Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Trump accuses Biden of taking the U.S. into a full scale thermonuclear war with Russia --- by escalating things withthe sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines
What would Biden do if Russia or China were to invade or occupy Attu & Kiska ???
Another U.S. border area threatened..... this time far to the North and Far West (or is that Far East)
Large Russian and Chinese naval forces are jointly and severally "patrolling" in U.S. territorial waters and very close to U.S. soil --- and they are just being watched, but are virtually unopposed
Only U.S. counter-activities are >>> a lone Coast Guard cutter, WMSL 756 "Kimball" --- that is greatly outgunned and technically a civilian law enforcement and navigation vessel of the Department of Transportation --- on the surface <<< >>> assisted by a single long range Coast Guard HC 130 patrol plane --- that is essentially a lumbering cargo plane and quite vulnerable <<<
As usual the response by the Biden regime has been somewhere between timidly diffident and absolutely silent.
Brian Fox thinks that he is hitching his wagon to a star --- but it is really one big black hole --- that never meant anything to anybody
We're talkin' here about Fran Vella-Marrone's longtime puppet community group >>> The Dyker Heights Civic Association --- that precious little thing, which has been Fran's sock puppet --- just like "Lamb Chop" was to Shari Lewis
Here's Brian Fox's latest FB posting on his campaign page:
"Brian Fox for NYS Senate.... Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:42PM... I have officially sent my response to the Dyker Heights Civic Association about their invitation for myself and State Senator Andrew Gounardes to respectfully debate each other. Unfortunately we have seen tragedy after tragedy in our community, our City, and our State and it’s important we give the members of the 26th Senate District the opportunity to listen to both sides. With everything being said, I accept the Dyker Heights Civic Association invitation to appear and participate in this year’s candidate’s debate on October 11, 2022 at 7:30pm. See everyone there!..."
WHAT A MAROON !!! Doesn't Brian Fox know that almost all of Dyker Heights is not in the state senate district where he is running ???
If Andy Gounardes is serious about his re-rlection to the state senate, he should give Fran Vella-Marrone and the Dyker Civic crowd the cold shoulder on this debate nonsense. The whole thing will be a partisan ambush.
Maybe, some prefunctory and thoroughly transparent excuse might even be better --- in order to show the absolute disdain that Fran Vella-Marrone's phony community group truly deserves.
Monday, September 26, 2022
The apparent victory of Georgia Meloni and her Fratelli d'Italia Party is probably a good sign for MAGA Republicans here in the USA
In a rather clear pushback against left-wing policies throughout the EU, the right-wing populist and nationalist Fratelli d'Italia has swept to a large lead in the election held yesterday in Italy --- and a governing coalition of newly-elected conservative and rightist members of that country's legislature will be forming the most right leaning and nationalist government in Italy since the fall of the Fascists from power during WW II, almost eighty years ago
After the chaos in the wake of the most recent brief but significant lurch leftward behind authoritarian governments throughout the EU, rightist populists have made significant gains throughout the EU, even in some of what had been Europe's most progressive democracies, like Sweden
Similar trends are also appearing throughout the USA, with MAGA Republicans poised to regain power in the upcoming elections of 2022 and 2024 --- and --- Trump's recent apparent embrace of QAnon, with several recent symbolic QAnon quotes by Trump and open QAnon gestures at Trump's rallies, and the promise of pardons to those that are prosecuted for their parts in the events of January 6th, demonstrating that he sees the alt-right as an inviting and promising political path, or as a source of useful open and notorious allies going forward
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Biden's Nazi-like regime is using the FBI like his Gestapo and anti-opposition Brown Shirt Storm Troopers
The latest outrage is a midnight armed raid on a pro-life Catholic activist on phony federal charges associated with an abortion clinic protest
An FBI SWAT team did a heavily armed night raid at the home of a Catholic pro-life activist targetted by a local TV station in an inaccurate TV repori about a confrontation at a local abortion clinic while his screaming infant children looked on
The FBI's first response to the arrested man's wife and the mother of the crying children waken from their sleep in their beds at their home was >>> "We don't need a warrant."
