Saturday, December 1, 2018

After the Public Advocate Follies --- THE BIG WINNER IS --- John Quaglione

In the upcoming race to run the Brooklyn GOP going forward from 2019,  John Quaglione seems to have taken the lead, because he had the good sense to sit back and do nothing.....

Trying to make something happen politically right after an election is harder than trying to push string in a straight line

Both Liam McCabe and Bob Capano decided it would be a good idea to schedule competing events involving some once and future NYC Public Advocate candidates.....  Meanwhile, visions of sugar plums danced in John Quaglione's head, which is most of what he does since his world came smashing down earlier in November

After the smoke had cleared;  and much more was said than done last week;  the winner was John Q.


Anonymous said...

Gale the problem with Q is that he also did nothing to right the ship during the campaign. Q is a good guy smart and not prone to trashy tactics and behavior like some of the others. However, he had a chance to talk to Marty during the campaign about the dumpster fire of a campaign that Jerry was carrying on and he did nothing. Several people complained to him about the Marty getting caught up in the drama created by several staffers, about Marty's messaging being off, and about the Manhattanites running Marty's campaign office into the ground. Q did nothing. I never thought I'd say this but the big winner with all of the Ulrich drama seems to be Ted Ghorra. While it's true that the paltry embarrassingly low turnout at the Ulrich event was not really because of anything Ted initiated, by having the good sense as Chairman not to show up, he can take credit for it. And while Liam and Jerry seemed to be telling people that Ulrich and Malliotakis patched things up and that they should go to the event, Ted was acknowledging that Ulrich coming to Bay Ridge was a problem. He didn't attack Ulrich but did the right thing by Malliotakis. This is definitely point Ghorra.

Anonymous said...

John Quaglione is neither very smart nor highly motivated, and he is certainly not a prodigious worker; but he is one very lucky guy. At this moment in time, the luckiest thing about him is that he isn't either Liam McCabe or Bob Capano.
Quaglione has some very good political skills too. He's always where he needs to be; and he seems to always land on his feet.
If he can get some space between himself, and Kassar and Golden, Quaglione own won't FLY AWAY HOME, but he just might get to walk away from all this unbowed and only slightly scarred.
He's a rarity in the Brooklyn GOP of 2018, he's somebody with a past AND a future.
Those few, those very few, need to find each other and start it all over again from scratch.
btw, 'visions of sugar plums' is better than obsessing about Capano and Brannan.

Anonymous said...

Bob Capano not scarred but time is running out for him to decide which side he's on. Promoting Dems like Rose, Gounardes, and Brannan does nothing for his political future in Brooklyn if he wants one.

Anonymous said...

Well this is original.

Next will be the Marty Golden driving award.

Anonymous said...

The real winner is the NEW KING OF BAY RIDGE, Mr. Andrew Gounardes

Anonymous said...

We saw Quaglione feeling no pain outside O'Sullivans last night.
Not unlike Charlie Gordon in the Flowers for Algernon story, inebriated Quaglione was eloquent and articulate. The exact opposite of his normal self

Anonymous said...

12:31 kind of a creepy post. Would hope it’s not as a result of the kind of surveillance conducted by that now infamous couple that may have been stalking Bob Capano.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Come on guys if you worked for an elected in what seemed to be a heated race only to be told constantly up until Election Day that your boss is up by 20 was going to win easily and you had nothing to worry about, and then you realized all of a sudden it was horse manure and you were out of a job, I’d be amazed if the whole staff wasn’t plastered outside of O’Sullivans, Kelly’s and every other Bay Ridge dive imaginable at least for the next month.

Anonymous said...

So Q had a drink at his corner bar. Such scandal.

Some of you old ladies should try to get out a little more.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think it was old ladies who were following Bob onto
the subway or following Q around at all hours.

Anonymous said...

oh 2:26 you are mixing apples with an oversized squash. Q drinking at his corner bar is in no way a comparison to bob drinking a can of beer on a crowded subway car. No comparison.

Just like Q defeating Bob in the primary for city council does not put them in the same class.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the thousands of New Yorkers who drink beer on a train on their to or from a Yankees game

Anonymous said...

First Bob followed around, now Q, no telling who’s next.

Anonymous said...

yes the powers that be are plotting against Q & Bob.

Anonymous said...

