Saturday, November 11, 2023

It looks like some of those that say they were close to him and cared about him >>> just want to give Brian Fox the "Deep Six" --- and then move-on in one quick hurry with no questions asked.....


Why is Liam McCabe trying so hard to keep a lid on all things  "BRIAN FOX"   ---   basically, this is all that McCabe wants you to know:  

"Brian Fox, a Republican who twice sought elected office in southern Brooklyn, died November 9, 2023 at age 34....  The Bay Ridge resident died at home in his sleep, according to Liam McCabe...."                          [[[ SIC >>> Clavin Funeral Home inaccurately qouting the Brooklyn Reporter  ---  Brooklyn Reporter gives the date of death as November 8, 2023,  ]]] 


Along with some "Hearts and Flowers" and "Kind Hearts and Coronets"

So many questions.....
Still no answers
from McCabe
   [[[ pictures from one of the many swag obits]]] 

What is inescapable is that Lian McCabe spoke to Brian Fox on Novemeber 8th  ---  possibly a short time before he died.....   Also that Liam does know many more facts about the death of Brian Fox  >>>  AND THE SURROUNDING CIRCUMSTANCES OF FOX'S DEATH THAN HE IS TELLING THE PUBLIC

If you see him at Clavin's today or tomorrow  ---  be sure to ask Liam what he knows but ain't sayin' about Brian and Wednesday, the day after election day.....

If he's a little dodgy, just come out and ask it plain:  "Liam, it was about the money  ---  wasn't it  ???"

And make no mistake,  there's no way that Liam is any kind of a victim here;  Liam creates victims, but he never is one himself.


Galewyn Massey said...


This is very bad news for some in the Brooklyn GOP, the ones that worked with Fox like Ghorra and Barsamian --- the fact is that several real Republican leaders hardly knew Brian Fox at all. However, several political-type folks with their ear to the ground pretty much think this >>> Somebody described as "they" found Fox unresponsive in his apartment on 79 Street; and for many, a heart attack or some kind of drug "misadventure" is assumed (because of what everybody knew beforehand).

Here's where it gets interesting, John Seravalli was spinning the story as much as Liam in the early going. Seravalli supposedly spent the day working the phones calling the press (probably to kill the story completely), and telling key Bay Ridge people the passsing in his sleep story about Brian's sudden death. And all of what Seravalli did was before somebody was told to be sure to notify Fox's parents before the cops.

The real early timeline on this, before and after Brian Fox's unexplained and untimely death will go a long way towards explaining what really happened on Wednesday, and why.

Anonymous said...

Obituaries normally mention surviving kin, friends, and similar folks. Liam's Fox obit doesn't. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Agreed it's odd. No mentions of family, interests, educ, whatnot. As if he just came into being 3+ yrs ago in a Council race and knew only repub 'organizers.'

Anonymous said...

328 & 543, it's almost as if Liam McCabe made up a character named "Brian Fox" with no real biography or personal history to be a candidate in 2021 as part of a matching funds grift.
It should be no surprise now that there is a body found named "Brian Fox," all of Liam's window dressing obit stuff about a "Brian Fox" that never really exisited would seem like all the old fake bio material that Liam pushed about the same synthesized "Rrian Fox" in 2021.

Anonymous said...

This is the second man who ran against Boss Brannan who passed away unexpectedly but Brian Fox is no different than Michael Bistreich and so many others over the past few years. These poor feeble-minded man-children are used and abused like pawns by the Kings County GOP and then thrown away and cast aside like yesterday's newspaper when they are no longer needed. Liam squeezes them dry for their matching fund money and laughs all the way to the bank while the losers are left to pick up the pieces of their devastated lives. I am digusted by it

Anonymous said...

852, the circumstances of both those deaths say little about Brannan, and far more about what is fueling the inane ambitions of NYC conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Quag passed away?

Anonymous said...

Bistrash got $850,000

I wish someone would use me like that.

Anonymous said...

This is the strangest damned thing.

Anonymous said...

1122, one of those former Brannan opponents was a hard-core anything but conservative Democrat, so it's hard to see how "... both those deaths say little about Brannan, and far more about what is fueling the inane ambitions of NYC conservatives...."

Anonymous said...

506, that sad fellow’s political leanings shifted in the breeze to whatever would get him clout. By his lonely end, he was openly collaborating with local right wingers for that pathetic primary bid. There were plenty of reasons why he was persona non grata to almost every south Brooklyn democratic club, and even his cousin had written him off: his personality, his habits, and his malleable allegiances.