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Is Matt Drudge alive or dead ??? Or is he locked in some cell chained to a wall in Fortress Monroe, Virginia
Media icon, Matt Drudge --- has not been heard from since 2019 --- when his "Drudge Report," unexpectedly and without explanation >>> turned against President Donald Trump
For quite some time now, there has been ample evidence and reason to believe Matt Drudge is no longer playing any role in the production and delivery of the "Drudge Report" to its various outlets
Many are asking why no one has heard from Matt Drudge since 2019
--- Is it reasonable that nobody says that they have heard from him?
--- Does it concern anybody that >>> with all that has happened in America and to America since 2019 <<< that nobody in the media is even a little bit suspicious ?
Observers tie Drudge disappearance in 2019 to the mysterious death of Andrew Breitbart in 2012
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Separated at birth --- these guys could be brothers
Fetterman --- Fox
Fox --- Fetterman
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
A federal appeals court, which has appropriate jurisdiction over the U.S. Congress when it resorts to judicial enforcement of its subpoenas, has specifically reversed a lower federal court ruling that had ordered the Republican National Committee to comply with a subpoena issued by the House's January 6th Committee
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals admonished the Democrat-led investigation for vacillating on key issues related to the subpoena in question --- and --- that the Court had been prevented from reaching the "important and unsettled constitutional questions" about whether the January 6th Committee had been lawfully constituted, because the House Committee had withdrawn its subpoena during the pendancy of the appeal
".... Because the Committee caused the mootness and thereby deprived us of the ability to review the district court’s decision, and given the important and unsettled constitutional questions that the appeal would have presented, we vacate the district court's judgment.... The Committee has taken various positions on whether and when it needs the subpoenaed RNC documents [citing a history of urgent requests followed by delay and then eventually withdrawal of the subpoena]...."
More Daily News ! Daily Blues !!! --- This time it's along with the New York Post --- And it's all about John Haggerty
John Haggerty has had very close personal dealings with a few of the people >>> whose names are routinely mentioned on this blog
Haggerty is also one of the few people that probably knows where most of the bodies are buried wrt both the NYS GOP and NYS Conservative Party
Haggerty has had the real life experience of having been in jail for a while, and really knows how important it is for a guy like him not to go back for a longer stretch
And right now >>> all of that is what makes John Haggerty --- THE MOST IMPORTANT REPUBLICAN-CONSERVATIVE OPERATIVE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK
In other words, Kathy Hochul's favorite prosecutor, Albany DA David Soares, is in a position to pull on the one string that might unravel both the NYS Republican and Conservative Parties for quite a while --- at a time when it was beginning to look like solid Democrat Blue New York State might temporarily have been swinging a little Purple >>> in the 2022 "Red Wave" that is still coming to most places across the U.S.A., including the Empire State
But >>> this just isn't about 2022 --- it's about 2022, 2024, and beyond <<<
This could be
>>> the BIG KAHUNA <<<
>>> In NYS politics <<<
>>> for a very long time <<<
John Haggerty was a smart kid, and now he has the wisdom borne of some very significant life experience. John Haggerty knows that it is time to make the best deal that he can >>> and that deal needs to be better than getting to keep most of a million dollars (and without a doubt, some other undisclosed sweeteners) in exchange for mums-the-word about Mayor Bloomberg and Haggerty doing about a year in jail.
..... And to make things even a little more interesting --- HAGGERTY also has a TRUMP connection.....
Monday, September 19, 2022
Daily News --- Daily Blues --- front page --- Vito LaBella campaign blows up like the Hindenburg
Vito LaBella's view of his campaign for State Senate back in Brooklyn, as seen from his Cape Cod Estate --- and as reported in the Daily News
Jessica Proud responds to frontpage bombshell >>> "At least Vito LaBella doesn't live on Martha's Vineyard".....
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Civil War by other means.....