Quag is facing a very long period of unemployment. Very long. Unlikely hell run for anything.

Galewyn Massey said...




I put up a very rare and very short post saying something nice about John Quaglione, and some bunch of yahoos decide that it's time to go all "Carrie Nation" on my blog. If you believe those folks, now it looks like all three of the male candidates for City Council in the 2017 Republican Primary for that office had/have serious drinking problems. Pardon my French, but >>> BEAUX SHUHE !!!!! (Actually, that's "Franglais" marketing slang for "nice shoe".....)

I know lot's of people who like to indulge in fermented and/or distilled ethyl-alcohol products, s/k/a "adult beverages" --- I dare say, that most of my BSIs like to hoist a few every now and then, and occasionally there are some among them that wind up getting hoist on their own petard, if you follow my drift. And sometimes, when I get "the taste" --- well, it's "Katy, bar the door....."

Now, back to the issue at hand --- Q a problem drinker ??? --- I really doubt that.....

And while we're at it --- Capano a problem drinker ??? I really doubt that too.....

Last and not least, Liam's demons are his to deal with as he sees fit; I doubt that chatter on this blog about any of it is helpful to Liam or anybody else.

Anonymous said...
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Galewyn Massey said...




Assuming that somebody presented a photograph to establish a fact, the reality is that the actual photograph only establishes that there is a photograph of something. The photograph presumably contains an "image" that either reflects or doesn't reflect a given reality. What might or might not be shown in any particular photograph is subject to many layers of foundational inquiry before anything approaching "factual" can be said about it.

Let's start with a simple one --- were you there when this purported photo was taken ?

Anonymous said...

If the photo is fact, then lots of problem drinkers on way to or from Yankee or Mets games on subways


Anonymous said...

Linda Sarsour commenting about Bob Capano on facebook. Capano chummy with the likes off david Farley. How can Capano even think of running for Republican chair. Capano has made a fool of himself and is known as a hanger on and will not be welcomed at all. Liam is the only way forward and has my vote! Justin and Andrew laugh behind his back!

Anonymous said...

Hear from Nicole that she is finally sitting down Nick Chambers to tell him to get lost! Nick will not be of any help in 2020.

Anonymous said...

People used to laugh at Craig. Now they laugh at Bob.

Anonymous said...

Liam is on the way forward to rehab-- again

Anonymous said...

Judging from deleted comments the psychos are at it again. Would not be surprised if Bob sent them a cease and desist letter and now they are following around Q with cameras. Probably another collective meltdown from a few days ago
ever since a couple of local Electeds personally called both of them and told them to stop telling people they are close friends.

Anonymous said...

With those calls to the psychos from those elected officials and them letting it be known the psychos are no friends of theirs, Alexandra and Robert are on an island alone...let's not forget their false claims that Catsimatidis fired or was firing Capano.

I know Capano still works for Cats and was personally with him a few days ago in his office

Anonymous said...

Liam does himself no favors by his relationship with the psychos

Anonymous said...

The “psychos” as some of you jealously like to call them don’t need to be friends with any electeds. They have Jerry firmly by their side. And all the haters will find out soon that counts for more than anything.

Anonymous said...

Look at these comments. PATHETIC!
The Brooklyn GOP isn't ready for any rebuilding, yet.
The KCRP is still afflicted with an active case of Conservative/Kassar blight. Liam and the Steeplechase groupies are a symptom of that blight.
Hope is at hand. There are some people among the Brooklyn Conservative Party who aren't big fans of 'Franny Never Will be a Granny' being picked as the Brooklyn Chair-MAN; and they know Mike is old and Jerry is even older.
The Brooklyn Conservatives are more ripe for a hostile takeover than any time since Marion and Long took it from Wells.
There are Conservatives all around NYC and NYS who are looking for a non-Mike Long-Jerry Kassar team in Brooklyn, some are looking for someone, others are willing to help if somebody comes forward. Find them and they'll tell you what to do.

Anonymous said...

Nobody understands what Long, Kassar and Golden did to the Brooklyn GOP since Bramwell was Arthur the Chairman.
It wasn't a simple 'addition by subtraction' strategy. It was a multi-step 'division, followed by addition by subtraction'.
That's why, even when Marty Golden was obviously in trouble in mid-2018, Kassar wouldn't move out of his tiny circle of vetted loyalists. Anything else would go counter that long-time Conservative Party strategy of dividing the Brooklyn GOP, and then amputating every formerly functional Republican digit and limb.

