Friday, January 14, 2022

The laughable Brian xyZ. Fox goes live


Somebody thought that a live stream of Brian xyZ. Fox across social media platforms would be a good idea   ---   What a dunce !!!

All that it all showed was Brian xyZ. Fox cannot speak in anything which resembles English; and he cannot discuss anything in other than gross generalities, often based on factually false premises  ---  does he even know that "syntax" is not an excise levied on immoral behavior, or material occasions of sin 

The way this buffoon  ---  or as we are now calling him  >>>   "Marmaduke the Mamaluke Brian Fox"   ---  is talking, it looks like he thinks that he is the guy to run against "Andy Boy" Gounardes for the state senate in an area that "Marmaduke the Mamaluke Brian Fox" keeps wanting to call "South Brooklyn"


It's time to cue up Dionne Warwick to sing "Alfie":

"What's it  all  about...   ???" 


Anonymous said...

I watched the video and Brian Fox does not look very healthy. The term that comes to mind is morbidly obese with multiple underlying comorbidities

Anonymous said...

It's Fox's brain that is sub par, and his behavior is very spikey. Without an accurate geneology, who can tell what it is? He could be an inbred idiot, a congenital syphillac, or just maybe the latest generation of a long line of full-blooded imbeciles.

Brian Fox is exactly the kind of person Oliver Wendall Holmes meant, when he said this: "Three generations of imbeciles are enough." The U.S. Supreme Court opinion by Justice Holmes Jr. was in the landmark 1927 case, Buck v. Bell, a ruling that it was constitutionally allowed for states to forcibly sterilize residents if they chose to do so in order to prevent "feebleminded and socially inadequate" people like Brian Fox from reproducing.

Anonymous said...

The term "cretin" immediately comes to mind

Anonymous said...

Didn't Fox claim to be half Greek?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Justin claim he didnt defund the police?

Anonymous said...

Not a good comparison, Justin didn't defund the police, and Brian isn't half Greek. Half a Turk, maybe!

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video clip on my big screen TV. Brian has trouble breathing from all those free meals at Chadwicks. He is morbidly obese. I'm a doctor and that is my diagnosis

Anonymous said...

Today is the anniversary of Captain Sully Sullenberger's "Miracle on the Hudson". Brian Fox doesn't know about it because he was living in New Jersey at the time and was arrested for evading the police on an aggravated domestic violence restraining order.