Monday, April 22, 2024

With our world being one in which some dare to call "Lurch" Barsamian our Brooklyn GOP "Chairman and County Leader"; and one of Barsamian's first lurching moves is to give the key supporting role as his newest minion and catamite gunzel to be played by "David" with the small hands and feet ...

...  only these well-said words would be appropriate under the circumstances now extant in Brooklyn as they had been in Elsinore:

"O, [we all] die... !

The potent poison quite o'er-crows [our spirits].

[We] cannot live to hear the news...

But [we] do prophesy the election [n]ights

On [Eaton & Lucretia, who do have] [our] dying voice.

So tell them, [with the imminent failings of Barsamian, Golden, Sapiashvili and the rest, more and/or less, which we have actively] solicited  —  THE REST IS SILENCE...."


Anonymous said...

I never knew articles in The Enquirer were game changers in the race for President.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow !!

All those years I ignored The Enquirer articles about a Peruvian woman giving birth to a goat and now its true

Anonymous said...

Jayzus. This blog is on drugs. Not even in a language anymore.

Anonymous said...

When i read it in the enquirer I then decide who to vote for

Anonymous said...

1124, say it right, you eee-dyut. It's "Jayzuz Haych Kur-riced, this blog is on feckin' drugs..."

Anonymous said...

Peter Abbate has been knocked off the ballot. Lester Chang is re-elected.

Anonymous said...

"catamite gunzel"
Oh great -- a pedophilia accusation AND a hilarious misspelling of gunsel.
But hey, maybe the party in question IS a "gunzel" so loves railroads Down Under. (Which is not a crime, btw ...)

Anonymous said...

I thought Lester Chang was going to prison?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm! To the Barsamian "CATAMITE GUNZEL" 424 above -- or "gunsel" if you prefer taking it from him that particular way... However, you shouldn't use a Samuel Dashiell Hammett novel as your dictionary or else you'll wind up gluing your balls to your butthole again... Real dictionaries pretty much equate "gunzel" and "gunsel"..

Obviously, when it comes to you, the only "railroad Down Under" involves something "Lurch"ing in your tunnel.

Also, we're not suprised to find out that you are a trainspotting lowlife to boot..

Anonymous said...

Chang has 28k v Abbate with 1 mill = Abbate loses again and again

Anonymous said...

5:30 -- "real dictionaries" lol

Now discuss catamites.

Anonymous said...

619, why do your friends refer to you as "Ganymede"?

I hear that they say you give new meaning to "... in your cups."

Anonymous said...


So far the Kassar-Colton-Bichotte plan for the 2024 Chang-Abbate race seems to be working, but let's see what happens next.

BTW, is "Lurch's" latest "Ganymede" the eagle-boy and catamite-gunzel the one-and-the-same trainspotting degenerate financial advisor, and multiple-courts-determined fraudster "David"?

That's a very dangerous position position to be in; anybody called "Ganymede" and named "David" needs to look out for being "Brian Foxed" right after the next election, when someone like him is no longer useful; especially if Liam McCabe comes calling at night to "discuss... his plans for the future...".

Anonymous said...

In other words kassar wins again !!

Anonymous said...

Someone seems salty? I wonder who’s behind all this negativity with Liam, Richie and David. If you ask me, it’s someone that had a hard time playing with other kids in the sandbox as a child. It’s definitely repressed childhood trauma. Whoever you are, you must be a peach to be around. I can guarantee you openly throw temper tantrums in public when you don’t get your way

Anonymous said...

Describes Eaton perfectly!

Anonymous said...

C'mon Gale - snap out of it !!

Anonymous said...

11:25, drug rehab isn't snappy.

Anonymous said...

Abbate signatures from Chu were bad. But no challenge to Chu.
Lester Chang & Iwen Chu rule.
Abbate got rolled like an egg roll

Anonymous said...

I guess all those years Peter Abbate spent at The Lamps of China didnt help him with that chinese vote.

Anonymous said...

Abbates Mother owned the Lamps of China

Anonymous said...

Queen of the Schtick says Peter Abbate is collecting signatures to run as an Independent in November.

Shirley he must be kidding

Anonymous said...

1133, are you sure about that?

The name, the legend, the man -- "Gangemi" -- seems closer... Certainly, it does to me...

Anonymous said...

hey 11:37 Abbate is running as an indy and dont call him shirley

Anonymous said...

I get Gangemi and Abbate mixed up. Both are from Bensonhurst, both are short.

Anonymous said...

Regardless, "Queen of the Schtick" is a subliterate local Figure Of Fun.

Anonymous said...

1:17, subliterate, sloppy, unreliable, flaky. why is she even cited here or anywhere?