Anonymous said...

Jerry kept Golden in office for decades. 11 winning races. Brilliant strategist.

Anonymous said...

Jerry was in charge of Golden Campaign only once and that was 2018. And Jerry managed to prove that his critics throughout all these years were way too kind in describing how incompetent he is on campaigns. When it comes to making some calls to fix a “tricky” problem, Jerry’s your guy no question about it, but when it comes to organizing and running a winning campaign against a credible opponent, look elsewhere.

Galewyn Massey said...




Jerry Kassar introduced me to Arthur Bramwell in late spring of 1993. They and several others were plotting to undermine the Brooklyn GOP leadership of Robert DiCarlo, who was the Kings County Chairman.

During 1993 and 1994 Bramwell and Kassar had a modus vivendi, but all that ended with the election and transition of George Pataki. After a brief attempt to work together on transition, Long and Kassar got Pataki to freeze out Bramwell and the Brooklyn GOP, with even a few Brooklyn Democrats getting more of GOP Governor Pataki's patronage than the Brooklyn GOP.

Anonymous said...

Jerry K orchestrated winning races for Governor Pataki, Senator D'Amato, AG and others. The only winning races were orchestrated by the conservative party. I mean how long did everyone expect the conservative party to keep the GOP around?

So Jerry managed to personally keep the senate in GOP control for a decade longer than it should have been. I guess Kassar got tired of doing other peoples work.

Anonymous said...

Bramwell got frozen out of state patronage after two things happened almost simultaneously:

1) the wife of Bramwell Exec Committee Chair Ron D'Angelo was nominated for a state judgeship by Pataki, who was immediately embarrassed when he learned that the nominee's law license was under suspension.

2) a prominent Brooklyn GOP district leader was offered an appointment as assistant commissioner at a major state agency by Pataki, and turned it down because they did not want to move to Albany.

Kassar played no role in either instance, but you can be certain he never pushed a judicial nominee who wasn't currently as lawyer, or lobbied for an appointment that the nominee later rejected.

Anonymous said...

10:08 is clearly a sarcastic post on which case it’s spot on. Feel sorry for everyone wrecked by the KCCP takeover of the Brooklyn GOP and the horrible unintended consequences for the staffs of Donovan and Golden.

Anonymous said...

Eaton, Capano, and Cats always win and will win again next Sept. with the next Brooklyn GOP reorg

Anonymous said...

Cats has never won a political race. And he got schooled in the 2013 primary by the worst mayoral candidate in 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Eaton, Capano and Cats never won anything. Never.

Anonymous said...

Cats ran one race where most of the political establishment was against him and Rudy Giuliani enthusiastically supported Lhota. Cats almost won and since then has learned a lot about that loss. Time to let it go and end this silly infighting.

Anonymous said...

Kassar didn't 'orchestrate' very much, ever. He's a pischer and a small scale schemer, certainly not an orchestrator.
There was much more Republican talent involved in all those D'Amato, Pataki and other big races. Besides, in 1994, Kassar still had lots of time to be involved in local races, because even then nobody who was any good wanted to work with him.

Anonymous said...

And bob is a big time schemer. The proof of his brilliance is drinking out of a brown paper bag on the R train.

Anonymous said...

I guess that blurry image of Bob on the subway didn’t get those people anything near what they may have been promised. But Andrew should step in and make up for it and give them something at least, if not for putting themselves in the middle of the race, Andrew may not be Senator Elect.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that blurry image freaked people out about the pychos..local electeds have left them, the Cats family is glad to have them out of the Manhattan GOP,
And Capano still works for a billionaire, is a columnist , Transition Committee Member to a Senator - Elect and a Professor ...guess we know who won

Anonymous said...

No it was not a blurry image. It was a clear picture of bob drinking a can of heineken.

You claim it is blurry? You dont deny its bob drinking a can of beer on the subway.

Anonymous said...

First it's Goose, now Heineken , then Ginger Ale...

Anonymous said...

You guys really need to let go of this thing with Bob on the subway. Leave the guy alone. At first it was kind of funny but now it’s really creepy how you expect his friends to stop talking to him and his long time boss to fire him because you claim he drank a beer on the subway.

