NONE !!! He goes around pretending to be a legitimate NYS Assembly Member --- he is not....
The lawbreaker's name is Lester Chang --- in 2022 he was unlawfully selected to be the Brooklyn GOP candidate in the 49th Assembly District, and he was unlawfully placed on the ballot as such by a cabal led by non-Republicans Jerry Kassar and Fran Vella-Marrone, and R.I.N.O. County Chairman Ted Ghorra --- and their sole reason for selecting the long-time, well-documented Manhattanite was that he had a pulse, and he fit an ethnic and racial profile >>> in short, he was a living and breathing Chinese person.....
In 2023, a lawfully constituted investigative committee of the NYS Assembly determined that Lester Chang did not have a lawful residence in Brooklyn --- and thus, he had no legal right to run for and/or be elected as the Member of the Assembly from the 49th Assembly District
And here is the final proof that Lester Chang isn't even a real Republican --- he enjoys eating out with Fran Vella-Marrone, the Brookyn Conservative "Chairwoman".....
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Fran doesn't ever get any happier than this; but Lester looks like he's smiling the smile of one of Arthur Henry "Sarsfield" Ward's most notorious villains*..... |
And what does Lester have to say about this pic posted on both Lester Chang's and the Conservative Party's Meta-FB pages ?????
"Lester Chang... Fridany, May 5, 2023 at 11:03 PM... Just had an amazing dinner at Cavatappi NYC in Dyker Heights with the Chairwoman of the Brooklyn Conservative Party, Fran Vella-Marrone...."
Although that doesn't sound like much; always remember that old Chinese saying >>> "One picture worth one thousand words".....
*Arthur Henry "Sarsfield" Ward's most notorious villian is more readily identified with AH"S"W's pen name as the author of mysteries containing fiendish plots and maccabre murders, Sax Rohmer.
Lester Chang goes around pretending that he knows stuff about the U.S. Navy.
He recently posted that the "USS Cooperstown" is "a powerful US Navy littoral combat ship... ready to defend our nation..."
What this former naval reserve and NYS naval militiaman Lester Chang doesn't seem to know is that litteral combat type ships (LCS) are the wrong kind of ship for the doctrinal, strategic, and tactical needs of today's Navy. The LCS-type ships are not very powerful at all, they can't survive or do much combat in high intesity conflict areas, and most of the Navy calls both the LCS-types now in service "little crappy ships," but especially the ones like the "USS Cooperstown," which are repeatedly breaking down at sea. Theses LCS-type ships are so bad that almost all of those working in the Navy corridors at the Pentagon want the whole LCS class of ships done away with ASAP, even as the Chinese fleet and naval power grows constantly.
Has Lester proved his residency yet or is he still commuting every day to the Lower East side of Manahttan ?
Lester Chang proved he won and Abbate lost. Thats all that matters.
Wait until November when everyone in Dyker Heights wakes up and realizes they are represented by a Socialist thanks to Fran and Jerry
1045, that is completely and absolutely false. All Lester Chang "proved" is that he is a liar, a cheat, and a lawbreaker who will try anything to say that he is an Assemblyman.
The only reason that Chang is allowed to sit in the Assembly is that NYS Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie has and continues to let Chang be there, it even though a lawfully empanelled Assembly investigative committee determined that Lester Chang had no right to be seated in the Assembly in 2023 based on his unlawful nomination and election during 2022.
Heastie made his decision based on some quick political calcutations. Lester Chang's being at his small lonely desk in the well of the Assembly means next to nothing that has any effect on Heastie or Heastie's agenda. Anything like refusing to allow Chang to sit as a Member of the Assembly that might have resulted in an old white guy like Peter Abbate returning to the Assembly was not something that Heastie saw as being in Heastie's interest. And long run, Heastie and most Democrat leaders believe that Lester Chang won't be able to hold onto the 49th AD seat as a candidate on the Conservative and Republican Party in 2024.
Chang spent 11k and beat Abbate who spent 300k. Get used to Assemblyman Chang. He outsmarted everyone.
Chang couldn't outsmart a well-oiled drunk, almost unconscious on the subway, and feeling all comfy and warm 'cause he just took a piss.
Lester Chang had to evacuate his Lower East Side apartment because it was near the parking garage that collapsed. He is sleeping on Vito's pull out couch on Ridge Bolevard
721, pure fake news nonsense! The garage that collapsed was on Ann Street very close to one of my regular haunts in the day, the Beekman Pub.
Lester Chang's stabilized apartment at 19 Cleveland Place isn't very near the spot of the collapsed garage at all. His real address is well north of there and well north of Canal Street, as well; and actually it is about three or four blocks north from where the old Police Headquarters building is at 240 Centre Street. In fact, Centre Street turns into Cleveland Place at Kenmare Street which is the corner just to the south of Chang's house and Lt. Petrosino Square Park.
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