Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Does Kassar's main deal to elect Peter Abbate include a side deal to give Liam McCabe a combined "get out of jail free" & "take the money and run" card ???


Liam has done a lot of very stupid and very obvious election fraud in his (various) consulting business(es)  ---  his recent work for Lester Chang (the man left out to hang) is no exception.....

The only question now is whether Jerry Kassar's good old friend Joe Bova, and his off-again-on-again main guy Peter Abbate want to invest the time, money and hostility-generated by bringing in many, many, many Asian signers of Republican petitions with Liam McCabe's name and/or fingerprints all over them to be thrown out for the obvious fraud contained on them, and in the surrounding circumstances and methods used to obtain them  >>>  in court proceedings

Let's see; there's not a lot of time left before it all plays out  ---  probably with Bova and Abbate letting it all slide; and with Liam's getting away with his almost-in-plain-sight cut-purse brinksmanship one more time.


  1. Here we go again.

    Abbate has all the money and endorsements and after Lester Chang loses he will go to jail. Just like 2022.

  2. If Lester is "left out" why is he in Albany and Abbate is sitting in the Bridge with no view diner?

  3. Bova, Abbate, Marty, Kassar add up to lots of nothing.

  4. Yes Liam is getting away one more time. It's called Changs re-election.

  5. 1226, the only good thing coming out of the current campaign for Chang is the cash for Liam.

    Thanks to Liam, a very weak and fraudulent petition was submitted for the whole Republican slate in the 49th AD; with many more Asian signatures collected by people with Irish sounding names than you might expect.

    BTW, I heard that Liam was complaining about all the splits and trickles out of his 2023 campaign haul; and then Brian Fox suddenly and unexplainably "died" After Liam talked things over with him including Fox's future.

  6. Peter Abbate has a strong petition and he will be posing for more pictures handing awards to chinese people who are never going to vote for him.

  7. so many italians buy homes in bensonhurst

  8. the large turnout in a presidential race may not help abbate

  9. The large turnout in the 2024 Presidential race is less likely to help Lester Chang or Alec Brook-Krassny than they are being told by the current crop of morons, idiots and imbeciles in charge of the Brooklyn GOP and Conservative Party.

    Watch and learn.

  10. Predictions are like assholes and are as good as the assholes running the Brooklyn GOP making them.

    Last night I heard this great gag jazzy rock'n'roll song on You Tube and it reminded me of Republican Chairman "Lurch" Barsamian; it's called "I Glued My Balls to My Butthole Again"; and it's worth a listen for a few laughs.

  11. Abbate didn’t even make the ballot. This blog is a joke. Zero idea of what is actually happening. But it’s hard to keep track of Brooklyn from Florida. Lol

  12. Hmmmmmm! To all the Barsamian "CATAMITE GUNZELS" above -- or gunsels if you prefer taking it from him that way... You shouldn't use a Samuel Dashiell HammetT novel as your dictionary or else you'll wind up might gluing your balls to your butthole again...

    Speaking of which, you can't be serious about all that Abbate off-the-ballot nonsense -- you read the NY Post too much. The corrupt BOE findings are not the final word on this Chang-Kassar-Colton game-fixing scheme.
