Sunday, September 1, 2024

When it comes to local GOP-Democrat-Conservative Party cooperation --- What to call it ? What to call it ??? What to call it ?????

Hmmmm!!!  "Cabal" seems to fit..... 

There certainly seems to be a Democrat-Republican-Conservative Colton-Chan-Chang cabal festering in Southwestern Brooklyn  

Bill Colton is desperate and only an under the table coalition ("cabal" is more accurate) can save him  ---  some say it just might work  ---- others say it has too many moving parts

Here's the dead mouse in that can of [[[pick your favorite canned beverage]]]  >>>  the NY Times is simultaneously taking a hard look into a few leads they got from some local gadflies, who are not happy about any of what's been going on. 

Mostly, the Times' leads involve an obvious pattern of fake donors that smacks of similar local Republican-Conservative fundraising schemes of the recent past  --- which pushed very unsuitable candidates forward in phony campaigns only intended to get matching funds to pay to a small band of "consultants" that then recycled the money back to their knowing partner- or "contract vendee" co-schemers

In this year's filings, there has been at least one Republican-Conservative candidate that filed paperwork showing about 100 people who claimed they each gave $5 in cash to his campaign. The gadflies think that there's just no way that's real, and now the NY Times is poking around looking into those local GOP-Concon candidates' donor schemes. 

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