Friday, March 31, 2023
Many millions of Americans afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome --- latest symptoms and prognosis suggest the death of the nation might be near
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Alvin Bragg makes history --- and how proud and justified all true Democrats must be at this moment of triumph and righteousness
Obviously, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg decided that his moment had come --- and he also decided this historic instant was the right time to weaponize the incompetence and ignorance obviously installed throughout most of those now in the legal, judicial, journalistic and economic professions
It remains to be seen whether the woke views of this Soros-backed prosecutor can succeed in marshalling the law and the facts behind his prosecutorial fiat, now apparently ratified by a Manhattan grand jury --- probably first, through a variety of courts --- then, to a jury during and after a trial --- and then, if a jury should hand down a guilty verdict, again to another variety of courts.....
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Was one of the main sites for Brooklyn GOP fund raisers over the last two years making fraudulent under-the-table-type "in kind" donations to GOP candidates associated with Liam McCabe ???
How many pictures have we posted on this independent GOP blog for Brooklyn & Staten Island over the last two years of fund raisers for the likes of Brian Fox and Ari Kagan that were held at the Lone * Star Bar and Grill in Bay Ridge???
--- Frankly, it's so many that we have lost count.....
Here's what the place looked like in better days:
And here's the Lone * Star in a recent shot [with a "blow-up" detail showing a very long-delayed Court Order, and a current Marshal's Notice announcing an auction of assets at the premises]

Were any of the "deals" involving events held at the Lone * Star Bar and Grill made by representatives of the Brooklyn GOP, its candidates, and/or the campaigns of those candidates made in derogation of the statutory, contractual and equitable rights of others --- constituting a fraudulent diversion of funds from those rightfully entitled to receive them ?????
Here's the beef --- just over two years ago, the owner of the property 8703 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, brought an action for ejectment and damages for breach of contract against the owners of the Lone Star Bar and Grill., d/b/a the Lone Statr Bar and Grill, alleging among other matters the non-payment of rent for a protracted period since 2020 and earlier, and other damages, now in excess of several hundreds of thousands of dollars.
During that time, several fund raisers have been conducted by or on behalf of candidates of the Brooklyn GOP --- including for Brian Fox, Ari Kagan and others --- at the Lone Star Bar and Grill in complete derogation of the statutory, contractual and equitable rights of the true and rightful owner of the property to possess and enjoy the premises occupied by the Lone Star Bar and Grill, and to conduct its lawful business at the site.
Our sources have indicated that those fund raisers had largely been arranged by several members of the Brooklyn GOP, including but not limited to Brian Fox and Liam McCabe, under terms and conditions that allowed the operators of the Lone Star Bar and Grill to conceal the portion of income being generated for the benefit of the owners of the Lone Star Bar and Grill from the righful owner and landlord of the premises.
Focusing on the campaign events conducted during 2021, 2022, and 2023 and the agreements reached by the owners and operators of the Lone Star Bar and Grill, and representatives of the Brooklyn GOP, its candidates, and/or the campaign's of its candidates; and the amounts raised by representatives of the Brooklyn GOP, its candidates, and/ the campaigns of its candidates at the individual and several fund raisers conducted by the representatives of the Brooklyn GOP, its candidates, and the campaigns of its candidates >>> were not as reported on several documents filed by representatives of the Brooklyn GOP, its candidates, and.or the campaigns of its candidates.
We here at this independent Republican Blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island will followup with more detailed information on these particular problematic aspects of the financing conducted on behalf of the Brooklyn GOP, several of its candidates, and/or the campaigns of several of its candidates during events held at the Lone * Star Bar and Grill during 2021. 2022, and 2023 when they are provided by our past sources, and such new sources as might pop up in due course.
Monday, March 27, 2023
President Joe Biden and his terribly incompetent press flack, Karine Jean-Pierre both flogged the newly-dead kids in an attempt to score political points
After being briefed on today's shooting tragedy in the religion-based Covenant School grammar school in Nashville, Tennessee >>> in her haste to intone the party line propaganda about Biden's promise to ban AR-15s, Jean-Pierre made a wrongful statement about the victims of the shooting. --- However, and she was immediately and unceremoniously corrected by a member of the White House press corp.....
Separately, in a blatantly political effort not to waste a tragedy, President Biden flogged the dead children killed earlier in the day --- in order to tout his as- yet-unfulfilled promise to ban AR-15-type rifles
From the White House podium, Biden's Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said >>> “We can’t keep seeing what we saw today. Right now, we’re hearing six kids — six elementary [school] kids dead,” Almost immediately a reporter rebutted the Press Secretary's erroneous statement with this >>> “Three kids and three adults...”
