Saturday, July 25, 2020

Not debating Colleen Golden about whose lives matter.....

Sometimes the wives of politicians show what airheads they really are  ---  case in point Colleen Golden.....

I had to love the gallows humor in her bullet-proof vest posting on Facebook, with this text overlay:
"Until your child has to wear one of these to work....  I'm not the person to debate whose life matters [and my favorite touch was the blue heart on at the bottom]"

Colleen is right, she's nobody to debate about whose lives matter,  because her POV is deeply tainted by both her whiteness and life of white privilege, and her blueness and life of blue privilege.  Two other very important colors have tainted Colleen  ---  the gold and silver that found its way into the Goldens' coffers over the years starting way, way back.....

No matter what Colleen has to say about bullet-proof vests and the people that might need to wear them to work*  ---  what she's really talking about is that the lives, which matter to her need to have bullet-proof pocketbooks, wallets,  and valises filled with cash and other valuables .....


* If Colleen's husband were to have his way with all his profligate and violently confrontative demonstrations,  soon enough we all would need bullet-proof vests, both for work AND every moment after work.....


Anonymous said...

Someone need take that phone away from her paws. Everytime she opens her mouth on Tweets it's embarrassing. Go fix Marty a Turkey sandwich you wench

Galewyn Massey said...




What I think we need is the right song, but I'm just not in the mood (BTW, Glenn Miller's "In the Mood" does have lyrics.....)

Anonymous said...

There's a reason Colleen was absolutely invisible when from 1997 to 2019, when Marty was in the City Council or State Senate. Seeing her ignorant utterances on social media makes it clear why she was kept far in the background.

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing Marty wants to make a run for Mayor in 2021
I am not quite sure how he can think that's a possibility when he endorsed Marko Kepi and Marko lost Marty's own Election District

Anonymous said...

Coleen is a liability for any future campaigns for Marty
But not as much of a liability as LIam is to himself and his surroundings

Anonymous said...

Colleen was behind 23 years of Martys WINNING races for city council and senate. Its understandable that others who have had numerous electoral failures would be dripping with envy.

Anonymous said...

Marty ran in 12 elections. He won 11 out of 12.

Anonymous said...

Marty for Mayor of what? Old Man Loser Town?

Anonymous said...

345, '23 years, schmunny-three years! A harridan and harpy is harridan and harpy is a harridan and harpy; in other words, Colleen Golden is both a harridan and a harpy. She's always been both and she always will be both.

Anonymous said...

If Bob Capano thinks that he might get a handshake deal from Marty Golden for 2021, Bob will need to keep counting his fingers between now and then. Marty's handshake ain't what it used to be, but I'm sure that Marty can lift a few fingers here or there if he wanted to, even if Bob might think that they belonged to him all along.

Anonymous said...

Post has a 3 minute video of a riot last night in Brooklyn heights. Fires burning in the streets and a cafe had its windows smashed. Maybe these images will fade by November. If not Nicole and Vito will surge to victory.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Colleen was the mastermind behind Marty's political career. Is her expertise free media? How many television spots did she write or direct? She understands mailings if there are lots of pictures.

Read any of her social media posts and you get the sense of someone with POSSIBLY a high school diploma and not much political horsesense.

Anonymous said...

I think the point is Marty won all his races except one.

Anonymous said...

Colleen Golden has an associates degree.

8:56 should note that a loser is one who loses. Look at yourself.

Anonymous said...

I hear the news was broken to Liam this weekend that the Brooklyn GOP will not be supporting him for Council next year as he expected for not running for state senate against Bruno in a primary..he had too much baggage and intra party issues for doing against Donovan, Tannousis, etc.

Anonymous said...

Capano, McCabe and Quaglione are yesterday's news.

Politically, all three of them are as useless as a pair of broken of flip-flops.

Capano's vote-getting ability is next to zero;

McCabe has more demons inside of him that a herd of Gadarene swine headed for a swim; and

Quaglione is now tied too closely to the unethical and much conflicted PR efforts trying to protect Bishop DiMarzio from the multiplying charges of the sexual abuse of minors.

Anonymous said...

An associates degree. How quaint. If she hadn't married Marty, she'd be doing the books for an automotive repair shop somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Get real, if she hadn't married Marty, she probably would have married somebody else. And who knows if that life would have been anything like the one she's had with Marty, most likely not.

Anonymous said...

11:35 sounds educated. smarter than most so please explain how many elections you won.

Anonymous said...

How many elections has Colleen Golden won? She's the one we've been talking about.

Anonymous said...

Capano, McCabe and Quaglione are history. We need new blood.

It's time to draft Colleen Golden for City Council in 2021 !

