Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Fox’s JUDGE NAPOLITANO says:   “President Obama went outside the [U.S.] chain of command. He didn’t use  [U.S.   intelligence services, the FBI or other parts of the]  Department of Justice…” to get [his set of] transcripts of Trump-related conversations

According to an up to the minute report on Breitbart,   “Fox News Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano claimed “three intelligence sources” say President Obama looked to British spy agency GCHQ to obtain transcripts of conversations involving President Donald Trump on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday….   Napolitano said, ‘[T]hree intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn’t use the NSA. He didn’t use the CIA. He didn’t use the FBI, and he didn’t use Department of Justice. He used GCHQ. What the heck is GCHQ? That’s the initials for the British [electronic] spying agency [roughly equivalent to our NSA].  They have 24/7 access to the NSA database. So by simply having two people go to them saying, “President Obama needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump, conversations involving president-elect Trump,”’ he’s able to get it, and there’s no American fingerprints on this.’…”   (See  “Judge Napolitano: ‘Three Intel Sources’ Say Obama Looked to Brit Agency to Spy on Trump” by Breitbart Staff [with video link to Judge Napolitano], 3/14/17,  Breitbart News/ Television   [http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/03/14/judge-napolitano-three-intel-sources-say-obama-looked-to-brit-agency-to-spy-on-trump/]).
Here's the Fox News report about their own program broadcast earlier today:   "On 'Fox & Friends' this morning, Judge Andrew Napolitano said that even if the Obama administration did spy on Trump, there may never be a way to prove it....   He explained that the statutes allow the president to order the surveillance of any person in the U.S., without suspicion, probable cause or a warrant, but that would leave 'fingerprints.'...   In this case, the alleged surveillance was reportedly ordered in a way that left no record, he said....   'Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command,' Napolitano said. 'He didn't use the NSA, he didn't use the CIA, he didn't use the FBI, and he didn't use the Department of Justice.'...  Instead, Napolitano said, Obama used GCHQ, a British intelligence and security organization that has 24-7 access to the NSA database....  'There's no American fingerprints on this,' Napolitano said. 'What happened to the guy who ordered this? Resigned three days after Donald Trump was inaugurated.'..."  (See  "Judge Nap: Obama 'Went Outside Chain of Command,' Used British Spy Agency to Surveil   Trump" by Fox News Staff, 3/14/17,  Fox News/ Insider   [http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/03/14/judge-napolitano-why-there-may-never-be-proof-even-if-obama-spied-trump]).


  1. Obama went to british intelligence. Well this sounds like something out of James Fucking Bond.I thought this blog would be breaking the numbers on council race. A comment about McCabes monumental success is all we get?

    Sounds like the sources you rely on are not very reliable.


    TO: "ANONYMOUS SAID... AT 10:12 AM"

    I do what I do, I listen to whom I listen, I think what I think and I write what I write.

    Reliable is as reliable does.....

  3. Gale pay no attention to 10:12.

    that person is obviously constipated


    TO: "ANONYMOUS SAID... AT 10:12 AM"

    Actually, my operatives have reported to me that "ANONYMOUS AT... 10:12 AM" is suffering with a sore back; and he has been complaining about it to anybody who will listen. He or she has been mum about bowel movements, or the lack thereof --- Thank God for small favors.....

  5. To all the know it all clowns that never leave moms basement.
    In exactly 24 hours Bob Capano will be filing his reports with the nyc campaign finance board. I encourage you all to examine it. see who is laughing then.

  6. I heard Bob is well over the 50k goal

  7. gale,
    do you plan to report on the candidates disclosures tomorrow or will you be covering that election in Helsinki?

  8. Judge Napolitano is still around? I thought Gerry Rosenberg beat him.

  9. Cats is not going to let Bob come in below liam & quag. Then Cats looks bad.

  10. If Capano shows raising 55,000 these folks will say it should have been $100,000..if he shows raising $75,000 you will say it should have been $150,000 right?????

  11. Unlike liam the naif and Q the record breaking loser Bob Capano is the only candidate who ran for office before and came close.

    Bob has focused on fundraising for 2 years. Tomorrow the others will learn a lesson in what real politics is about.

    Good Night Chumps !!!

  12. Q has not filed any disclosures and this blog stated Capano had 3 times as many people at his fundraiser than the other 2 had. The Capano machine has been organizing this for 2 years. The numbers will speak for themselves.

  13. 12 more hours till Capano files his disclosures that will leave mccabe in the dust.

  14. Oh boy! We all can hardly wait.