January 6th watershed moment possible today --- in the now-ongoing trial of several J6 Defendant-Members of the "Proud Boys" --- a key FBI informant will be examined and testify in open court about the extent of her activities before, during and since the so-called J6 "Insurrection"
Today, defense attorneys are scheduled to question Jen Loh, amid growing questions about the extent to which FBI informants, aka "confidential human sources" (CHS), knew about the Capitol riot, and whether they might have led and encouraged the crowd at the Capitol during the events of January 6, 2021....
One of the shocking revelations during a J6 trial of several of the "Proud Boys" last week was that at least one FBI informant, Jen Loh, a member of Latinos for Trump, had been in close contact with the defendants --- and their legal team --- throughout the instant trial, potentially compromising the defendants' constitutional rights.....
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Is anybody trying to find out what happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's "Asset Forfeiture" account(s) --- that folks say were gone before he took office
Why hasn't DA Alvin Bragg gone after the well more than Six Hundred Millions of Dollars from the Manhattan DA's "Asset Forfeiture" account(s) >>> apparently gone since the first day that Bragg took over the Manhattan DA's Office from former Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance ???
There have been many questions raised lately about Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's selective enforcement of the law --- and by the same token, his selective investigations of certain possible crimes, and not others. >>> Perhaps the biggest uninvestigated case since Bragg took over the Manhattan DA's Office involves a massive amount of funds no longer in the accounts of the Manhattan DA's Office itself
The very woke-sounding Soros-backed Alvin Bragg won the 2021 election ro become Manhattan’s first Black-American DA. Bragg ran as a radical change reformer who promised to pull back on prosecuting certain offenses and to pursue alternatives to incarceration. Also very significantly, he also pledged to create a so-called participatory budgeting system, which would be similar to one used by many City Council members >>> in it, Bragg's constituents would have some say on how to steer some spending. “I want to have a process that’s more open.....”
Bragg told a small leftish-oriented alternative media outlet, called "The City" late in 2021, that he would prefer to spend on programs that focus on “mental health” and re-entry services for people coming out of jail and prison. However, Bragg will start with just $31 million of available "Asset Forfeiture" funds instead of almost three-quarters of a billion bucks amassed by Bragg's predecessor, according to some records — and most of those available dollars had already been dedicated to a City University of New York grant program called the Criminal Justice Investment Initiative >>> by the former Manhattan DA (See " Vance Depletes Manhattan DA’s $715M Bank Haul, Leaving Bragg With Small Change" by Reuven Blau. 11/14/2021, The City/ []).
Bragg says he has no plans to divert any funds that Vance had allocated from his office's "Asset Forfeiture" accounts --- but that leaves close to another seven hundred million bucks that Vance and his lavish money spenders shot to hell on other stuff --- in other words, pretty much unaccounted for. Official records showed that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance had spent nearly $715 million in money brought in from big money case settlements for so-called "criminal justice programs"..... And, as a direct result of that largesse by the Vance team >>> Vance's successor, Alvin Bragg has been left with almost none of the vast fund amassed by Vance's tram from "Asset Forfeitures," as its rake from profitable prosecutions of the very big fish-big money defendants --- all the way down to contraband cash seized from the more normal-sized defendants.....
Vance seemed to have lavish tastes and an expensive life style
There is no real auditing of the NYC DAs' Asset Forfeiture accounts by the NYC Comptroller or anybody else.** The NYC Comptroller only conducts occasional audits of certain operations, methods and expenditurs of NYC's five DA's offices; and the current NYC Comptroller Brad Lander especially wants nothing to do with auditing the Asset Forfeiture books of the Manhattan DA, aka the New York County DA (DANY), nor those of any other NYC DA's offices. (For example, in the year 2022, the NYC Comptroller only audited the inventory, control and handling of office and technical equipment in the Office of the Manhattan DA [DANY].)
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Fatso Alvin Bragg decides that he would rather defy Congress --- and instead, the NYC DA with the goatee proposes "discussions" to see if Congress has a legitimate interest in seeing what he's been up to.....
Congressional Committee and the Manhattan DA: Pushback --- then counter-pushback --- then counter-counter pushback
Wash, rinse, repeat !!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Dems say that Republicans in Congress are trying to obstruct Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's attempt to bring this Bragg v. Trump case to court in NY --- Well-well-well, Captain Obvious ! --- So what !!! --- Why not !!!!!
What this left wing grifter Bragg is now trying to pull is a terrible overreach by a prosecutor corrupted by false ideology --- he needs to be stopped by push back from our side using any and all lawful means.....
The U.S. Congress has the complete and absolute lawful authority to investigate any state or local governmental actor for any overreach or attempted overreach into the federal sphere of jurisdiction --- and fully explore Bragg's reasons for doing so with his personal Bragg v. Trump case --- to determine if any federal laws are impacted in any way --- and/or --- to determine if any of Bragg's actions are part of a larger conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States.....