Maybe, Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is challenging President Biden to use his F-15s to shoot down the jets Florida is paying-for to transport undocumented migrants from Texas to Massachussetts !!! --- More likely, the DeSantis tactic is intended to accomplish something far less dramatic
Democrats are whistling past their own political graveyards --- trying to dismiss it all as mere publicity stunts by a couple of GOP governors --- On the other hand, the very same kinds of tactics could be the stuff of a counter-coup or counter-revolution --- some might even describe it as "civil war by other means"
Let's see what Republican Governors like DeSantis, Abbott and Ducey do next to emharrass the Biden regime in Washington over the problems caused by the Biden policies along the U.S. Southern Border
Republican Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas ignited a firestorm in the last few days with their latest gambits >>> transporting undocumented migrants from the Southern border of the U.S. to Northern Democrat "Sanctuary Areas" — the one by DeSantis via planes to Martha's Vinyard, Massachusetts, and the other by Abbott via buses to Vice President Harris' residence in D.C.
Back to the future of possiblities >>> Since California's Governor Newsome has decided to put his two cents in about what the Republican governors have been doing, it's probably time for the GOP governors of Texas, Florida, and Arizona to do some California mischief, and hang some of the albatross of the illegal immigration mess onto the exposed necks of Democrat leaders in strongholds deeper into California's more progressive Democrat areas than that state's Southern border areas --- like let's say >>> sending a big package of love and caring to the San Francisco-Oakland area in the form of about a thousand new migrants from the Southern border of the U.S.A. --- After all, why should folks like Nancy Pelosi miss out on all the fun.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Where were you when you heard.....
..... that Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis had transported a hoard of those ikky "illegals" to Martha's Vinyard
..... that the biggest violation of sovereign airspace anywhere in the USA since 9/11 had just occurred...
..... that, to some, the most efficient use of air power in history --- had displaced the B-29 demonstration missions to Hiroshima and Nagasaki from first to second in that category
..... that, to many, this use and abuse of virtually imprisoned human beings** would be seen as akin to the Nazi Holocaust
..... that even the main stream media would finally perceive this aspect of the unlawful border-crossers phenomenon to be significant, and possibly a very negative thing
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Every day and in every way, Brian Fox proves that he is less and less serious about his run for the State Senate seat held by Andrew Gounardes
Yesterday Brian Fox posted this on his campaign FB page:
"Brian Fox for City Council... Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 9:01 AM... Hey #parkslope, please note that my opponent shares the same agenda and ideology as Frm. Mayor Deblasio making State Senator Andrew Gounardes an extension of DeBlasio. Considering that you've rejected Deblasio as a candidate for Congress, it's clear that you need to make the same decision this November, to reject Andrew Gounardes for New York State Senate.... OUR SAFETY DEPENDS ON IT! "
It included this photo:

There are several problems with this FB posting by Fox:
1. Park Slope is not the only neighborhood in the northern part of the State Senate District where Brian Fox is running against Andrew Gounardes that shares EDs with the Congressional District where Bill de Blasio lost a primary
2. Fox said, "... my opponent shares the same agenda and ideology as Frm. Mayor Deblasio [sic] making State Senator Andrew Gounardes an extension of DeBlasio [sic]...." --- apart from misspelling the former mayor's name two different ways, Fox does not identify or explain a single item or idea shared by Gounardes and de Blasio --- much less the whole of their shared agenda and ideology....
3. By continuing to use his "Brian Fox for City Council..." account on FaceBook, Fox is only confusing potential voters that might bizarrely be intersted in voting for him
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Whistleblower releases Capitol Police memos about January 6, 2022
Despite detailed intelligence coming into the Capitol Police, that particular police force's final instructions to its front line officers made no mention of the specific intelligence containing material that should have been forwarded in warnings to all relevant units in the preceeding weeks and final days leading up to the joint sesssion of Congress to certify the 2020 elction results.
For example, the Capitol Police Department's Jan. 5, 2021 Civil Disturbance Unit's plan for crowd and riot control contained this inexplicably toothless threat assessment --- "At this time there are no specific known threats related to the Joint Session of Congress - Electoral College Vote Certification."
