop whining and bleeding, and get an appropriate weapon to exact a brutal vengeance on Moron #1.....

Wash, rinse, repeat !!!!!

Now, riddle me this, Batman >>> Who will win out, Moron #1 or Moron #2 ?????