[[[ Updated with photos and edits at 11:30 AM, November 28, 2023 ]]]
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Is Nicole Malliotakis trying to pick her own Democrat opponent for the 2024 election to the U.S. Congress from Staten Island and Brooklyn --- she has much bigger problems to deal with before trying to get away with something like that.....
Monday, November 27, 2023
Is this serious or somebody's idea of a joke to lighten up the mood after the Brian Fox fiasco and tragedy --- and the fiasco after the tragedy
Bob Capano (Surely you remember him !!! Ah, time flies and so did Bay Ridge Bob --- not even in the city anymore.....):
"With the results of the elections earlier this month, combined with the burgeoning federal corruption investigation moving closer to Eric Adams, the New York GOP should unite now behind Curtis Sliwa for Mayor...."
Seriously ??? We mean >>> SERIOUSLY !!!
--- some guy from the past with a silly hat and looking like a cat that just swallowed the canary.....
Is this really Capano's own brain-fart --- OR --- is it that fat Greek grocer boss of his with the bad skin and marbles in his mouth --- who pushed so hard for the KGB- commie guy for NYC Council in the 2023 election --- just like Sliwa did ???
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Barsamian and McCabe strut their stuff at Clavin's after Brian Fox had been converted into pelletized "spam in a can" or "Fox in a Box" at an undisclosed location
Here are a pair of mamalukes doin' their best imitations of Uriah Heeps of selfless devotion to the memory of Brian Fox played-out to "Brian Fox's family" --- brought in from some far away tinsel town central casting agency --- and suddenly referred to as his "adopted family"
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"I just wanted to say a couple of words to show everyone how well I could wring my hands like this, and that butter wouldn't melt in my mouth; also that I have nothing at all to hide, or even to be a bit nervous about when it comes to talking about Brian Fox's life or death, especially with respect to any of those lingering questions concerning the cause of his death." --- Liam McCabe |
Well, wasn't that all very special !!!
Just don't let them get away with this exploitation and mockery of a real person that might have been called "Brian Fox" or not, and what the real life and death of this person might have been all about.....
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Well, it's now sort of a semi-official, ersatz, jerry-rigged, and court-ordered fait-accompli --- Dikran "Lurch" Barsamian and his crew of retired cops and assorted other kinds of conmen and grifters have been intalled by a Democrat Judge to be the bunch of clowns selected by Jerry Kassar to run the Brooklyn GOP --- even though they all broke the NYS Election Law to get it done
Here is Dikran Barsamian recently performing one of his many ultra vires functions for the NYS Conservative Party >>> this time by giving the 2024 GOP endorsement to a continuing-not-properly-vetted Lester Chang --- who still has not fully established his residence in the Brooklyn Assembly District that he nominally represents in Albany:
Based upon a recent ruling coming out of the NYS Supreme Court, Kings County, it would appear that the NYS Election Law, and the rules of the NYS and Kings County Republican Party are just a bunch of blah, blah , blah..... and the Barsamian Team emerged as the winner of the vote at a recent Republican County organizational meeting, unlawfully called, insufficient notice-given, and improper proxies-sent-out by the former Chairman Ted Ghorra, but where it couldn't be fairly concluded that Ghorra did any of it "intentionally." (Please note, however, "... Call me maybe...", the NYS Supreme Court, Appellate Division for the Second Departement soon will be looking at this a little closer)
"Brooklyn ConservativeParty... Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 11:19 AM... Brooklyn Conservative Party proud to support the re-election of Lester Chang. Chang is the Conservative and Republican endorsed 49 AD Assemblymember. Ross Brady, Brooklyn Conservative Party Chair represented our Chairwoman Fran Vella-Marrone and our Executie Committee at a packed event at Pacificana restaurant. Richie Barsamian, Kings County Republican Chairman, enthusiastically endorsed Chang on the Republican line forming a united effort to re-elect Lester Chang...." [https://www.facebook.com/brooklynconservativeparty]
Monday, November 20, 2023
It'll take more than a little paint to cover up what was there to see about Brian Fox --- both in life and in death.....
Some people hope that a small piece of representational art like this:
will cover the body that has been swept under the rug and momentarily looked like this:
Doesn't what really happend to Brian Fox still very much need to be told ???
Friday, November 17, 2023
More than eight days have passed.....
