Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney Debate Performance made the Gene Berardelli Twittersphere Flip-out

After Obama-Romney debate, Gene Berardelli and His Tweet-buddies look like a bunch of cheerleaders spiking the ball, strutting-out a victory dance in the end-zone and pulling down the goalpost

The only action on the " - Official - " GOP "Show Blog" lately was at the tweets sidebar belonging to Brooklyn GOP insider Gene Berardelli. Frankly, the post-debate portion of those tweets looks more like a bunch of cheerleaders on the sideline than it does a bunch of team players whose heads are still in the game.

We get it; last night's debate was the first really "good" news for Team Romney for quite a while. However,  Berardelli's tweets and his re-tweets of others looked like a bunch of unruly fans coming onto the field to tear down the goal posts following a mid-game touchdown that still left the Romney team down about two points.

Real players would be lining up for a 2-point conversion to even the score, or because it's still in the middle of the third quarter, sending in the kicking team for a normal P-A-T. That would leave the Romney team still  down a point, but with plenty of time left and more than a little "MO..." going on.

The real take away here is that Berardelli and his twitter friends are celebrating like they already had won the election, instead of confidently watching Romney win his first debate with Obama.

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