Saturday, August 22, 2020

Patrice Lee Onwuka --- a not so secret weapon in the overall effort to re-elect Donald Trump

In many ways, a significant part of the 2020 DNC was aimed at shoring up a key Democrat voting block  ---  Black Women  ---  Republicans and the Trump campaign won't let the Democrats do that without at least a little bit of push-back aimed at that demographic

Instrumental in any contest for the hearts and minds of black women voters is Patrice Lee Onwuka  ---    Republicans that are serious about going forward into the second quarter of the Twenty-first Century need to learn who she is and what she is all about

Patrice Onwuka's boiler plate bio is quite simple and straightforward  ---  Patrice Patrice resides in Maryland with her husband and three children.  

She is a political commentator and Senior Policy Analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum. Patrice is also a senior fellow with the Alliance for Charitable Excellence, a project of The Philanthropy Roundtable; she's also a Tony Blankley fellow at The Steamboat Institute. 

Over the last ten years, Ms. Onwuka has worked in a variety of policy, advocacy, and communications roles in the Washington, D.C. area  ---  on issues related to the economy, employment, technology, and the criminal justice system.  Prior to moving to Washington, Patrice served as a speechwriter for a United Nations spokesperson. 

Patrice is a frequent guest on Fox News, Fox Business News, and PBS programs. She hosts a column called the New Agenda for Black Women on and is a contributor to the Washington Examiner and The Hill. Her opinions have also appeared in the Washington Post, USA Today, CNBC, Bloomberg, and other prominent media outlets. 

Patrice Lee Onwuka was born in the Caribbean, Patrice immigrated with her family to Boston where she grew up and completed her early education. Patrice holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Tufts University and a master’s degree in international relations from Boston College. 

Ms. Onwuka recently penned two very important articles: one about Joe Biden's economic plan for black women; and the other about Joe Biden's recently announced and confirmed Democrat running mate for Vice President, Kamala Harris.....   These articles are must reading for anybody that wants to weigh in on the 2020 race for the White House  ( See "Harris's Personal Story Won't Rally Black Women" by Patrice Lee Onwuka, 8/20/2020, Newsmax/ Home  [];  also  "Joe Biden's "Fair Shot" for Black Women Is a Sure Miss" by Patrice Lee Onwuka, 7/31/2020, Newsmax/ Home   []). Any inroads by the GOP and/or the Trump campaign into the black women's vote should assay as the purest gold  ---  a three, two or even one point shift in that subgroup would have a geometrically amplified impact on any hopes that the Democrats might have in regaining the White House in 2020.


Anonymous said...

4 yellow school buses were parked in front of best western hotel on 83 st & 4th ave unloading homeless men with garbage bags. Can you ask the fat councilman you work for how much money he got from hotel and bus company? and did andy and maax get paid too.

Anonymous said...

Keep shifting the conversation to trump. You are fooling nobody.

Anonymous said...

Bay Ridge has gone so bad since Marty & Max got elected.

Anonymous said...

12:05 PM I think that may have been Bob Capano's relatives coming to town for a visit but I'm not sure

Anonymous said...

I'm just popping in to remind y'all that Bob Capano has worked in senior staff positions to Brooklyn Republican AND Democratic elected officials, and has been an adjunct Political Science Professor for well over two decades.

Anonymous said...

By focusing on School Choice Ron DeSantis beat a then promising Black Democrat Andrew Gillium in a nail biter in Florida. He got 10% of the Black Female vote and this was the margin of victory.

Biden even after picking Kamala is having a major challenge even getting to Hillary numbers in terms of the Black vote. If he hasn't been able to do it after serving 8 years as Obama's VP, the riots, and his pick of Harris it is hard to see this happening. The projections of turn out of Blacks under 30 is causing every Democratic strategist worth his or her salt major bouts of insomnia.