Thursday, March 16, 2017

FLASH UPDATE: THE "Still more from John Quaglione --- No not the stuff about his fundraising $$$$" EDITION

Can anybody explain what this guy is up to on social media   ???  ---   It sure don't look like politics to me ! ! !

His most recent Tweet & Retweet are ever so typical.....

Here they are for your confusion:

First his Tweet:  
"John Quaglione @JQuaglione  
Waiting to participate in a panel hosted by the The League of Independent Theater "Meet The Candidates" Forum #Q4U2017 @indietheaternyc"
rs ago
Then his Retweet:
"John QuaglioneRetweeted 
Kirsten Theodos‏ @kirstentheodos   5 hours ago
@JQuaglione in regards to the arts ‘we need you more than ever to put on shows’ “

(See both  Tweet & Retweet at “John Quaglione  @JQuaglione”  3/15/17, Twitter   [];   [photo of Quaglione on panel with others]). 


Good golly, Miss Molly ! ! !    Can this guy be serious ? ? ?


  1. More puppet shows.

    We need it now more than ever.

  2. Kirsten Theodos is with the group that wants rent control for commercial tenants.
    First Q wants more parking ticket and now this.
    Is Q a socialist?

  3. And a poor Qommunicator.

  4. GM, since you're so well connected and seemingly emotionally invested in the Capano campaign, perhaps you can write a post filling us in how and why everything went south for him.

  5. And title it, "Bobby, we hardly knew ye"

  6. to 7:24 I lost my compass. Instead of saying south can we just say staten island

  7. The issues facing our district, our city, our state, are what the voters will be framing the decision on who they will mark the box for on election day. Bob Capano has not raised the most money but he has a respectable amount of money that will be matched accordingly. Name calling will not impact any voters decision, however, in a primary viability is a factor. Liam McCabe has come on strong with an early lead in fundraising and an endorsement by Congressman Donovan. John Quaglione is a fucking jerkoff who sits in martys office all day with his dick in his hand.

    These are the factors that will impact the decision voters make on primary day.

  8. I think you meant to say "with his diqk in his hand."

  9. They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

  10. There is nothing remarkable about most of your small donors coming from Staten Island. Bob has been campaigning for over a year and has gotten zero traction as is obvious by his latest pitiful campaign filing.

  11. If Catsimatidis does run for Mayor, Bob is going to get sidelined. The Boss will want all efforts focused on him, not a Council candidate.

  12. What more proof do we need that Q knows nothing about Bay Ridge. Does he think that he's running in Greenwich Village or Park Slope?

    The only question left unanswered is how much of our money Q wants to spend on paper mache masks and animal figures.

  13. Cwaglione is a Qommunist

  14. Bob is waiting for Cats to run for Mayor that was the plan all along to use the Cats people for his City Council campaign. Now he's left in limbo with Russ and Gene trying to run the show behind the scenes. There is no way Rob Ryan is going to work on a City Council campaign unless a Mayoral campaign is right behind him.

  15. Well Russ & Gene are doing a great job of being behind the scene. Capanos entire operation is behind the scene.

  16. Stop all the nonsense about Bob Capano; at this moment, Capano's whole approach to the City Council race in the 43rd District seems to be insanity.

    Here are some important facts:
    1) For his 2009 race he had some ideas that probably came from Capano's campaign manager Gallo or Republican Chairman Eaton; in 2009 Capano got the worst City Council result in the 43rd District ever by a Republican up to that time;
    2) For his 2017 race, Bob Capano has many ideas that are very likely coming from virtually the same team that he had in 2009; and
    3) There is a thumbnail definition of 'insanity' that talks about doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

  17. If money was everything then we can all unite to attend El yateens swearing in next year

  18. I can see Capano and McCabe uniting against Quaglione. .they both despise him

  19. 2:16 El Yateem will get a lot more votes than Capano so don't worry about it.

  20. 3:06 No love lost between Liam and Russ either...

  21. the only thing that prevents capano from coming in third place is if another person enters GOP primary. then bob comes in fourth

  22. We shall see who is laughing at the next filing when Capano out raises all!
    These early filings are baby games.

  23. "Baby Games" should be the title of Bob's campaign team. You said the same thing a month ago about the March filing. You guys should have squeezed some more money from the "200 attendees" at the Bean Post, or collected money from the people coming in instead of giving it to them when they were coming in. You even had to resort to soliciting money on SI. Give up the charade.

  24. Now the beanpost fundraiser had 200 people. Was the cover charge $5

  25. Prosecutors said on Thursday that state and federal probes into Mayor de Blasio's fundraising activities wouldn't result in criminal charges against him or others acting on his behalf and just like that, any little bit of mojo Liam, Capano, Massey (R-Larchmont) and Sal Albanese had, instantly evaporated. This leaves John Quaglione. When the dust settles, Marty Golden will part the seas and make sure his most loyal pupil has his day in the sun once again.

  26. How does the lack of a real mayoral campaign help anyone but the eventual Democratic nominee?

    Marty Golden has his strengths, but turning crap into diamonds isn't one of them.

  27. There is a better chance that Marty Golden could make brick and mortar video rental stores so popular again they cause Netflix to file for bankruptcy before he can save Quaglione's candidacy.

  28. Welllll let's just say a little birdie told me today that there may be a dark, dark horse about to enter the race on the "GOP" side of the aisle. Well, not exactly GOP but definitely not a Democrat. It's a woman and her name rhymes with Stan Stella-Barone.... As a good friend of mine used to say: the question begs

  29. 8:45 PM you can't expect anybody to take you seriously. You can't think there's room for four candidates in a Republican Primary, especially since the one you implied as coming into the race Fran Vella-Marone isn't even a Republican.

  30. Fran is supporting Liam and is the Vice Chair of Conservative Party. Not happening move on. And no one wants Lucretia to run either. Just saying.

  31. 9:05 PM you can't expect anybody to take you seriously. You say Fran is supporting Liam, but she was the one of the few Conservative Party leaders not at Liam's fundraiser and she put her her money on John and not Liam.

  32. 9:23 Wrong again. She donated to both but attended Liam's Fundraiser. Nice try but aint no rumor you spread gonna help Bob. It's over but the excuse spreading.

  33. What you people don't understand is that Fran Vella has been around for a very long time. Back before Liam changed his name and when John Q was fetching coffee for Tim Russert. You are all going to be in for a September surprise. I am talking about the days of Knute Rockne Football. Serph Maltese and Keiran Doherty. Liam and John Q were still in nursery school when Fran was helping to get Rose Gunning and Charlie Jerabec elected. Mark my words. A dark horse is coming. It's still very very early.

  34. 9:39 Either you are so out of the loop or you are expressing dissatisfaction with the current crop of Republican candidates. Fran is not running, whatever scenario you are conjuring up involving Fran running is not happening. If this is a desperate attempt to drum up interest for Lucretia, that is not happening either.

  35. Hey I am just telling you what I heard and I heard Fran Vella is considering a run for the council seat. Petitions don't come out until June. It's not out of the question. Crazier things have happened. The old guard is going to screw everybody

  36. 8:45 talks about a dark horse entering race. Really? Besides McCabe it's full of dark horses.

  37. 9:23 before you say that anybody is wrong again you got to show how they were wrong at all. Many people gave to both John and Liam, there's a lot of that going on for some reason. If Frances V-M was at Liam's party why was she so camera shy?

  38. Gail, enough about the City Council race. How's your friend with the bad back doing? Tell him we're all praying for his quick recovery.
