Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Capano Campaign Kick-off And Fundraiser is set for end of February --- at a Bay Ridge venue right under Marty Golden’s nose

The E-mail sent out to Bob Capano’s list of those who should be interested in attending is quite inviting; and I daresay, quite provocative.....  

Join Curtis Sliwa for an afternoon of Food, Drinks, and Politics at The Bean Post (7525 5th Avenue) in Support of Brooklyn's Next Republican Councilman- BOB CAPANO”   [YES,  that is just a couple of hundred feet  >>> AWAY FROM and NOT AT <<<  Golden's Bay Ridge Manor]

WHO WILL BE THERE ???   Well,  according to the Capano Camapaign,  the “Special guests” will include:   Curtis Sliwa, Craig Eaton and John Catsimatidis

Here’s the body of the Capano E-mail:  
Please join me at my kick-off fundraiser for City Council in Bay Ridge on Sunday, February 26th [emphasis in orginal] (2-5 p.m.) with special guests Curtis Sliwa, John Catsimatidis, and Craig Eaton.

I would be honored to have your support at this event. Please see the attached invite for additional details.

You can RSVP directly by replying to this email  (please include number of guests).  Contributions can be made at the door by check, money order, or cash. You can also contribute online at:  http://bobcapano.com/donate/ [link removed]

Join Curtis Sliwa for an afternoon of Food, Drinks, and Politics at The Bean Post (7525 5th Avenue) in Support of Brooklyn's Next Republican Councilman- BOB CAPANO [End of Text]”


Obviously, somebody who didn't want to go for Marty Golden's "FULL BUFF"  ---  AND ---  somebody who wanted to send an early message to Brooklyn's only elected Republican.....

Well, according to this observer, it’s just a BRILLIANT move ! ! !


  1. Only about six months too late.

  2. Bob did say the money he'd raised so far was just "seed money" so he's just getting started. Now the big bucks will really start pouring in.

    Go Bob Go !!!


  3. "Seed Money"? What else would Bob call such a pitiful and small amount? Do you have any idea how bad it looks for someone who works for one of the most politically financially active billionaires raised $50,000 less than Justin Brannan? Not only that but Capano barely got 30 people from Bay Ridge to donate while Brannan almost got 500. And over half the money Bob raised was from his Boss.

  4. Somebody is reaching for straws and is hyperventilating from the effort. Try breathing into a paper bag a little while, than lay down with your feet up.
    Bob is doing just fine based on his campaign's own financial advisers' input.
    At this stage, the comparison shouldn't be to Democrat Brannan, who might need to run against somebody like Abbate, but instead compare Bob's $$$$ to the lint in the pockets of Republicans McCabe & Quaglione.

  5. If you compare Bob to the homeless guy living at the 75th street ATM then he looks strong

  6. Who the hell are his campaign's financial advisers? Moe, Larry and Curly?

  7. 1- Was Gale ever in the Bean Post? If the answer is yes go to #2

    2- Was Gale in the Bean Post with a democrat? If the answer is yes go to #3

    3- Was Gale in the Bean Post with the next Mayor of NY? If the answer is yes go to Bellevue

  8. Liam seems to be going hard after Brannan so I guess that means Liam considers himself the front runner but who is advising Liam? The Blind Sheik?

    Where is Quaglione in all of this? Why is he being so quiet? Does this mean Abbate is running and Marty is keeping Quaglione on a short leash?

    Today Liam called out all the candidates for keeping their day jobs. Sounds like Liam is regretting quitting is part-time job filling the coffee machine at Donovan's office now that he's driving Uber all day.

    The cutoff date for financial activity for the next disclosure period is on March 11th and I'm being told that Capano will come in with a VERY strong number which will throw this whole race upside down. Capano can win this whole ballgame.

  9. Anything you say Bob

  10. Bob's "financial consultants" must also be in charge of the communications department that keep sending out those press releases full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Obviously in light of the fact that they are not troubled by the fact that Bob raised 1/6 of what the likely Democratic nominee raised they probably have trouble counting as well.

  11. Anything you say Justin

  12. Considering that Bob has been campaigning for over a year, the only logical explanation for a non mentally ill person advising Bob that his fundraising is where it should be is if it actually was coming from Justin.

  13. Everyone has a pattern. Bob is where he should be to repeat what he did in 2009.

  14. No, it's 2017 and there are two possible Republican primary candidates that say they intend to run against Bob Capano in a primary. On 2/14/17, Bob Capano is ahead of both of those Republican candidates in fundraising, organization and field operations.

  15. Anything you say Bob

  16. capano is ahead of mccabe in money, but capano has been raising money for a year. Mcabe has been at for 2 weeks. the primary is 7 months away. if mccabe has the momentum than quaglione and capano should team up marshall the troops to crush the mccabe insurgency

  17. 11:33 PM needs to find a hobby.

  18. I just got a Capano mailing. When will Quaglione and McCabe do their first mailing?

  19. A mailing this early is stupid. A mailing in June would be early.

  20. Always something

  21. To 9:11 person. Its only going one way for Capano.

  22. A fundraising mailing is never too early.

    A fundraising mailing that is poorly written, badly designed, and lacking in emotion and urgency is a complete waste of campaign money, regardless of when it's mailed.

    Doesn't one of Bob's neighbors on Staten Island know someone who does this sort of thing professionally? The Richmond GOP must have some resources he can tap into.

  23. 1001
    Always something