As soon as Democrats look like they are wrapping up their mostly partisan anti-Trump Jan. 6 probe, House Republicans are prepared to release a wealth of evidence they have gathered showing intelligence and planning failures by the various police forces involved; along with the first evidence of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's contacts with the security apparatus in the time before and up to the immediacy of the January 6th riot at the Capitol
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Brian Fox said one true thing at his fund raiser last week --- as in --- when I started running in 2021 people didn't know anything about me
Guess what, Brian..... they still don't.....
Fox's 2021 campaign & the election for NY City Council came and went --- and Fox's 2022 campaign for state senate is entering its final stages --- and the voters of Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bath Beach and Sunset Park still know nothing about him [in the north end of the district they know all that they need to about Brian Fox >>> he is running on the GOP and Conservative Party lines]
After almost two whole years of campaigning and building his support with "organic growth" --- Brian Fox hasn't given out any reliable basic biographical, academic, and employment or other business information about himself
More important than that, Brian Fox holds himself out as a pro-law & order, pro-police kind of guy >>> but he has not cleared up why he has such a complicated criminal court record in New Jersey --- with multiple warrants, arrests, seizures, protective orders and court appearances
We don't know if "Brian Fox" was even this lug's name at birth, or why Brian Fox says somebody --- named "Rundell" on their own social media --- are his parents
Brian Fox has been keeping a lid on all this stuff for a long time --- there has to be a reason for that.....
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Brian Fox praises an event that was a horrible moral failure by his lords and masters in the Conservative Party --- and a visual fiasco for all involved
Brian Fox said a little while ago that >>> "Tonight’s 9/11 memorial sponsored by the Dyker Heights Civic Association and Verrazzano Republicans was a beautiful and solemn event. Most of us can remember exactly where we were when that first plane hit the twin towers. Some of us have very personal memories of family or friends impacted by the attacks...."
If Fox were an honest reporter of the event at McKinley Park on September 10th, not 9/11, he would have completed his description by saying >>> Most of those here tonight are now contributing to and participating in the chaos and destruction caused by the 9/11 attackers by bringing disharmony, confusion, and partisan division into our community observances of 9/11
The photos posted by Fox himself are proof enough that the 9/10 event at McKinley Park was neither beautiful nor solemn --- it was a sparsely attended, highly partisan fiasco, with little real organization, that only diminished this year's observances of/on 9/11 by responsible non-partisan patriots and business sponsors in/for Bay Ridge and surrounding communities.....

Saturday, September 10, 2022
The DOJ can't seem to get out of its own way with its allegations about this Mar-a-Lago stuff --- first they say it's there --- then it's not --- "But let us look some more at what we got....."
In its latest filing with the court, the DOJ admits that it might be looking for documents that just aren't there [and possibly never were] --- but somehow they think that a prosecution team might find them if they were to be allowed to keep looking through what they do have from their seizure at Mar-a-Lago over one month ago
Here's what Biden's DOJ wants Judge Cannon to do --- let the FBI-DOJ investigators keep looking through the stuff that they took from Mar-a-Lago --- before a Special Master is named and conducts a review of the seized material --- even though Judge Cannon has already allowed Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and her office to continue conducting its full review of the classified material already seized
They also want Judge Cannon to unseal what the DOJ says it has done to protect former President Trump from any improper scrutiny of certain privileged documents --- so the public has a balanced view, instead of the Trump team's unfair portrayal of what the FBI & DOJ have done
Friday, September 9, 2022
This about Brian Fox's fund raiser --- so you can get the full intended effect.....
"Brian Fox for City Council... Friday, September 9, 2022 at 8:48 AM... Tonight's [sic] Save Brooklyn Fundraiser was a great... success, thank you to Frm. State Senator Marty Golden for coming by, showing support, and speaking on the issues that matter in this community. Thank you to #TeamFox for helping out and setting up this great fundraiser. Lastly, thank you to my supporters for coming and supporting our campaign. On November 8th this beloved community is going to be giving back to you!..."