Congress can specifically look into questions arising from this Bragg v. Trump case >>> involving any possible violation of the legal doctrine of Federal Pre-emption to determine if any federal laws have been broken by Bragg --- or if new federal laws might be necessary to avoid any repeat of what is going on in this Bragg v Trump case by any local or state prosecutors in the State of Georgia, or any other state(s).....
The potential BRAGG -v- TRUMP CASE
In August 2022, after his office secured a guilty plea from former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg in the tax fraud case stemming from the original investigation; and then turning Weisselberg into the prosecution's star witness in the trial of two Trump Organization companies, the two companies were found guilty of 17 criminal counts related to tax fraud and other related matters on December 6, 2022.
By that time, investigators and ADAs in Bragg's office had returned to the Cohen/ Stormy Daniels payment. During the early months of 2023, a stream of former Trump employees and White House staffers were presented to a grand jury by Bragg's office. It has been widely reporter that they have been looking into the case of the Stormy Daniels/ Cohen/ Trump/ Federal Campaign Finances matters.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Did Florida's Republican Governor DeSantis just scuttle his own chances of being POTUS any time soon --- by his dissing President Donald Trump instead of supporting him ???
Just twenty-two words might have completely derailed Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2024 campaign before it was even announced --- very much like he was aboard a Norfolk Southern freight train jumping the track in Palestine, Ohio --- and poisoning any chances of his ever getting MAGA Republicans onboard for his campaign any time soon
Ron DeSantis' belated remarks about Donald Trump's possible indictment by NYC's Soros-supported Manhattan DA opened with this --- "I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair...."
And then DeSantis said this --- "I have no interest in getting involved in some manufactured circus by some Soros-DA.... He’s trying to do a political spectacle. He’s trying to virtue signal for his base. I’ve got real issues I got to deal with here in the state of Florida...."
What a guy --- that Ron Desantis --- he showed that he is the man of the moment --- except that, it's not this moment, because Ron DeSantis would rather take a pass than weigh-in on the issue of the Dems' indicting the former GOP President and present GOP front-runner for President in 2024
Saturday, March 18, 2023
For the moment this is the most important thing --- Trump is going to be arrested early next week --- The time has come to push back, and push back hard.....
This from our leader himself, Donald J. Trump:
Meanwhile the left went into an almost total meltdown at Trump's courageous defiance and rallying call to the MAGA folks out there.....
--- Maxine Waters: "... I don’t know what’s going to happen when he announces [it himself like this]. It’s almost like he’s attempting to organize his domestic terrorists to show up and to resist him being arrested....”
--- Rachel Maddow: "... “His overall defense is going to be to try to raise the civic cost of indicting him.... He is trying to bring intimidation and pressure to bear against the prosecutors who are considering right now whether to indict him....”
--- Guest, former FBI agent, on NBC's Alex Witt program: “We have Trump already saying that he has a rally planned for Friday in Waco, Texas, right on the cusp of the 30th anniversary of a deadly standoff between a religious cult and federal agents where at least 75 people died, including three ATF agents.... All of this is going to stress and test our system with regard to lessons learned from Jan. 6th....”
--- And a different guest on the Alex Witt program: "... The American people need to pay attention to who the Republican Party is, and continues to be.... Anyone who thinks that Ron DeSantis or anyone else is going to swoop in and save the Republican Party and bring it back to a respectable party, they are deluding themselves. This is who they are, and you have a stochastic domestic terrorist in Donald Trump out here about to stoke violence again....”
Let us reiterate >>> "... The time has come to push back, and push back hard..."
Friday, March 17, 2023
The Biden Biden Family Corruption Watch: Hunter Biden's PR and legal team decided that he needed to blink --- so he did in a couple of ways that ain't so good for Joe Biden and his White House team trying to keep a lid on things
President's son makes a major public admission about getting large funds from China and giving them out to various members of the Biden Family
Yesterday, after years of shifting evasions and outright denials , Hunter Biden now admits and tries to justify some of the facts of the Biden family’s multi-million dollar dealings with Chinese "business entities" closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party --- simultaneously Hunter Biden's lawyers filed a suit against the "Hunter Biden laptop" repair shop owner, citing an invasion of Hunter Biden's privacy and other matters
This boiling over in the action(s) and reaction(s) between Hunter Biden and computer shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac, escalates the legal battles surrounding Hunter Biden, and it very much complicates the White House PR efforts to keep the whole Hunter Biden-Chinese Busines dealings mess under control at a very sensitive time for President Joe Biden and his presidency
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Alternative view of J6 "Riot" --- "Invasion of the Capitol" --- later called an "Insurrection": It was a "false flag operation" aided and abetted by paid government operatives and provocateurs ---OR --- Why the Dems and the Deep State had to have their J6 '"Emergency Joint Session of Congress" to complete the 2020-2021 election theft.....
