What can it be ?
What can it be ??
What can it be ???
As Barack Obama might describe us here on this blog --- We are just getting all "Wee-wee-d Up" waiting for Liam's Groundhog Day event at the Lief
Judging from Liam's latest social media stuff --- he is just a human dynamo --- back to school, handling TLC Enforcement, swapping spit with furry creatures that sort of look like Balto, being a married man and dutiful parent, and even being kinda "woke" on MLK Day --- It sure looks like this guy is running for something.....
If Liam were half as excited as I am, there wouldn't be any safe carpets anywhere he visits..... [Yes, I can go there, but if anybody else tries, I'll take it down in a second (or when I next check this blog) --- Go ahead, make my day.....]