Thanks to folks like Liam McCabe and John Seravalli here's what we at this independent Republican blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island pretty surely can say is NOT TRUE about the "Brian Fox" who was found dead in his appartment near 79th Street and Third Avenue on November 8th...
--- Brian "...passed away quietly in his sleep...." >>> Nah !!! That is very unlikely (in spite of it being touted, posted and re-posted over and over again by YKW ( who BTW, has never explained in the slightest how he came to know and/or conclude that very special and particular detail of information about the circumstances of Brian Fox's death)
--- Brian "... [w]as an ordinary person from the neighborhood, [who] entered politics...." >>> Nah !!!!! That was never established in two successive campaigns during 2021 and 2022, because nobody could ever give a good and truthful account of where Brian Fox came from or what he really did for a living before running for office in 2021 and 2022
--- Even the nickname "Fox Man" that was used a lot in the Liam McCabe generated obits was probably lifted from a real "Brian Fox" --- who really is a legitimate business man and entrpreneur, and a mover and shaker in the IT industry and related businesses >>> but who is not the same person as the "Brian Fox" that passed away a week ago Wednesday in Brooklyn
--- If Brian had indeed "... ended up acquiring a great quantity of friends... along the way..." and "It was a blessing for both [Christine Sasto McCabe and Liam McCabe] to be able to call [Brian] a close friend, and... as near to a part of our extended family as anyone could..." >>> then why did Brian Fox end up like this:
Monday, November 13, 2023
These people didn't make themselves victims --- but they did participate and cooperate in their own victimhood
Yes and No !!!
One was described as a "Teddy Bear" in the Drive-by Obituarues following his untimely and, as yet unexplained, death.....
The other was quoted as saying that he identified-with and was comforted-by things like Teddy Bears
Maybe so !!!!! But the arrangement between these two guys was the result of outside juxtaposition, manipulation, and exploitation for an amalgam of political ends and personal pecuniary gain --- against all odds, their arrangement lasted for years..... But was it good for either one of them ???

Say what ?????
Well, here is a "before" photo of Bistreich
and a "before" photo of Brian Fox
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Fox with the Rundells in happier days before the ravages of Brooklyn GOP & Conservative Party politics and other stuff left Brian broken and alone |
for comparison.....
Remember, when in doubt >>> "It's all about the money."
Saturday, November 11, 2023
It looks like some of those that say they were close to him and cared about him >>> just want to give Brian Fox the "Deep Six" --- and then move-on in one quick hurry with no questions asked.....
Why is Liam McCabe trying so hard to keep a lid on all things "BRIAN FOX" --- basically, this is all that McCabe wants you to know:
"Brian Fox, a Republican who twice sought elected office in southern Brooklyn, died November 9, 2023 at age 34.... The Bay Ridge resident died at home in his sleep, according to Liam McCabe...." [[[ SIC >>> Clavin Funeral Home inaccurately qouting the Brooklyn Reporter --- Brooklyn Reporter gives the date of death as November 8, 2023, ]]]
Along with some "Hearts and Flowers" and "Kind Hearts and Coronets"
What is inescapable is that Lian McCabe spoke to Brian Fox on Novemeber 8th --- possibly a short time before he died..... Also that Liam does know many more facts about the death of Brian Fox >>> AND THE SURROUNDING CIRCUMSTANCES OF FOX'S DEATH THAN HE IS TELLING THE PUBLIC
Friday, November 10, 2023
VERY SAD --- VERY TRAGIC --- VERY PROBLEMATIC FOR EVERYBODY INVOLVED..... It's too bad, but Brian Fox cannot Rest in Peace >>> YET
There has been a lot of clap-trap and crocodile tears for Brian Fox --- BUT --- nobody is calling this what it so obviously is >>> A VERY SUSPICIOUS DEATH UNDER VERY SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES
This bit is from Liam McCabe's Meta-FB page --- and it contains a lot of sand >>> and McCabe intends to throw some of that sand into our eyes because he has the most to hide:
"Liam McCabe... Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 6:28 PM...
