Monday, January 31, 2022

Well, we last saw our Kings County GOP Chairman gesturing at a pair of guys using a baby for a stage prop at a very poorly attended meeting at the back of a bar

That was about a week ago  ---  but it's still more than a month later than Ted Ghorra's latest visual on the Brooklyn GOP's Meta-FB page

About Chairman Ghorra & HIS version and vision of the Brooklyn GOP,  we say along with Winston Churchill  >>>  "Take this pudding away  ---  it has no theme!"


Ted Ghorra always reminds us of the old Amex commercial with a fussy and annoyed Martin Scorsese [Talking to a drug store clerk  ---  while looking at his shapshots] “This one, it’s far too nostalgic....  [Dismissive] It’s pretty... How could I have done this?...  I’ve lost the narrative thread.... I’ll have to re-shoot....  [Shot: calling on his cell phone] It’s your Uncle Marty. How’d you like to turn five again?”.....

That last bit encapsulates it all when it comes to Ghorra  ---  he thinks that he is some kind of genius perfectionist, when everybody around can see that he is just a buffoon playing the role of a fool pretending that he can make us all his five-year old nephews again.

Such narcissism and petty aspirations as Ted Ghorra repeatedly exhibits is not the vision or the "narrative thread" that we need for the Brooklyn GOP in 2022 and going forward.


Anonymous said...

Capano for GOP chair
Cats can make it happen

Anonymous said...

except for scorsese I dont know any of these people