Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Late last night, the POTUSINO [[[ President of the United States in name only ]]] Joseph Biden showed America the worst side of himself and the American people their glaring failure at maintaining a democratic republic


Addled old Joe Biden’s farewell speech to the Democratic Party National Convention was a screaming, raging, lying rant by a mean and bitter old man  >>>  who said that the more than half of Americans that didn't support him and his presidency  >>> ‘Can’t Think [and] Can’t Read Very Well’  

In prepared remarks read from a teleprompter, Biden resorted to a slew of very familiar and long-debunked canards in his well-past-prime-time address late Monday night [[[that ran into Tuesday ]]] which included the “very fine people hoax,” the military is "suckers and losers hoax," the "bloodbath [if Trump weren't elected in 2024] hoax," and even a headnod to the "injecting bleach hoax" [which had been mentioned by an earlier speaker at the DNC]

Make no mistake about it, Joe Biden was doing his very best to mimic Hillary Clinton's 2016 "basket of deplorables" speech and show his fellow Democrats that he could do it better and nastier than she ever did it [[[ then or since ]]].....

Showing that they were well aware that a very demented Biden could go off the rails at any moment, the folks running the DNC made sure that his speech would start damn near midnight and run into the wee hours even though Biden was a notorious "sundowner" in his declined mental state.


Anonymous said...

“Kamala Harris. You know it’s interesting nobody really knows her last name. If you ask people do you know what her last name is, nobody has any idea what it is. Harris. It’s like Harris.”

Anonymous said...

116, Right! It rhymes with embarras.

Anonymous said...

And speaking about Democrat embarrassments, what about this brain-fucked, Kentucky Democrat Governor Andy Beshear, who says that he wants a relative of JD Vance to experience pregnancy from a rape. This so-called "Democrat Rising Star" said that he thinks somebody should make Vance go through this.

Bashear and those Democrats that think like him have broken brains; and the only way to cure them is with a pair of "Black Talon" nines administered the traditional way, posterior to anterior, about 45 degrees right and left of the mid-line of the occipit. Somebody should make Beshear and those Democrats like him go through this; it will make everybody feel a lot better.

Anonymous said...

Somebody posting at 3:58 is itching to be reported.

Anonymous said...


Reported to whom for what?

Possibly it would be for misspelling 'occiput' as 'occipit'. Yeah, that's probably it.

Anonymous said...

"'... 'Black Talon' Nines'..." haven't been available for about 30 years; even then, they were mostly a police round for a face-to-face center-of-mass single-shot take down of an armed perp. It was just a photographically nasty looking blossoming hollow point round; and not provably better than other cheaper 9 mm hollow point rounds available everywhere, both then and now.

Anonymous said...

"Somebody should" shoot Beshear and "Democrats like him" in the head is not idle chat.

Anonymous said...

Where did anybody say that "... 'Somebody should' shoot Beshear and 'Democrats like him' in the head..." --- GET A GRIP --- or you might wind up in a camp with Democrats that talk like Rachel Maddow.

Anonymous said...

Did Democrat Presidential nominee Kamela Harris mix up "guage" and "gouge" in her threat to Walmart, Kroeger and the other big food marketeers so that everybody involved would know that she was threatening them with a firing squad of her street thugs each armed with "a guage and a nine"? And do you think that maybe she "... [was] itching to be reported..." when she said it.

Anonymous said...

Trump: "How disgusted were all when we see all of us are when we see."

Anonymous said...

1:32, explain to the literate among us what a "guage" is.

Anonymous said...

In gangsta rap, a "guage" is a 12 guage shotgun, and a "nine" is a nine millimeter automatic pistol.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a "guage," genius. Learn to spell.

Galewyn Massey said...




We'll bet that you're probably still waiting to have been "lain"..... And still don't know why.....

Anonymous said...

Gale, he who screws up English to mock someone else's English use = a moron.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:12, "somebody said," at 3:58, that "the only way to cure [Bashear and Democrats like him] is with a pair of 'Black Talon' nines administered the traditional way, posterior to anterior, about 45 degrees right and left of the mid-line of the occipit."

Anonymous said...

Hey, 1053, so what! Or are you angling very hard for a brief stay in one of those camps with Rachel Maddow? As was said hereinabovebefore on Gail's blog, 'Where did anybody say that "... 'Somebody should' shoot Beshear and 'Democrats like him' in the head..." --- GET A GRIP --- or you might wind up...' you know where with you know who.