But my point is that he may not have been a full member of Kassar’s Klan, but he was indulging in some of the same substances that inspire Liam and his Steeplechase Strategies.

Galewyn Massey said...



This was an attackment to a recent E-Mail from that contributor --- it's all self-explanatory:

"From: Rep Your Block
To: ***************[name and E-mail address]
Date: 11/12/2023 4:53 PM EST
Subject: Thursday: After the Party Meeting is the After-Meeting Party
[ 'Rep Your Block' logo ]

Dear ******* [name] --

Hello from Team #RepYourBlock!

We hope that you're enjoying the fall, and that you've had a chance to relax after this recent election cycle. Thanks to all who joined our successful effort to ensure Democratic Council Member Justin Brannan won a decisive victory over his Republican opponent!

The County Party's unwillingness to support Council Member Brannan is a reminder of why Rep Your Block is so important: our goal is to create a Party that does the hard work to elect Democrats and activate volunteers across the borough.

In fact, there's an important opportunity to get activated this week!

[large display box with meeting details, etc.]

This Thursday at 7:00pm, the County Party will host its virtual Issues and Policy Meeting, where Party leaders plan to discuss "issues that will help us keep Brooklyn Blue."

The Party hasn't shared an agenda for this meeting, so we don't know much about what those issues will be, or whether there will be any opportunity for County Committee members to speak—all we know is that there won't be any votes or other party business. But it's important for us to attend to show Party leaders that we're engaged, paying attention and ready to work.

After the meeting, RYB is hosting a virtual afterparty to break down what happened and begin to plan for the 2024 election cycle. Our afterparty will kick off at 8:30pm, right after County's event ends.

Now's your chance to dive in and help shape our work for the months ahead. 2024 will be a crucial year for our party, our borough and our city, and but we can't make elections a success without your help!

[Display box for: 'RSVP for the County Issues and Policy Meeting' and 'RSVP for the RYB Afterparty'...]

In partnership,

Rep Your Block

[Box with this attribution: "Rep Your Block is a project of New Kings Democrats · Brooklyn, NY.... This email was sent to ******** (name and E-mail address) To stop receiving emails, click here.... You can also keep up with Rep Your Block on Twitter or Facebook.]...."

Anonymous said...

Imagine that you die young and your 'warmest' sendoff is a fast p.r. release from yr ex-business (campaign) manager.

Anonymous said...

Liam McCabe had countless interventions, stints in rehab and knows the drill better than anybody; why was there no "pay it forward" to help Brian Fox in the right way, when he was so obviously slip slidin' away?

Anonymous said...

Liam hasn’t learned his lesson from losing a dozen campaigns in the last seven years, why would rehab be any different?

Anonymous said...

Fox came close to beating Justin. ari did not.

Anonymous said...

1026, so what?

To get to the bottom of Brian Fox's 2023 post-election-day completely unexpected and very sudden death, and all the mystery and hub-bub about Liam's handling of it, investigators need to get to the bottom of all the "epeius LLC" expenditures for Kagan in 2023 and Fox in 2021(and thus far not publically reported bottom-line distributions from that entity) and any other of the Liam McCabe and Brian Fox financial convolutions connected to the 2021 Fox campaign and the 2023 Kagan campaign.

On Kagan's 2023 NYC CFB expenditures report, epeius LLC is only listed as being located in Brooklyn, NY 11209; and on Fox's 2021 NYC CFB expenditures report, epeius LLC is only listed as being located in Brooklyn, NY 11209.

