Thursday, February 2, 2017

On this “Groundhog Day” --- Democrat JUSTIN BRANNAN comes out SWINGING --- and it's at >>> BOB CAPANO

The other City Council candidates are really mixing-it-up on the same day that some people think that Will/Liam McCabe is going to toss his own hat into the ring  ---  EVEN DEMOCRAT JUSTIN BRANNAN GOT IN ON THE ACT

Boy, this has been quite a news day so far…..


For the uninformed >>> Justin Brannan  --  Democrat for City Council <<<  sent out this E-mail notice earlier today, at about ten- minutes-to-two: 
“Friends,   My name is Justin Brannan from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and I'm a Democrat running for New York City Council…..   While Brooklyn is solidly Democrat, the district I'm running in has elected Republicans in the past. My opponent, who is bankrolled by a billionaire, is a rabid supporter of Donald Trump and the local Congressman here praised Trump's Muslim ban even though Bay Ridge has one of the largest Arab populations in New York….   When I decided to run for City Council a few months ago, I never thought that this city, my home, and our country, would be subject to such a dramatic shift away from the ideals and principles we believe in. But while these may be dangerous times, I refuse to give up hope….   Now more than ever, we need to elect people with guts who aren't afraid to stand up for what's right. The future may be uncertain, but I know the path forward begins at the local level....   And that's why as a City Council Member, I will defend the ideals and rights we all hold dear, while fighting back against racism, sexism, homophobia and all forms of discrimination….   It doesn't matter who you are, what color you are, where you came from or what you believe: We must all stand together in the face of Donald Trump. Our City and our Country is being threatened and we can't sit on the sidelines. Donate to make sure real progressives are leading the fight in the most diverse city in the world....   In solidarity,   Justin Brannan” 


Clearly, the “..  My opponent, who is bankrolled by a billionaire, is a rabid supporter of Donald Trump…” is a not-so-veiled reference to the leading GOP candidate in the race,  Bob Capano.   So,  little Bobby C,  who is consciously patterning his campaign to emulate the campaign that elected Donald Trump as POTUS,  was quick to reply with some counterpunches at Justin B  (NO, NOT THE BIEBERMEISTER,  >>> BRANNAN <<<).  Here’s what Capano had to say about the Brannan barb(s):

"I appreciate that Mr. Brannan clearly sees me as the strongest Republican opponent in a general election through his sarcastic reference to me working in the real world managing a business for John Catsimatidis. However, no amount of tired Democratic speaking points can deflect from his record as one of the first to proudly endorse Bill de Blasio for Mayor that earned him a patronage position in de Blasio's Department of Education. Even Mr. Brannan understands that voters across the political spectrum in Dyker Heights, Bay Ridge, and Bensonhurst do not want more of de Blasio's failed progressive policies, which is why he wisely quit this job to run for City Council. Our community needs  a common sense outsider in City Hall, not a mini Bill de Blasio."  -- Bob Capano


  1. That is because Brannan wants Bob to be the nominee and a weakened nominee at that. Bob really needs to take a look at the Presidential numbers and see that Trump got killed in Bay Ridge. I know he can't afford real campaign advisers yet but this is getting out of hand. Let go of Trump already. Bob hasn't lived here in a very long time and it shows. Bob can actually beat Brannan but he has to start to learn about the district first.

  2. 200pm
    I am confused bob didnt mention Trump in the statement above????

  3. It is in one of his many press releases.

  4. Capano's endless stream of press releases, emails and social media posts violates the Geneva Convention ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

  5. Liam had a huge crowd last night. Quaglione may come in third.

  6. If Quaglione comes in third, Marty may even have to get rid of him

  7. ANyone can fill a room giving away free beer and food. When John fills a room shortly it will be a fund-raiser.. Liam can't do that.

  8. Yea right about Quaglione filling a room. He didn't have a primary opponent last time and he barely raised $40,000. Brannan raised more in one filing period than Quaglione raised during an entire campaign. And Quaglione is right hand man to one of most powerful electeds around and he couldn't raise money, he might raise less than Liam.

  9. Liam will have the Conservative party line. End of the day Golden will be told to sit on his hands to ensure Liam gets the party line for a republican and conservative. Only question will be does he have enough money to beat Peter Abbate.

  10. If Abbate runs, it's curtains for John or Liam for that matter. The conservatives and Abbate will take five minutes to figure out how many no show jobs in exchange for implicit cooperation with his campaign.

  11. Everyone is dead wrong about Abate. Voters are not stupid and will know that Abate is just another hack working on a pension. Plus his assembly district covers less than 20% of council district.

  12. The non whack job faction of the Democratic party will unite around the candidacy of Peter Abbate in order to prevent DeBlasio Clone Brannan from winning. Brannan is these three Republican candidates only hope, Abbate crushes any one of those three with implicit conservative party backing.

  13. Here we go with Conservative party conspiracy theories. Mike Long is a straight shooter. Abbate (who is not Italian)will lose the Council race just like Mega lost the Senate seat. Change is in the air.

  14. Abbate is not Italian? Does he know that?

  15. Nobody who backs David Greenfield and calls himself a conservative is a straight shooter. We all know what the Patronage ahem I mean Conservative party is about.
