Monday, October 5, 2020

Joe Biden is unfit to lead the USA as President --- He clearly has stated that it's NOT HE, but it's OTHERS who will lead this country

Biden says unequivocally that he will always do what the "experts" tell him.....

Just think about how many "experts" surround a President of the United States !!!!!   Nobody elected them;  most people don't even know who any of those "experts" are;  most of them are part of THE SWAMP that President Trump has pushed back against for the last three and a half years

Keep your eye on Biden  to see if he tries to walk this back.....


Anonymous said...

Is it too late to draft John Francis Quaglione for President?

Anonymous said...

The "experts" around Trump are all infected. And those super spreader rallies in Wisconsin have infected a swing state. But the ventilator makers are real pleased so it all works out.

Anonymous said...

Gale would you have gone to a Trump Rally this summer?

Anonymous said...

Nicole was outstanding tonight on Fox news.

Anonymous said...

President Trump realized he needed to keep working. And he needed the stadiums packed with supporters like ignorant sheep being herded into a slaughter.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Trump almost has gotten it right. It isn't just the President's being presidential and saying don't be afraid of the COVID-19 "pandemic" --- that's only part of what he needs to say.

Trump needs to place the blame where it really belongs >>> on the medical experts that have been behind the power curve of COVID-19 from day one up until today. It's the American healthcare professionals that have been there for almost every one of the 210,000+ deaths here in America --- and they have stoked both the mass hysteria and the mask hysteria.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden at the Gettysburg Battlefield transmogrified the Lincoln Gettysburg Address by throwing in lines from Lincoln's 'House-divided' speech. It was the announcement of that aspect of the Lincoln's radical agenda in the "House-divided" speech that directly led to the civil war upon Lincoln's election as President. Today's speech by Biden, attacking America's white people as the cause of 2020's violence, sowed the seeds of a civil war in America for 2021, 2022, 2023 and possibly longer if he is elected president.