However, this Twitter (X) item is purportedly by the very same Liam Ambrose McCabe, and it is somewhat more interesting both for what it reveals, as well as for what it says and doesn't say; it appeared on Thursday, November 9, 2023
[[[https://twitter.com/ThomasHBROOLYN/status/1722703397755687077/photo/1 ]]] :
For some comparison, this is a little of the early reporting on Brian Fox's death with all of the clap-trap and crocodile tears removed:
Brian Fox wasn’t a typical politician; and what some called Brian’s near-victory in the city council race of 2021 had many thinkking that he might have had a future in Brooklyn Republican politics; however a crushing defeat in 2022 ended all of that.
The news of Brian’s passing has reverberated through the Bay Ridge community, prompting many more questions than answers about who might have been around him at the end to intervene, if possible; and what might have actually led to his death and/or been the immediate cause of it. Brian Fox’s unexpected departure serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the impact of the rather unexpected loss one individual can have on a small inner circle of collaborators each with a different detailed point of view..
Needless to say, not long before Brian Fox's death, Brian Fox was closely involved with several other well-know Bay Ridge pols, consultants and others gathering and distributing large amounts of cash; and there has not been a complete accounting for and of those funds. The fact that Brian's untimely death occurred at the very end of all that gathering and distributing is only one of the suspicious aspects of this case. Let's see if an autopsy makes things seem even more suspicious.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
BROOKLYN REPUBLICANS ... this is a wakeup call >>> part of your insanity is doing the same things over and over --- getting worse and worse results --- and then not changing things
"Justin Brannan... Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM... From Bay Ridge to the Boardwalk, from Shore Road to Surf Avenue, last night, your voice was heard. This was a big win, not just by the numbers, but for the values we hold dear: love over hate, hope over fear, and truth over lies. Onward. THANK YOU!!! [heart imogi]....

(Brannan's Meta-Facebook, 11-8-2023)
You can forget anything and everything else..... Brannan and his Bay Ridge Dems just cleaned your clock and ate your lunch >>> right where you live [Just like Vinny Gentile and Sal Albanese have been doing since 1982
[[[ YES --- That long !!!!! ]]]
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Vito LaBella provides the "Rosetta Stone" to unravel the anti-Republican 2023 campaign conspiracy in Brooklyn by Jerry Kassar's and Fran Vella-Marrrone's Conservative Party
Here's the complete and very recent Vito LaBella November 8th posting on Meta-Facebook:
"Vito LaBella is with Gerard Kassar and 11 others ... Wednesdaym November 8, 2023 at 2:23 PM...
The list of people I need to thank is way too long for one email, but I have to try. Of course, at the top of the list is my exceptional wife Kim, who used all of her professional experience to help shepherd this effort—followed by our three kids, Evan, Dylan, and Morgan, who had to share mom for these last seven months.
I want to thank Fran Vella-Marrone, the Conservative Party Chair, along with her Executive Board, Ross Brady, Chung Dick, David Ryan, Nanci Roden, and Hedy Aldina, as well as State Chair Gerard Kassar, for their help and support. Shout out and thanks as well to previous Brooklyn GOP Chair Ted Ghorra and the Current Chair, Retired Police Officer and friend of 30 years Richard Barsamian, for their efforts.
There are dozens of individual supporters whose efforts were invaluable, and I am genuinely sorry that I can't list everybody. I need to recognize Pastor Peter Gu and his wife, Lilly Gu, for everything they did to help with this campaign.
While the outcome may not have been a win, it was NOT a defeat.
There is still work to be done, and as I said many times throughout this campaign, "I'm not going anywhere."
Please follow me on Facebook, X (Twitter), and subscribe to my new audio and video YouTube Channel, Vito LaBella, Fighting for New York (https://www.youtube.com/playlist...) to stay involved and join our movement to keep our families safe and fight for our city. I will be sharing some exciting updates there in the very near future.
I congratulate City Councilmember Elect Susan Zhuang on her victory and wish her good luck as she represents the 43rd district on the City Council as a member of the Common Sense Caucus. I once again share my belief that through hard work and building bridges, we can fight for safer streets that protect families and retirees, sane zoning that protects the character of our neighborhoods, and an educational system that provides an appropriate education for every child growing up in our city.
Thank you.
Warmest Regards,
Vito LaBella [[[ https://www.facebook.com/vito.labella.37/posts/pfbid02m47Rpsaq5qfeHpnoDEGfiKkbUrww6CBJvM6hGK4LYTftgJkgxqjQS9XzDBcmDs5rl ]]]... "
(W/ link to >>> https://www.youtube.com/playlist...)
