Thursday, October 1, 2020

"RATSO VITO BRUNO" needs to have his name changed to "WHINY RATSO VITO BRUNO"

Judging from Vito Bruno's campaign social media  >>>  he has decided to be the pissy-whiner candidate for State Senate in Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst and the neighborhoods around Marine Park

Here's what Whiny Ratso Vito Bruno had to say most recently  >>>  "...  State Senator Andrew Gounardes  is busy lying about my life...." --- but so far, Vito has been very mum about what those lies might be

Meanwhile, one of the posted comments on the Vito Bruno campaign Facebook page likened >>> Bruno's complaints about the details of his personal history being made public about him <<< to what Stalin did about the inconvenient details of that tyrant's personal history --- including having been an INFORMANT against others in the Russian Revolution

Vito Bruno obviously has no sense of importance or scale, his campaign page likened the closing of the restaurant "New Corner" in Dyker Heights (most recently called the Colandrea New Corner Italian Restaurant) to a stabbing attack not far away at Fort Hamilton Parkway near 92nd Street.

FYI, the New Corner restaurant closing was many, many years overdue --- their food was neither good nor reasonably priced --- they were milking a very long ago decent reputation in the community for all they could get out of it. Just like Vito Bruno, they were in it for the business and the bottom line --- and the public be damned.....


Anonymous said...

Correction Officers union usually endorses the democrat except today they endorsed Nicole. The PBA, Sargent, Captains and Lt unions have also backed Nicole. I guess since Max being silent on the escalating crime isnt working for him.

Anonymous said...

Since you and Bruno's mentioning New Corner, is nobody going to point out its claim to fame: that the original owner was Armand Rava, convicted heroin dealer, and one of Al Anastasia's guys who was busted at Apalachin --disappeared not long after?

Anonymous said...

New Corners better days were behind them. but it was still ok.

Anonymous said...

Correction Officers make a living sticking their fingers into dirty crevices so Nicole's a perfect fit

Anonymous said...

Wow! 806, you linked the businessmen, Armand Rava, behind the New Corner restaurant and a personal history of a principal owner that had a rep for being a drug pusher. Isn't that exactly part of the personal history that 'businessman' Vito Bruno is trying to run away from?

Basically, that puts Vito Bruno's campaign Facebook nostalgic comment about the New Corner Italian Restaurant closing into the context of one 'wiseguy' businessman shedding crocodile tears over the failure of another 'wiseguy' businessman's business.

Anonymous said...

We seen Vito today dressed like Gordon Gekko, I think Vito thinks he's a good looking extra from The Irishman. New Corner ain't been good in years who are we kidding?

Anonymous said...

Tommy Rava was a Gambino family capo involved in booze and drug rackets. He was also closely associated with illicit gambling at Vito Bruno's discotheques. Several New York State Liquor Authority investigations targeted Rava, Bruno, Quaglione, Capano and numerous other mobsters for manufacturing bootleg alcohol. In the late 1950s Rava was one of 58 higher echelon mobsters who attended the Apalachin conference in upstate New York where Quaglione made s'mores and told ghost stories about his days picking up Jeff Kraus and his dry cleaning.

Anonymous said...

11:12, all kidding aside, the Calandrea New Corner Italian Restaurant was the sight of gunplay at around the time Vito Bruno was getting his own start only a few blocks away. At least one paid hit happened inside the Italian restaurant that is only one block away from McKinley Park; and there was once a time when at least on local newspaper said that the New Corner Restaurant was more notorious than notable.

Anonymous said...

McKinley Park will be remembered always and only as the historic site of the most widely attended and largest Brooklyn Tea Party 9-11 ceremony in American modern history. McKinley Park not be remembered for a mob hit at New Corner that may or may not have been ordered by Vito Bruno and Sal "Sally Ears" Albanese

Anonymous said...

Where has Sally Ears gone?

Anonymous said...

Last I heard Sally Ears was running for Council in Dykerheights. Fran Vella is running the campaign