Anonymous said...

No one cares about beer on the subway except the people who took the pic and don't have a life.

Besides Nicole does Jerry's have any other winning candidates?

Anonymous said...

Did Q get a new job yet for Jan 2???

Galewyn Massey said...




I know what Bob Capano looks like, I know what photos of Bob Capano look like, and I have repeatedly been confronted with something that is supposed to be a picture of Bob Capano drinking beer on a subway.

Nobody seeing a reproduction of that picture, which is alleged to be a "photograph," should logically and fairly conclude that it shows anybody named "BOB CAPANO" and what that anybody MIGHT BE DOING or WHERE or WHEN.

Purported "photographs" can be fabricated and altered, and with modern software made to look very real. Although one of my BSIs is a very good photographer, he is also a highly paid political consultant; and he creates and manipulates photographic images all of the time, sometimes for politics, sometimes for craft and sometimes for art.

I have yet to see anything to establish any foundation whatsoever for the purported Capano subway photo.

Anonymous said...

Objection noted.

Now move on counsel

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the purported photo is a joke and probably manipulated during the hear of the GOP Council primary last year by the psychos working for Liam...the this it really didn't hurt Capano one helped him by showing all Brooklyn how psycho the Upper East Side Psychos are and has further reduced Liams reputation for associated with them

Anonymous said...

I agree with many of the comments here but the “psychos” are here to stay in Brooklyn. No longer welcome in Manhattan or Queens political circles, they found their kindred spirit in Jerry in Brooklyn. He’s more concerned about hooking them up than even the people in Golden and Donovan’s office. It doesn’t matter what camp your in why would people get involved in Brooklyn GOP or Conservative when these people could be videotaping your every word and taking pictures of your every move. Every time you sneeze your picture could be posted on the internet.

Anonymous said...

The good thing is come Jan 1, k assar and the conservatives lose all their clout in bklyn

Anonymous said...

Other than a few ADs, a couple of SDs and USCDs, and a single NYCCD, the Republican Party and the Conservative Party haven't been a factor in Brooklyn in over fifty years.
Now they are lucky to hold on to a sliver of a Staten Island Assembly District tacked into solidly Democratic lower Bay Ridge.
Repeat after me, "IT'S OVER!"

Anonymous said...

An important message from Jerry Kassar to Fran & Ted:

Please, before you go too, put out a sign: "FOR SALE - NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED"; turn out the lights and lock up.

Good luck, write if you find work.

Anonymous said...

8:37 Justin can’t wait until you’re up for re-election so we could put that to the test.

Anonymous said...

Cox has been moved out by Faso.

Some would consider that news.

Anonymous said...

John Faso will move the base of GOP to upstate.

Anonymous said...

If he does, that will positively be the wrong move. The majority of the New York State population is urban or metro-suburban, and it is located south of White Plains. Turning the metro-suburbs over to the Dems is turning the whole state over to the Dems. Plus, Faso almost rhymes with ass hole.

Anonymous said...

Normally yes I would agree Liam's recurring A.A. demons are his to deal with on his own time except Liam is in public life. The man has run for office, made public comments about the Mayor in the Press, has run a bunch of losing campaigns and now has a new Republican Club. Once you are in the arena you no longer get to choose which issues are kept private and which are made public. This is the life William McCabe chose. He made his bed (on his girlfriend's mom's couch) now he must lay in it I'm afraid

Anonymous said...

Let’s be honest about this “new club”. All it was a gimmick to get people to sign up to work on Election Day. They haven’t made any bylaws yet or anything like that. They had like twenty people show up to their last meeting and half of them were from Queens who showed up to hear Councilman Eric Ulrich talk about running for Public Advocate.

Anonymous said...

Cox had a secret plan for GOP takeover. Looks like it will stay secret.

Anonymous said...

If Faso is the NYS Republican Chairperson, it's very bad for the Brooklyn GOP. There is a very long-time Faso-Kassar connection.
Selecting Faso is the same thing as selecting to keep trying the outdated Conservative Party approach to the NYS GOP, including the recent xenophobic and crypto-racist appeals involving intransigent opposition to the two New Yorks' status as sanctuary city and state.

Anonymous said...

If there are no by- laws or elections there is no real political club. LIAMS CLUB IS A FARCE.. ..sounds like a story for Julianne Cuba

Anonymous said...

