Thursday, June 20, 2024

Whole "Jack" Carroll family being drawn into John Kennedy O'Hara's multi-million dollar lawsuit for wrongful arrest and prosecution, inappropriate disbarment for ten years, and loss of income


"Jack" Carroll, the dad, has already offered O'Hara a half a million bucks to go away and leave the rest of his family out of this quarter-of-a-century-long saga of "justice denied" long-since followed by "justice (and fair and just compensation) delayed"

Federal Court has just ordered ADA John Carroll, the son of "Jack" Carroll, to appear for a "non-party" deposition on the case, because of some complicated discovery matters arrising out of some very hinky E-mails and other discovery materials that ADA John Carroll, the son, has been connected-to in his duties in the Kings County DA's Office  ---  BTW, the Kings County DA's Office is directly involved in the case as a defendant, along with the City and State of New York 

It gets even more complicated than that for patriarch "Jack" Carroll  >>>  NYS Assemblymember from Brooklyn Bobby Carroll, another of "Jack" Carroll's sons, is apparently tied into the hinky e-mails;  and Mary Beth Carroll, the mom, is also tied into the case five-ways-to-Sunday because she ran co-defendant former Assemblymember Jim Brennan's office during the time he was pushing for the unlawful prosecution of O'Hara in an earlier generation's version of "lawfare" (and, yes, former Assembyman Brennan is also a named co-defendant)

Make no mistake about it, this case is a multi-generational Carroll family matter involving O'Hara, the O'Hara prosecution, and the O'Hara litigation  >>>  and buying their peace (for only their piece of it) will cost them closer to five million bucks than the half-a mil $$$ so far offered by "Jack".....  

But there is still the "Ginsu Knives" part of the whole Carroll family deal  >>>  their various employee status(es) for NYC and NYS during the course of the O'Hara "lawfare" imputes their wrongful acts to the co-defendants City and State of New York  ---  NOW, WHAT WOULD YOU PAY !!!

OK  ---  let's leave it at  --- WHAT SHOULD ALL THE NAMED DEFENDANTS PAY ???  


Anonymous said...

seems strange that 500k was offered and even stranger that it was turned down

Anonymous said...

Jack Carroll is a reformer from the days of Joe Ferris. This posting is ludicrus.

Next posting will be about the time Howard Graubard worked as a dancer at Chipendales.

Anonymous said...

Ayy! Watch what you say about Gatemouth, this ain't anything coming from Room 8.

Anonymous said...

Graubard was never a dancer at Chipendales. He was a waiter.

Anonymous said...

a lawyer named ezra glaser keeps telling people that Carroll had a deal with Hynes to suspend oharas law license for 2 years.

Anonymous said...

"Jack" Carroll -- a "reformer"! Are you nuts?

"Reformer" Joseph Ferris won elections... "Reformer" Jim Brennan won elections... Even "reformer" Sonny Boy Bobby Carroll won elections... "Informer" Papa "Jack" Carroll not so much....

Anonymous said...

Where is Eaton??

Anonymous said...

Where is Councilman Brannan in all this?

Some say that he's been chatting up his contacts about the Rod-on-her-knees-with-the-closet-Carrol-crowd might put DA Gonzalez in a tough spot with all this, because the current DA Eric Gonzalez already said on the record that Jack Carrol informed former DA Hynes' top ADAs that in two civil election law cases, judges found O'Hara was guilty of election frauds, including false addresses that led to O'Hara's multiple prosecutions, convictions and criminal penalties. The problem for the defendants like Jack arrol, Jim Brennan, and the Brooklyn DA's Office is that no such false address cases and court decisions ever existed.

Also the top Brooklyn ADA who tried all three criminal felony cases against John Kennedy O'Hara said all of it was completely based on the evidence gathered by former Assemblyman Brennan and Jack Carrol without any additional police or DA Office investigation of what Brennan and Carrol had submitted against O'Hara.

Also, recently a Federal Court Magistrate ruled that DA Eric Gonzalez had to turn over all Grand Jury minutes & material to O'Hara; and guess who Gonzalez put in charge of that? None other than the head of the Brooklyn DA's Civil "Civil Litigation Unit" -- ADA John C. Carrol, the son of the very same Jack Carrol that is one of the defendants in lawsuit brought by John Kennedy O'Hara. It's funny how stuff like that keeps happening.

Anonymous said...

I read about a lawyer who recently filed 2 election cases in New York and was disbarred. That lawyer was Rudy Giuliani.

Anonymous said...

Where is Councilman Justin Brannen on this?

As chair of the finance committee its his jurisdiction over what goes on in the District Attorneys office. Looks like Justin is looking the other way when it comes to bad behavior from fellow Dems.

Anonymous said...

The Daily News published a series of editorials about the Judge on this case, Leo Glasser, turning 100 years old. Judge Glasser ruled for Ohara. It explains the Carroll family slow walking the case.

Anonymous said...

The "Godfather" in all this Carroll stuff against O'Hara is none other than the "Revereend Jim".. No, not "Ignatowski".. "Brennan".. But one of Brennan's e-mails is a real "Back to the Future" trip to Jack Carroll about O'Hara.

Anonymous said...

Why is Councilperson Justin Brannen covering for the Carroll family cronyism ?

Anonymous said...

12:31, who is this "Brannen"?

Anonymous said...

"Reverend Jim" gets a pension for that 'reverend" stuff.

Anonymous said...

Councilperson Brannen chairs the NYC Council Finance Committee. This person Jack Carroll is a clubhouse lawyer and perennial candidate.

Anonymous said...

9:59, who is this "Brannen"?

Galewyn Massey said...



At a key moment showing great humor and timing, the wife of one of the defendants seemed to have needled her hubby with this when John Kennedy O'Hara began his multi-million dollar lawsuit -- "Now it's John O'Hara's turn...." (With a link to a Daily News article about O'Hara and his suit for damages).

Anonymous said...

Gail, something looks phony and isn't quite right with the e-mail from Brennan supposedly sent to a few people in 2020 about those remarks by his wife saying it's O'Hara's turn.

Submitting fabricated e-mails in a Federal Court case could be very bad for everybody involved, so I heard that O'Hara is trying to get the metadata on about 50 e-mails submitted to the courtby some of the defendants in O'Hara's suit for damages.