Thursday, November 8, 2012

According to Colin Campbell, “Bob Turner Is Done With the Whole Politics Thing” — According to Bob Turner, "I'm very disappointed, but the country has changed, its demographics, its values, but I'm part of the old guard.... I think it's a really sad day."

In a moment of weakness, U.S. Congressman Bob Turner (R-C, Bklyn-Queens) made some very real statements that are just so wrong in so many ways.   —   It’s yet another example of somebody who’s been endorsed by Brooklyn GOP Chairman Craig Eaton ( in Turner’s case, twice in a year ) coming up short

Bob Turner lost his home, has been under a lot of strain lately and everything he seemed  to care about politically went down the drain on Tuesday, so maybe I should cut the man some slack.  The reason that I can’t is that he is still a sitting U.S. Congressman, sworn to uphold, support and defend, and representing a district part of which is in my home borough. So what does Congressman Turner say he is going to do about all of that ?  “One of [the] things is going to be not to be in politics...."   That’s it !

As recently as the late spring and through this summer, Turner had also been endorsed and was strongly supported by Kings County Republican Leader Craig Eaton to be the GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate instead of Wendy Long. That made two endorsements of  Turner by Eaton in just over one year  —  what a judge of talent and character  —   “...very disappointed...the country has changed, its demographics...I’m part of the old guard....”  Only a few months later, and it seems like Congressman Turner is a disappointed and broken man, leaving the political scene and complaining ominously about what his country has become.

Another T.S. Eliot  “...Prufrock” ending for one of Eaton’s guys.


Anonymous said...

Obama haters suffered divine justice and should off to Argentina where Croatian and Arab Nazis mete out homeland "security"

Galewyn Massey said...


Well, thanks for sharing, but isn't that a little harsh? Besides, if it was "divine justice" it was suffered far and wide, including by all lot of those among us not as Obama-challenged as Bob Turner probably is.

Maybe, Congressman Turner was a little overwrought because of losing his house and all.

"Argentina"? "Croatian and Arab Nazis"? "Mete out 'homeland security'" ? What's up with that? I don't think we're there yet, or did I miss something ?