Saturday, June 29, 2024

The whole Carroll family [father "Jack"... mother Mary Beth... son Assemblyman Robert... and son Brooklyn ADA John --- former Assemblyman Jim Brennan --- the Hynes' Estate --- and the City and State of New York all get ROSETTA STONED by document leaked in O'Hara case


Is this a "Rosetta Stone" that is the key that unlocks untold wealth [[[ over $20 million (and compounding daily for provable lost income) ]]] for John O'Hara in his multi-decade saga to get justice in the form of monetary damages for a private-turned-public investigation, a politically weaponized prosecution, false arrest and a  malicious indictment by his political persecutors-turned-private-public-investigators-and-prosecutors, multiple trials on false charges, erroneous and overturned convictions and dismissal of all charges  ---  all so many, many years ago:

Maybe so or maybe not  ---  but it sure is quite interesting.....

Based on a leak and a document drop to this blog, there has been a trove of O'Hara-related documents in a file cabinet in the then-Brennan-now-Carroll Park Slope NYS Assembly District office for what looks like about the last 40 years.

So far Brennan has turned over 550 items in the O'Hara case (all probably from that cabinet) including stuff like court transcripts mentioning O'hara from a 1984 case involving a candidate other than O'Hara (that was the year Brennan was first elected to the NYS Assembly succeeding Joe Ferris in the then 51st A.D.). Since about that time, the file cabinet and those items were under the supervision and control of Mary Beth Carroll (wife of Brennan's co-defendant "Jack" Carroll, and mother to Assemblyman Robert Carroll, in whose office the cabinet remained located after Brennan retired as a member of the NYS Assembly [Note: Mary Beth Carroll was office manager of that office under Brennan for most of those forty years that the O'Hara files were kept there].

Part of the document drop to this blog are what appear to be date-stamped pieces of evidence that it all came from Brennan and/or "Jack" Carroll, both defendants in the O'Hara lawsuit (or possibly even other close relatives of "Jack" Carroll).
The items include, but are not lomited to:  1) an email from Jim Brennan to, "" , and, "robertcarroll86@gmail"; and to a Stuart Marques (probanly a public relations guy) >>>  the email Brennan is talking about is concerns what Brennan refers to as  "our large O'Hara file".....   Brennan also gives details about a Judge Gleeson decision and transcripts, orders from State Board of Elections, a tape recording of ADA O'Meara about the NYS Board of Elections "prosecuting" O'Hara. And Brennan even gloats over testimony from police officers on charges against his CHief of Staff John Keefe's alleged assault a woman well known to O'Hara.....  Lastly, Jim Brennan states  that "Carroll's office is scanning these documents to make them available, . . this will take a couple of days".....  The document drop also included  >>>  2)  a particular Hynes email (purportedly to "Jack" Carroll in June 2020  [[[Note >>> Hynes died 17 months earlier in January 2019]]]; and 3) a copy of former DA Hynes 2019 Florida death certificate.

WHEW !!!!!  There's more  ---  but it's so much that it makes everybodies' head hurt......

Maybe we'll do more when we recover our strength and will to push on.....


Anonymous said...

I recall a story about an Assemblywoman in Queens who did time for using her district office staff to run her law office.

Do these laws apply to Brooklyn?

Anonymous said...

all these guys are democrats and they stick together

Anonymous said...

Why is everybody in this story Irish? Even the Judges

Anonymous said...

Jack Carol always said ohara was spinning wheels with his appeals. Now Carol says he had a deal with hynes to disbar ohara for 2 years.

Anonymous said...

This is one helluva bizarre GOP blog.

Galewyn Massey said...




THe following quote: "This is one helluva bizarre GOP blog." should have said this: "This is one helluva bizarre pro-Trump, MAGA GOP blog."

Anonymous said...

Gail, I've been looking at a couple e-mails that you have published here on your blog about the O'Hara case. Something looks phony and isn't quite right with them. The one from Brennan supposedly sent to a few people in 2020 about some remarks by his wife saying it was O'Hara's turn once he began his lawsuit in 2020; then there is one supposedly from Hynes after he was dead for quite a while; and another about Brennan discovering lots of stuff in the file cabinet in the assembly district office of Assemlyman Carroll.

Submitting fabricated e-mails in a Federal Court case could be very bad for everybody involved, so I heard that O'Hara is trying to get the metadata on about 50 e-mails submitted to the court by some of the defendants in O'Hara's suit for damages, that O'Hara thinks are exhibits that were fabricated and submitted to the court in his case for damages.

If O'Hara is right, he has lots of leverage, especially against anybody involved who might be a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Giuliani just lost his law license over election law cases. The emails with these Carroll family sound serious.

Anonymous said...

11:03 story is mistaken about any O'Hara lawsuit from 2020. a Google search of O'Hara's case shows that his lawsuit began in 2017, and the Daily News article mentioned in the Brennan e-mail was published in 2017; also the Charles Hynes obituary states Hynes died in Florida during 2019, but his name appears on a 2020 e-mail filed in court by the defendants.

BTW, is that file cabinet that is now in Assemblyman Robert Carroll's district office the very same file cabinet that his mother was in charge of when she worked for Brennan for the whole time O'Hara was being persecuted by Assemblyman Brennan and "Jack" Carroll for engaging in politics; based on Brennan's e-mails, Brennan seems to think so.

Anonymous said...

Judging from just the one or two e-mails that you posted, Gail, former Park Slope Assemblyman Jim Brennan doesn't seem to get that confession sometimes is good for the soul, but it's mostly not very good in a lawsuit, especially when it's part of an elaborate phony e-mail scam on the federal court by somebody named "John" who definitely is not "John Kennedy O'Hara." It's also not likely to be Brennan's co-defendant "Jack" Carrol either, even though for some reason he confessed to being the "John" in question.