The conservative party has been dragging the GOP over the finish line for decades.

Anonymous said...

The Conservative party in Brooklyn has been a huge drag on the Brooklyn GOP for decades. Brooklyn GOP may never win a race again but regardless it’s time to clean house.

Anonymous said...

The Conservative Party has more elected officials in Brooklyn than the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

6:09 is a good one. All elected Republicans were and are controlled by the Conservatives,this was never some insider secret. But it's one thing to own Golden,Donovan, and Malliotakis and another thing to be left with only Malliotakis part which is only half of Bay Ridge. And no one on Staten Island cares what the Brooklyn Conservatives think.

Anonymous said...

Wake up, Studly 7:15, can you sound this out, S-I-M-C-H-A-F-E-L-D-E-R? Now this, B-R-O-O-K-L-Y-N-C-O-N-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-V-E.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Marty's post-election financials are up.

He finished the race with $312,330.98 in his treasury.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:25 Simcha Felder owns the Brooklyn Conservatives not the other way around, Simcha owns them to the point Marty couldn’t get his speed cameras bill passed. Facts. It’s over and you can’t pretend otherwise. Can you spell “IRRELEVANT”?

Anonymous said...

$300k should pay for the "Full Buff" for quite a few nights.

Anonymous said...

I think this settles the question of how poorly Marty’s campaign was run. It also shows how out of touch his closest advisers were with the district. This is the problem when your campaign staff is from the Upper East Side and Downtown Brooklyn. Anybody who lived in the district would know Marty was in serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

The upper East side Psychos and Liam just continued their losing record

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Steve Saperstein. Such a promising candidate with a rare chance to win against the weakest candidate the Dems could have possibly run. Whoever was doing the polling for Steve telling him he was up by 15 is probably the same guy telling Marty he was up by 20. In any event both campaigns were acting like they were up by 60 points.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, Liam and the Upper East Side psychos worked for Sap also

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t matter if Jerry, Kelly Anne Conway or Karl rove worked for Sap- Max rose spent $3,000,000 to get people to vote straight Democratic. God bless you max Rose.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the nonsense blaming Max Rose or Dan Donovan for the fortunes of local Republicans. The truth is that the enormously arrogant wind bag gas bag fools following their cult leader Michael Grimm in a brutal senseless primary destroyed Donovan financially, aside from humiliating and exposing themselves by getting crushed that is all they accomplished. Everybody was hurt by the horrible team assembled by Golden, the Conservatives left Donovan without any presence in Brooklyn because they were all busy trying to save Golden. No one was helping Donovan in Brooklyn, and the Golden campaign kept making one mistake after the other. If Donovan was selfish and not interested in helping Golden, he would have helped himself by completely disavowing after the Proud Boys drama which crushed all local Brooklyn candidates thanks to the allegation of various operatives either being directly or indirectly associated with the event and directly or indirectly being involved with Golden campaign.

Anonymous said...

Quaglione , Kepi, Kassar, etc. are all out of jobs come Jan 1 but at least Liam still has his TLC Operator job .. good for him

Anonymous said...

Liam will be the next chair of GOP.

Anonymous said...

If Liam runs for Chair, all his dirty laundry will come he was, is and always will be a puppet of Kassar..
Time to move on

Anonymous said...

Sad to say but whatever is left in Brooklyn Jerry firmly in control of it.

Anonymous said...

Kassar loses all power and clout Jan 1

Anonymous said...

I watched Ulrich speech on Facebook at Liam "club" meeting with Liam ferociously taking photos on background with angles to look like more than 20 people. Anyway , Ulrich slams Melissa Mark Viverito as liberal but failed to mention he voted for her for Speaker..the only Republican to do so

Anonymous said...

Capano and Eaton support Goondardes who wants to free cop killers from prison. Capano and Craig bad. Liam Ghorra good.

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice for Gounardes to lose but unfortunately Jerry, Ted, Liam and his infamous cast of troubled operatives were in charge of the Golden campaign. Now we have no more Brooklyn Electeds and some good people are out of jobs while some of Jerry’s close friends made out like bandits on Golden’s campaign. That is what’s “bad”.

Anonymous said...

Liam' s candidate Ulrich voted for Melissa Mark-Viverito who supports FALN terrorists...Liam , Ulrich bad...Capano, Eaton good

Anonymous said...