Fox included five pictures of the event that showed a total of seven attendees (and that included the aforementioned Marty Golden --- and multiple shots of Brian Fox himself --- our favorite was one with a nice big plate of food and a side of a pile of campaign flyers, all for him to eat).
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Competing 9/11 memorials show that some Bay Ridge Republicans and Conservatives are sore losers --- and they just don't get what it's all about.....
Here's the proof:
Brian Fox for City Council... Wednesday, September 7, 2022... I'm proud to announce that Verrazzano Republicans will be Hosting the 9/11 Candle Light Vigil alongside our sponsor Dyker Heights Civic Association. Please attend and see additional information below.
It was accompnied by this display ad:

Somebody needs to tell Brian Fox and the rest of these chuckleheads that September 10th is not the anniversary of anything particularly significant
Meanwhile the official >>> BAY RIDGE COMMUNITY VIGIL <<< WILL HONOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 at the American Veterans Memorial Pier in Bay Ridge at 69th Street; and it will be held on 9/11
[From a release] BROOKLYN, NY | September 2, 2021 -- To commemorate the upcoming 20th anniversary of September 11th, NIA Community Services Network are holding the longstanding a community vigil at American Veterans Memorial Pier in Bay Ridge.
The event, which has been held annually at that location, is open to all and will take place on Sunday, 9/11 at 7pm. Investors Bank and NYC Ferry are corporate sponsors. The 9/11 Vigil is an important annual tradition to NIA and the people in Bay Ridge and nearby communities.
In a joint statement, NIA President Michael A. Bové and CEO Mary Anne Cino said that --- “By uniting as a community, we have the ability to bring messages of hope, healing, and reflection to all.”
According to NIA President Michael A. Bové and CEO Mary Anne Cino' remarks --- so many from Bay Ridge and the surrounding communities have been personally affected by this tragedy, which happened over twenty years ago. On this meaningful anniversary and at this meaningful location, we will honor our heroes, all those we lost, and remember the resilience of all New Yorkers....
The vigil at the American Veterans Memorial Pier will include performances from Xaverian High School, Fort Hamilton High School, Boy Scout Troops 13, and the Holy Cross Girl Scout Troop. Attendees will be given candles and participate in a moment of silence for victims as their names are shown on screens. Weather permitting,the Tribute in Light public art installation, which illuminates the New York City skyline on 9/11 with twin beams of light projected from Ground Zero, will be visible from the pier.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Next shoe to drop --- entire Mar-a-Lago warrant might be vacated --- all "poison tree" evidence suppressed --- due to permeation of investigation by unlawful governmental acts
The warrant to search former President Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago may be thrown out entirely in court, according to a former high FBI official
The Biden Administration's investigations of Trump are not only in danger of being slowed down --- they might soon face a virtual shut down by the courts
The DOJ needs to be concerned about this: its search warrant itself was initially overly broad, because the scope of items that the FBI & DOJ were looking into extended to every single document generated during the Trump administration..... That certainly seems too be an inexcusably overbroad and unconstitutional fishing expedition. The physical descriptions of items and the locations of items was imprecise, and instructions to seize all adjoining boxes was also lacking requisite descriptive specificity.
In addition, it is now clear that the FBI collected much more than they were authorized to collect, even by the terms of the overly broad search warrant that supposedly they were executing.
Everybody in the DOJ-FBI investigative and prosecution squad need to be concerned going forward that the Mar-a-Lago search warrant could be suppressed at any time for the of reasons mentioned above, as wellas whatever else a "Special Master" might uncover. At any moment, the DOJ could even lose all access to anything that was collected subsequent to the search as a "fruit of the poisonous tree".....
Hillary Clinton says that President Donald Trump led a “seditious conspiracy against the government of the United States” --- Is such a thing possible ? --- If so, is it necessarily a crime ??? --- or even a bad thing at all ?????
CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell asked Hillary Clinton --- “What is your takeaway about the January 6 committee and Donald Trump’s actions?”
Clinton responded with this --- “I would not be honest if I didn’t say I think there was a seditious conspiracy against the government of the United States, and that’s a crime.”
O’Donnell then prodded Hillary to say some more --- “Led by Donald Trump ?