It's even better the next morning --- in the warmth of bright sunshine --- with the added radiance of a redeemed soul and a pure heart.....
We here on this independent Republican blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island feel vindicated and and gratified that we were on the side of the Saint Michael and the good angels, that did battle against the Legion of the Lost following the Prince of Darkness Kom-Kom-Kon Kassar and his filthy minions who held up the Rus-spy Ari Kagan as the False-Savior for Brookyn Republicans and Conservatives
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To bad these cheats, liars, and cretins aren't lined-up >>> for a proper and richly deserved political execution <<< but there will be time for all of that, soon enogh |
Yes, it's great even the next day --- seeing them repost all the same pictures of the same tragic moment for them --- and same glorious moment for the rest of us --- It was not yet 10:00 PM when this murder of crows, bad guys all, had to throw in the towel in abject defeat and humiliation
Meanwhile, the man with a plan sat back and smiled, with his cocktail of expensive liquors, in his espensive easychair, in his espensive home by the water --- then he got to work on the next phase of the plan, even without having to leave his expensive home by the water
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Ari Kagan stink bomb knocks out the last bit of stuffing from the good old turkeys >>> Jerry Kassar, Fran Vella-Marrone, Marty Golden --- and the not so good new turkey >>> "Lurch"
Scary results for the very scary man.....
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Will he get blamed for this mess ??? |
The only winners were the grifters getting their beaks-full of matching funds
With 2024 just around the corner, can the next shit show be an even bigger disaster --- with these clowns and losers running the Brooklyn GOP and Conservative Party --- who knows ?!?!?!?!
It is Election Day in America --- and that has special meaning this year in one particular district where far too many people are working way too hard to convince others that Ari Kagan is a good American and worthy of a vote by Republicans and Conservatives when he manifestly is not
There is suddenly another brouhaha and kerfuffle over the source and real significance of the particular political material immediately below
We here at this independent Republican blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island have been watching the back-and-forth about this and related matters for months..... And we long ago concluded that all of this represents a real grass-roots campaign to write in Kathy Khatari's name on ballots for CIty Council throughout the 47th Council District on Election Day --- and that there was a time when Rosie Rizzo did personally back that effort --- and broadcast it as strong as she could to the whole world.....
However --- whatever the above item might be or whom it might be from --- what it does say is useful advice to any real Republicans and Conservative Party members, and all other traditional Amercan voters that vote for the candidates running on those lines
So, be sure to heed this message very recently quoted by the NY Post >>>
"Remember to write in Katherine Khatari for City Council on Tuesday, November 7th. We need a pro-Trump Republican to fight back against the radical left, not a Democrat [and Commie] in disguise like Ari Kagan...."
So, one last time >>>
"Remember to write in Katherine Khatari for City Council on Tuesday, November 7th. We need a pro-Trump Republican to fight back against the radical left, not a Democrat [and Commie] in disguise like Ari Kagan...."
Monday, November 6, 2023
Real Dirty Trick is the New York Post spin on a story obviously fed by dirty tricksters associated with Kassar and Kagan --- in an attempt to stymie a real grassroots campaign to write in Republican Kathy Khatari's name for City Council in the 47th Council District
Interestingly, both Kassar and Kagan are both quoted prominently in the NY Post article --- "De Blasio aide emerges as dirty trickster in south Brooklyn city council race" >>> an indicator that they are the likely source of the article --- and possibly the real dirty tricksters behind it all
Make no mistake, weeks ago, it was this independent Republican blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island that had predicted that there would be a revival of the Kathy Khatari write-in campaign much closer to the election --- and we had no knowledge then that anybody named "Jon Paul Lupo" had been or would be involved in it >>> in fact, our sources about that tactic and plan were all anti-Kagan, anti-Golden, and anti- Ghorra and Kassar Republicans.....
And because of all that, we here at this INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN BLOG FOR BROOKLYN AND STATEN ISLAND do urge all real Republicans and conservatives in the 47th Council District to heed this message recently quoted by the NY Post:
"Remember to write in Katherine Khatari for City Council on Tuesday, November 7th. We need a pro-Trump Republican to fight back against the radical left, not a Democrat in disguise like Ari Kagan...."