Thursday, September 1, 2022

Biden's "Soul of a Nation" is brought to you by the same folks that brought you D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation" --- plantation-minded Democrats


Biden just can't seem to get away from his "soul" as an adopted son of the South  ---  and being the President from the once-upon-a-time "Slave State" of Delaware  >>>  no matter how hard the mainstream media tries to spin it

Even as a candidate for national office during the Twenty-first Century, Biden thought it was fair game to mention to black folks that they could be "put back in chains" if they didn't vote correctly  ---  or eight years later, if you weren't voting for Biden in 2020, "You ain't Black".....

It's interesting that even Joe Biden's telling of the "Corn Pop" story comes down to a description of a virtuous young white man with a chain taking on a big villainous black guy with a rusty blade ---  and the black guy's backing down to Biden

D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation" was repeatedly screened at the White House by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson in the early years of the Twentieth Century  ---  the Griffith film and other Woodrow Wilson initiatives fostered both an anti-black and anti-immigrant xenophobia, which was manifest among other things by the rise of a very virulent and widespread new Twentieth Century Ku-Klux-Klan  

President Biden has been speaking in increasingly dire terms about threats to American democracy, even going so far as to describe some Republicans as "semi-fascist." Tonight, Biden is going to deliver an obvious political speech in prime time from Independence Park in Philadelphia about the so-called "battle for the soul of the nation".....  This is the kickoff of a two-month campaign that Biden and the Democrats are trying to ride all the way to continued control of both the House and Senate after the 2022 midterm elections.  

The Biden speech comes at a time when a majority of Americans believe that the U.S. democracy is in crisis; and recent polls are showing that over 40% of Americans think a civil war during the next decade is either "likely"  ---  or at least "somewhat likely"; and well over 60% of Americans believe our democratic institutions are collapsing.
Recently, Biden renewed his veiled threat to use  F-15s and nuclear weapons against any domestic uprising up against his government; but for now, the White House is saying that tonight Biden only plans to argue that core values of the nation are at stake, and outlining what rights and freedoms are under attack – such as access to abortion and reproductive health services, which have been limited in many states since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade earlier this year.


Anonymous said...

America. Love it or leave it.

Galewyn Massey said...



Last night, the very questionably elected usurper president, Joe Biden, delivered a very inflammatory political speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia with U, S, Marines arrayed behind him.

During his address, he described “MAGA Republicans” as enemies of democracy. And, while portraying his political opponents as violent extremists, Biden said: “There are public figures today, yesterday, and the day before, predicting and all but calling for mass violence and rioting in the streets.”

All of this from the same cranky old coot with a well-documented crack in his brain that has now TWICE threatened Americans with F-15s and nukes, if they chose to arm themselves under the U.S. Constitutional guarantee that allows them to defend themselves by bearing arms.

Anonymous said...

hey 9:56.

A bird in the hand is worth more than two in your bush.

Anonymous said...

The Presidents message was clear. The choice is democacy or Trump.

Anonymous said...

Rule by Democrats is sham-ocracy; Biden is now its sham in chief.

The sooner that Trump-aligned MAGA Republicans regain power, the sooner that Trump's MAGA populist rule can be restored as the chief executive of the government and populist leader of the people.

The first to go in the necessary MAGA purge of GOP RINOs in 2023 is Mitch McConnell.

Anonymous said...

I get confused. Is it Chuck McConnell or Mitch Schumer?

Anonymous said...

It's all a very trans-non-binary thing... but I think it's more something like "Mitchy-Chucky-McConnell-Schumer-Batman-Robin-Carlos-Danger-Weiner-Wagger [or was it 'Wrangler'?]-Turtle-Tugger"...

Anonymous said...

Schumer is 'All hat and no turtle'; and McConnell is 'All turtle and no hat'

Anonymous said...

Brian Fox preparing a big campaign speech. Plans to address the entire neighborhood next week. Theme will be "Soul of a Moron". I'm told agoraphobic John Quaglione is helping craft it

Anonymous said...

John Quaglione doesn't make a move without Vinny Lavien say so