Anonymous said...

I hear she was the inspiration for one of Marty's greatest successes. A Charm School.

Anonymous said...

Colleen and Marty won 11 elections. that is a fact.

1:32 sounds like one of those types that never had the temerity to run for office or ran for office and lost.

Anonymous said...

Over the years, between them Colleen and Marty literally wore thousands of dresses, bras, panties and other items of women's clothing; that is a fact.

9:43 sounds like one of those types that never had the temerity to run with the bulls in Pamplona, or ran with the bulls and contracted HPV by the most common means of transmission.

Anonymous said...

We need to talk about Colleen's driving record. Especially around local schools.

Anonymous said...

9:05 still wont say how many elections he won. Much success gained siting at a computer looking for fault with others.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! Let me think, 1129.

If I include contested primaries, I won two elections. Moreover, in two of my general elections, I got more votes than Marty Golden got in his last five general elections. If you check, I'll bet that my totals in those two general elections are more votes than Quaglione and Capano got in all their general elections combined.

So, 1129, shut your pie hole, or I might have to do to you what Mike Long did to Mario Cuomo in 1977 --- except this time no apologies and no hush-hush.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:19, what exactly did Long do to Cuomo in 1977?

Was it hush-hush that Colleen drove the getaway car?

Anonymous said...

827, there is a little controversy over who did what to whom. A book written by Jonathan Mahler in the early 2000s said that in 1977, Mario Cuomo "cold-cocked" Mike Long after a brief fracas at a Brooklyn speech by Cuomo --- that suggests that Mike Long was taken down by one quick punch.

Long got all pissy over the report, and got the publisher to get the author to agree to change it, change it, change it in later editions. Long still had a little pull in around 2006 or so.

In any case, Colleen Golden isn't mentioned; and if the whole thing happened as told in the revised telling of the story, supposedly very little happened and it all ended with apologies, and there were no need for any getaway cars.

Anonymous said...

So 9:49, what you are essentially confirming is that Colleen once again played no role of any kind in yet another political moment.

I am beginning to think Marty was really on his own most of the time.

Anonymous said...
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Galewyn Massey said...




There have been many iterations of this story over the years. Here's a fairly recent mention of it from "The Queens Ledger" --- "One interesting fact about Michael Long: he was mentioned in the book 'Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx is Burning,' which tells the story of the 1977 mayoral election. In the first edition, it states that then-mayoral candidate (and eventual governor and father to the current governor) Mario Cuomo “cold-cocked” Long. Long claimed the incident was embellished, and subsequent editions of the book left that tidbit out." (See "You could say it's been a 'long' run" by staff writer, 1/29/19, Queens Ledger []).

In 2010, Mike Long did an interview with "The Observer" and the article ended with this: "Long and Mario Cuomo got into a tussle one night when Cuomo was running for mayor in 1977–a scrap that was embellished a bit in the first editions of the book ["... The Bronx is Burning"], which was subsequently corrected, at Long’s request.... 'The first version had me cold-cocked, and that wasn’t true,' Long said." (See "Mike Long Makes Nice With Andrew Cuomo" by Reid Pillifant, 11/11/2010, Observer []).

Ted Hamm, who likes to look into these little bits of anecdotal history, especially if it's a Brooklyn story, really should do his own bit of snooping about this..... A Mike Long-Mario Cuomo punch-em-up should be enough for at least an article like he used to do in "The Brooklyn Rail" of years gone by, although by now the Long-Cuomo "story" is more history than politics --- but so was "Bernie's Brooklyn..." BTW, Hamm's recent book, "Bernie's Brooklyn..." is a pretty good read if you want several folksy snapshots about mid-twentieth century Brooklyn.....

Anonymous said...

In 1977, Mario Cuomo was feeling betrayed by everybody, and he may have been right about Mike Long. In the early 70s, Mike Long decided that his designated Italian Conservative Democrat "Mario" for Mayor was going to be Mario Biaggi and not Mario Cuomo. As a result, in 1973, Abe Beame became mayor, because he had enough on Biaggi to blow up Biaggi's mayoral hopes, even though Long stuck it out with Biaggi dooming John Marchi on the GOP line. After '73 Mario Cuomo still had hopes for being mayor, and came close in '77 losing to Koch in a run-off. After that Mario Cuomo moved to the left, set his sights on Albany, and the rest is history.

What Gail calls their '1977 thing' was part of the Mike Long-Mario Cuomo saga of 'breaking up is hard to do', but even then they had to cooperate to cover up the fisticuffs part of the story, because things got out of hand. When it all popped up again in Mahler's book in 2005, Long had to get together with Cuomo again to successfully squelch the story through Mahler's publisher.