How will Uncle Marty spend the $300,000 he still has in his campaign account?

Will he?

A) Hire a team of professionals and immediately begin a sophisticated, hard-hitting, two year campaign to regain his Senate seat?

B) Install himself as Republican County Chairman, and use those funds to jumpstart a real, competitive, boroughwide Republican organization that wins elections and has a presence in all communities throughout the county?

C) Donate all $300,000 to the victims of priestly sexual molestation that his legislative efforts have helped obscure and conceal over the past 20 years?

C) Pretend to be considering another run for office, and use the funds to lease a new Cadillac Escalade, rent and furnish an office where he can hold court, and hold semi-annual bashes (with the 'full buff,' of course) at the Bay Ridge Manor, honoring his cronies and handing out 'awards' along with flatscreen TVs and other expensive trinkets to senior centers that have kissed his butt over the years?

D) Say screw it all, and take the money offshore to a country with no extradition treaties with the United States?

E) Something else (let us know your guess below)?

Anonymous said...

Maybe a new future Republican leader for all of Brooklyn is about to emerge out of nearby Sunset Park.
Joel Acevedo's article in the Gotham Gazette, which came out on line earlier today, is both refreshing and 100% on point.
The days of the crypto-racist pitch only to the white ethnics in New York City, which has been the hallmark of the Republican-Conservative love fest since the troglodytes dumped John V. Lindsey, is over.
Ding-dong, their last witch in Brooklyn is dead!
Acevedo's formula is simple, if the GOP again wants to rise, it has to cleanse itself of old barely veiled racism, ala Marty Golden, and instead find ways to embrace minorities and immigrants.
Acevedo's new Sunset Park GOP club is part of the answer. By contrast, Liam McCabe's 'new' old-style club is a dose of more of the same and really is part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Cheeky ploy to make it seem like Joe Acevedo and Liam aren’t friends. Problem in Brooklyn isn’t lack of good candidates and ideas. The problem is that there is no money and no organization. These candidates would get no support and got no support in the past. They’d be strangled by the likes of Jerry and others. If we want to talk seriously about winning elections we have to change the County Party and clean house. That includes Jerry’s puppets Ted and Liam and all of the strange people that come with them.

Anonymous said...

Big plans underway by some folks to take out Ghorra and all Golden cronies..a new day next Sept

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Liam

Anonymous said...

Can anyone really imagine Liam in charge of a county GOP budget , outreach, events, etc.

Quaglione is the more "sober" choice

Anonymous said...

Forget all the infighting between Liam and Q supporters time to get serious about patching things up and freeing the Brooklyn GOP from indentured servitude to the KCCP.

Anonymous said...

Kassar and Liam will be last men standing

Anonymous said...

I can think of at least two separate and unrelated reasons why that's not a very wise bet.

Anonymous said...

Jerry is still close to Marty Golden, Senator Simcha Felder, and very good friends with Assemblywoman Malliotakis. Jerry is still the boss of Brooklyn end of discussion.

Anonymous said...

Kassar rules

Anonymous said...

Kassar is no star, he's no longer welcome at the bar and he won't get very far once he is forced to depart.

Anonymous said...

Kassar still puts Eaton to shame

Anonymous said...

Liam may have a future in taking photos for cheap hotels who need to make their rooms look bigger and nicer from those hard-to-get angles standing on your toes on the TV table in the corner. I watched Liam take photos of Ulrich's speech and I must say I was impressed. He was using all sorts of fancy tricks and dangerous angles to make it look as if more than 20 people showed up to his second, and likely final, "club" meeting. Kudos Liam!

Anonymous said...

On this blog, Capano and Eaton like to refer now to Malliotakis as the only Brooklyn GOP elected official, well she takes Kassar s calls and listens to him, while ignoring Capano and Eaton. I even hear she rarely talks to Chamberas any more. .

Anonymous said...

Unless it’s the specific people mentioned I think anybody else on this blog contemplating how much time Nicole Malliotakis spends talking to each of those people needs an intervention. That said, only one of those people mentioned cares if she calls him back because she’s all he has left after destroying the campaigns of Marty and Danny.

Anonymous said...

Even with a presidential election coming up, Nicole is 'dead man walking' if she doesn't find more of a base vote.