Hillary Clinton then said --- “Led by Donald Trump, encouraged by Donald Trump.”
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
It's September 6th --- the day after Labor Day --- Do you know where your state senate candidates and their campaigns are ???
A couple of guys named Fox and LaBella appear to have gone into the Federal Witness Protection Program
Their Facebook pages appear to be frozen, each with a display announcement of an upcoming fund raiser later in September
The Fox campaign team seems to be trying to find more remote corners to distribute Brian Fox's few palm card type pieces of literature at night --- so as not to give too many away at once
This isn't serious campaigning, because these aren't serious campaigns.....
Are Trump & Biden both posturing in advance of their openly calling for civil war by their supporters to defeat the nation's internal enemies ???
Joe Biden has twice mentioned that any citizen uprising would fail --- because you'd need F-15s and nukes to be able to defeat the government forces
Now, Donald Trump has twice called for changing the results of the 2020 presidential election, and removing Biden and replacing him with Trump as President
Could it be that either or both of these guys mean what they are saying, and they're heedless of the consequences ???
Monday, September 5, 2022
In a big win for Donald J. Trump --- Federal Court throws major speedbump at the FBI's and DOJ's attempts to use any of the Mar-a-Lago material in any prosecutorial proceeding to get at former President Trump
Earlier today, Federal Judge Aileen Cannon granted the legal team for former President Donald Trump's request for a special master to review the items which the FBI seized from Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago --- and she also halted the Justice Department’s use of any of those items for “investigative purposes”
Judge Cannon will name a special master, who will be tasked to review the items seized by the FBI on August 8th to determine if any are personal items or items subject to claims of either attorney-client privilege or executive privilege
Here's what Judge Cannon ordered:
The judge gave both sides until Sep. 9 to propose lists of candidates for the position of special master.
Media critics had claimed that the Trump legal team’s request for a special master was “too late,” since the DOJ already had the material for weeks. Judge Cannon clearly disagreed, although she did note that certain questions concerning the use and limits of "executive privilege," or the reach and enforcement of the Presidential Records Act would have to be filed and litigated in forums other than hers, most likely in the courts in/ for Washington, DC.
Congressional Democrat says that Trump's speech in Pennsylvania might have been indictable
Says that: President Donald Trump’s criticism of the FBI and calling President Biden a threat to the nation is “potentially” >>> indictable <<< as "incitement".....
During his Saturday rally in Wilkes Barre, Pa., former President Trump said, “... The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters, controlled by radical left scoundrels lawyers and the media who tell them what to do....” among many other things that cast President Joe Biden, Democrats in the Congress, and other parts of the Democrat controlled government in a very bad light
Meanwhile --- Trump's bedrock MAGA-GOP supporters at his Pennsylvania rally were saying >>> we are hearing everything we need to hear --- We want Trump back and we need to make America great again.....
At one point during a Jim Acosta Sunday CNN interview of California Democrat Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, Acosta asked: “You have the former president of the United States calling the current president of the United States an enemy of the state. [What is y]our response?”
Lofgren answered with this: “Well, it’s bizarre. President Biden did caution Americans about extremism in his speech in Philadelphia [on Thursday]. The ex-president is proving his case to call out law enforcement as vicious enemies.”
Acosta then asked, “He did also refer to members of the FBI, the Department of Justice, as vicious monsters…You’ve looked at, along with the committee, Trump’s rhetoric leading up to January 6th. Do you think that kind of rhetoric is more incitement essentially?”
To which Congresswoman Lofgren resonded with this: “Well, potentially yes. In the lead-up to January 6th, there were extravagant claims made meant to inflame public opinion, and that is what is happening here. Although I think it’s meant to turn people against law enforcement officers. And we’ve seen that sometimes that rhetoric reaches people who are prepared to act on it. For example, the fellow who was killed when he tried to attack the FBI agents in Ohio. This is not responsible, and the ex-president ought to stop it. But meanwhile, all of us, Democrats and Republicans, in elected office should call this out. This is not proper behavior.”