Monday, February 13, 2017


HOT OFF THE "FORWARD" WIRE FROM ONE OF MY TOP GUYS IN THE FIELD --- With a personal "sweet nothing" to my guy in the field from the McCabe Man, himself

Here it is, minus the little sweet nothng to...[even initials would give it away] :


Former New York State Senator David Storobin Endorses Liam McCabe for City Council
Storobin calls the Brooklyn 43rd Council District Candidate a “proven winner”
Monday, February 13, 2017 – Brooklyn, NY Former New York State Senator David Storobin met with City Council Candidate Liam McCabe at Cherry Hill Gourmet Market while the candidate was campaigning in Bensonhurst on Sunday, February 12.  Storobin endorses McCabe, a “proven winner who is ready to fight for and protect his constituents.”

An immigrant who fled the USSR for the United States when he was a child, Storobin built a business and was elected to the New York State Senate in 2012 with the help of chief advisor McCabe.  Storobin says McCabe “understands what it means to struggle and to succeed in Brooklyn.”

Of Storobin, McCabe says, “I respect David.  He showed strength and courage when he fled to the United States for a better life and he worked hard to succeed in Brooklyn, and to honor Brooklyn and our residents by committing to work in public service.  Like David and so many others who have not taken the easy road into politics, I come with energy and commitment to serve.  I am ready to fight for all of the individuals and family in my district.  That includes those who have been in Brooklyn for generations and those who are coming to Brooklyn seeking a better life.”

Liam McCabe announced his candidacy for City Council on February 2, 2017.  He is a lifelong Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, resident and an active member of local politics and community activity.  He is CEO of consulting firm Steeplechase Strategies and has worked with multiple New York State and New York City candidates and elected officials.  McCabe has left his most recent position in the office of Congressman Dan Donovan, to run for City Council in the 43rd District of Brooklyn...."



  1. Notice how quiet McCabe is about his cousin Joan who was one of the most liberal members of city council.

  2. Are they actually related?

  3. Hey, Gail, why are you letting fake newsers like 1:39 pm comment. Aren't you supposed to 'moderate' false statements like that?

  4. more russian influence

  5. Liam and Joan were briefly married in the 80's.

  6. David Storobin endorsed McCabe? That's it it's over. Capano and Quaglione may as well withdraw their candidacies now. Who in the world knows who is David Storobin and who would actually care?

  7. Why in the world would Liam want a Storobin endorsement? Storobin is anti-gay and to the right of Dick Cheney. Liam must really be desperate for a news story if he is tying his red wagon to this loony. Not only is Storobin a non-entity in the 43rd CD but he has proven links to skinheads, neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups.

    I first met Storobin when he was the editor of a Web magazine called "Global Politician" and wrote about the governments in Tanzania, Uzbekistan and Hong Kong. In one article, Storobin condemned both Christian Serbs and Bosnian Muslims for committing atrocities.

    Through "Global Politician", Storobin presented a forum for leaders of the Freedom Front which is an Afrikaners movement that advocates for a separate white state in South Africa. I bet this will really play well in Bay Ridge.

  8. Does Liam McCabe know everything that David Storobin stands for? If not, how could he accept Storobin's endorsement?

  9. In particular, does Liam McCabe agree with David Storobin that Black Lives Matters activists are like "NAZIs"?

  10. Liam never even considered that because of the Storobin affair General Flynn would be forced to resign.

  11. Is this some kind of 'outside-in' strategy by McCabe and his team? Why else roll-out an early endorsement by David Storobin, somebody who is so remote from the Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights scene and a politico with almost nothing going on in Bensonhurst and Bath Beach either?

  12. Senator Storobin defeated a democrat which capano and quaglione have proven unable to do. This kind of action this early in mccabeland shows that the losers will be steamrolled. Senator Storobin will also be serving as liam mccabes minister of propaganda.

  13. Storobin 'defeated' a very sick man with a paper thin electoral victory that some still question. He served in the New York State Senate less than one week. Immediately after that, the Republican-controlled Senate wiped out Storobin's seat and spread out the 'Russian' vote into three state senate districts, leaving Storobin no State Senate seat that he could win.

  14. Ich bin ein former senator.

  15. Must give credit where credit is due to Liam for being transparent and not trying to hide this endorsement from the general public like other candidates would.

  16. On the other hand, Liam has been very quiet about the late Liberal-Democratic Councilwoman from Park Slope, Joan McCabe.