But an independent journalist did this report about epeius LLC in 2021 [updated in 2022], and it contains some intersting details >>> ".... Epeius has been variously listed as a firm specializing in consultancy, petitioning, printing signage and cards, organizing robocalls, getting food for volunteers, and, no joke, locksmithing.... Its corporate headquarters had been 961 Gipsy Trail Road in Carmel, NY… a residential home on an isolated rural road. According to PropertyShark, the homeowners do not share a last name with the registered agent of the company, Paul Jenen, who is apparently running the company from that location.... Sometime in 2019, campaign finance disclosures began listing Epeius as being run out of an unlisted suite at 506 83rd Street in Bay Ridge. Its official LLC documentation doesn’t reflect this change. In a remarkable coincidence, the 506 building happens to contain Brian Fox’s current campaign office at 510 83rd Street. We immediately assumed Epeius was a front for the landlord, hence the locksmithing bill… but further investigation found a more likely explanation.... When we decided to swing by 506 83rd street, the doorbell did not contain the names of the property owner, nor Mr. Jenen, nor DAL 5th Avenue LLC (whom the Brian Fox campaign is listed as paying $700 per month for office rent). However, one last name listed on the doorbell jumped out at us: McCabe. The tenant is presumably related to Liam McCabe, Brian Fox’s current campaign manager… and if not, the coincidence would be staggering.... Since Epeius LLC has its suite number conveniently left off of all campaign finance disclosures, and its corporate filings still refer to Carmel, NY, there is no way to confirm whether Epeius is simply another firm allowing Mr. McCabe to collect money from the Brian Fox campaign, in addition to his role at Steeplechase Strategies and his direct payments as Campaign Manager.... Neither Epeius and Mr. Jenen do not have any public web presence whatsoever, and despite their official upstate address, they seem to only work on right-wing political campaigns in Brooklyn, NY.... September 2022 Update: Mr. McCabe’s role in Epeius LLC has been confirmed after he became listed as the Process Agent for the company, which can be viewed on OpenCorporates. The relationship was backdated to June of 2021, and states that the still-mysterious Paul Jensen was removed in April of 2022. This confirms Epeius as yet another means for Mr. McCabe to collect funds from the Fox campaign...."

Anonymous said...

After all the money Liam made off Brian Fox, the least he could do was cover the funeral expenses.

Anonymous said...

Fox came "close" a year after the lockdowns, when the anti-masker hysteria over BLM and Defund had reached its peak. By now many of those frothing maniacs have died of COVID or fled to Palm Beach. It goes to show how impotent Kassar & Co are to think they could win in 2023 on rerunning the creaky Defund pearl-clutching AND the Bistreich lie, after those already failed when Brannan was most vulnerable.

Also worth considering is Brannan infamously did the bare minimum in '21. They treated Fox like such a joke that no one even bothered to do oppo research. It wasn't until the weekend before Election Day that anyone managed to dig up Fox's domestic abuse charges.

Anonymous said...

Fox lived longer than Belushi.

That must count for something in Vito Bruno's book.

Anonymous said...

Fox lived one year longer than Kevin Carroll.

That must count for something in the Carroll family closet.

Anonymous said...

The New Kings Democrats' Thursday night #RepYourBlock thing will be nothing but some handwringing and pearl-clutching about Chairman Rodneyse-Bichotte-Hermelyn's failed attempt at backstabbing of Justin Brannan's re-election bid, unless they look into the part that the Carrolls (Kevin Carrol's uncle and cousins), Brad Lander, and other CBID cutthroats had in the whole conspiracy to help elect the Republican-Conservative candidate Ari Kagan.

Anonymous said...

That conspiracy theory doesn't hold water, 259. Rodneyse only answers to the old white men of the Thomas Jefferson club. The Carrolls have no pull in the Bichotte/Seddio machine, and CBID's clout is nil compared to the TJ stronghold. Bobby and Brad are so famously loyal to Brannan and Gounardes (and constantly at odds with Bichotte), this almost sounds like you're trying to intentionally stir up bad blood.

It's not hard to connect the dots. This knife fight started on the Boardwalk. Anyone familiar with the stench out of Coney Island knows Kagan was Mark Treyger's guy, and Treyger is a lapdog to Frank Seddio. He's been stabbing Brannan and Bay Ridge in the back for ages, especially holding a grudge about Frontus winning the Assembly seat over that toddler Treyger tried to run.

Then there's Eric Adams. His mayorship was a Kings County Dems project all the way, and Brannan played along to get himself in line for Council Speaker. When those hopes were dashed, he broke with County and backed Adrienne Adams over Eric's choice. Adams and Bichotte had it in for Brannan ever since, starting with the deliberate redrawing of the Council district to pit him against Ari. They were counting on Brannan still being vulnerable after 2021, and bet Ari could draw swing votes if he switched sides. They overplayed their hand.

Anonymous said...

430, you are a very linear and non-complex thinker. You don't know how CBID, the Carrolls and Lander really operate. Each has their own levers over Seddio, Carrone and the TJs, having to do with their double dealing the New Kings crowd and "county" over the "courthouse" which is really the last jewel in the crown for certain of those old-time white guys hanging on by a thread. And as for anything like "Bobby and Brad are so famously loyal to Brannan and Gounardes..." that is 100% veneer and not solid hard wood of any kind regardless of preference, self-identification, or publically accepted reputation or persona.

Don't worry, there will soon be some "on the record testimony" touching on all of it; and assuredly that testimony will be pipe-lined through some very interested print and internet "journalists".

Anonymous said...

Cool fanfiction, 319. All it needs is a Sonic the Hedgehog cameo.