Purpose of the entire J6 "enterprise" was to dispense with the regular order of business for the certification of the results of the vote of the Electoral College --- and switch to "Emergency Rules" so as to avoid any debate on motions by the Congressional Members to the legitimacy of the vote of the Electoral College due to the wrongful selection of electors from several disputed states
There was a substantial institutional motive for "government operators" to create a J6 crisis, which would permit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to trigger an "emergency session" for the proceedings scheduled for January 6, 2021. And the purpose of all of it was to avoid further legal challenges to the certification of the 2020 election of Joe Biden.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Lest we forget --- the way some have done for fun and profit.....
Show of hands --- who among Brooklyn Republicans believes that the City Councilman elected as a Democrat, Ari Kagan's, conversion on the Road to Damascus is real ?
--- Who thinks it is rank opportunism by the former Democrat District Leader ???
--- Who thinks it was a move made in desperation by a notorious Democrat desperado, who was a top staffer to Mark Treyger before being elected as Treyger's Democrat successor on the City Council ?????
To help you answer --- here is a picture of Ari Kagan not so long ago >>> TOGETHER WITH JUSTIN BRANNAN --- while BOTH WERE SUPPORTING ANDREW GOUNARDES for the NY State Senate <<<
Yes, and don't forget that there was the time --- again, not so long ago --- when Ari Kagan was such a strong supporter of the movement to "defund the police" that he openly recounted and defended his part in the budget process which moved NYPD funds to another NYC department --- and he even felt so strongly about it, he bragged about having done so during both his Democrat Primary and General Election campaigns during 2021, when he was elected to be the City Councilman for the 47th Council District as a Democrat
Monday, March 13, 2023
WOW !!! >>> BREAKING NEWS <<< Democrats and woke media --- in what seems to be a major orchestrated VOLTE FACE --- now appear to be trying to change their anti-Tucker Carlson strategy into one that is telling everybody --- "CARLSON'S J6 SECURITY VIDEO AND HIS CONCLUSIONS ABOUT WHAT THE VIDEOS SHOW IS NO BIG DEAL"
What a difference a few days make.... Just like the Comintern under Stalin in the '30s and '40s, the left wing media operation now running the MSM in the USA seems to be turning on a dime on the "party line" about Tucker Carlson and his three nights of revelations about the false narratives that came out of the Democrats' J6 Committee --- using several lengthy segments of the J6 Capitol Security video that had been released to Carlson by the Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy
--->>> After several days of vilifying Tucker Carlson as having done the worst of all things imaginable by his coverage of the J6 Capitol events based upon the newly revealed Capitol security video --- the left is now saying something like "This Tucker Carlson stuff is not really that much of a big deal after all....." <<<---
Maybe it was because the collective left felt that its initial defenses against the Carlson and GOP pushback against their J6 House Select Committee excesses was failing, and they needed something else to help cut their losses.....
Maybe it was because many of the Democrats' and the MSM's former allies and usual supporters in their false J6 narratives, along with more casual followers, were suddenly skeptical or even openly critical.....
Perhaps the most notable of those openly critical former allies was the iconic leftist feminist Naomi Wolf, whose self-published article in "Substack" late last week, defended and praised Tucker Carlson for his disclosures --- and she even compared Carlson's brave reporting and commentary to the heroic and historic anti-Vietnam War revelations of Daniel Ellsberg to the New York Times and the world.....
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Kagan's Bay Ridge fund raiser really LOOKS like a flop by most standards -- but pretty successful for something done by Liam McCabe and Brian Fox
What is that they say about BAD FIRST IMPRESSIONS ???
--- Well, you can surely say it about Ari Kagan and his recent political forray into Bay Ridge for some cash support from the Fox and McCabe "crowd" --- and a very very few other "Republicans"
You don't have to just believe what we say here at this independent GOP blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island >>> here it is as Ari posted it on his own campaign social media:
"Ari Kagan@AriKagan47·Mar 10... Thank you, Verrazzano Republicans, @BrianFox4NYC, @BkLiam, @JEM_NYC,
@RayDenaro,@mi34779646 & many others, for joining my team & working hard to deliver our common victory on Republican Primary Day, June 27th, and General Election on November 7th! 2/2 [sic]... [with photos depicted below]"
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words --- well here are a few of them as provided by Ari, himself:
UH-OH !!!!!
At any rate,, that would have made >>> about 8000 words of bad news by our count [see it for yourslf at Ari's campaign Twitter site at Ari Kagan@AriKagan47]..... By all counts, in all eight pix there were fewer than twenty-five (25) different people shown to be in the house, and that included Ari and about ten (10) folks from Liam's and Brian's entourage of "usual suspects".....
We just can't wait to see the dislosure of the haul from this extravaganza on Ari's filings, we only hope that it doesn't crash the NYC CFB computers when it's entered.....