Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Modern Day Lepers

The Brooklyn GOP and it's so called "allies" in the local Conservative Party are nothing but political lepers

All their events are conducted in the leper colony, attended by lepers  ---  and even the healthiest newcomer participants are quickly infected with the disease

So, it's not really fair to single out the latest casualty, Brian Fox, the City Council candidate chosen by the team to "take one for the team"

It is pointless to expect any kind of winning campaign on behalf of any candidate that will do all that is  necessary to get the support of the NYS Conservative Party  ---  especially in Brooklyn, even in the once-upon-a-time GOP stronghold of Bay Ridge.  

The real problem with that crowd is that they can't add  ---  they can only subtract.  And when the math doesn't work they resort to magical thinking to make it sound like it will next time.  And that's what a candidate like Brian Fox is stuck with from the start.

It's time for somebody in the Brooklyn GOP to say something really revolutionary  ---  and it needs to be about the so-called alliance with the Conservative Party.....


Anonymous said...

Gerry Kassar always gets the last laugh. He destroyed the Kings County Republican Party

Anonymous said...

Why does this blog talk so much about Brian Fox and so little about Mark Szuszkiewicz? As a short follow up question, does anybody know if Mark Szuszkiewicz is really Richard Luthmann without the cape, shield and sword?

Anonymous said...

Yes gerry destroyed the brooklyn GOP. You should be happy about that.

Anonymous said...

He destroyed the Republican party because they picked his cousin to be chairman. Nicole asked if they should look into replacing him and Gerald stopped speaking to her for a week.

Anonymous said...

Fox fundraising goals are being met as nobody has gained matching funds yet for the November election. The momentum in the street will double after the June 22nd contest.

Anonymous said...

Gail, maybe you stumbled onto something by accident, but instead you screwed the pooch instead, as usual. The Brooklyn Republican Party isn't sick because everybody in it is a leper, it's sick because nobody in the party is a schlepper; and without any schleppers, there ain't nobody to do the schlepping. But, Gail since you like the sound of your own voice a lot, you can use both our words. Just agree with me that Justin Brannan's schleppers are going to beat Fox and the lepers by a lot this year; and deep six all the Kassar conspiracy stuff, because nobody cares about whether it's true or not.

Anonymous said...

Boss Brennan can't be beat

Anonymous said...

Leprosy !! They should have had a mask. My cousin had a brain tumor. He didn't wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

Dr Fauci says there are no Lepers.

Anonymous said...

Is Dr Fauci the guy from the 49th?