... was any kind of meaningful vetting done on Kagan's appropriateness as a Republican and/or Conservative Party endorsed candidate for the NYC Council prior to allowing him to run on their lines during 2023 ?
... why did Ari Kagan's so-called "personal" website continue to be used as a porn site for two whole years --- up to and including May 2023 ??? ... and why did Kagan immediately respond to disclosures about it by saying that the information about the porn on his website came from the same "un-named sources" as had revealed his history of KGB-like activities for the Soviets in the years when Russians and others under the yolk of Soviet rule were struggling to get out from under the Soviet regimes in all of the "Republics" of the Soviet Union ?????
... why hasn't Ari Kagan ever fully or adequately explained all that he did under the name Arkady Kagan for Soviet State Security agencies during his days as an officer and operative in the Soviet security apparatus ??????? Also, what state security services or missions did Kagan perform in the former Soviet Union territories and/or so-called "independent nations" or "republics" like Belarus after the fall of the Soviet Union,* but prior to his coming to the U.S.A. ????????? All of this was raised in public forums and mass mailings several years ago, with nothing but deflections and evasions in response.....
... why does nobody in the Brooklyn GOP and Conservative Party leadership seem to care that Ari Kagan was a strong supporter-of and bragged-about defunding the NYPD in 2020-2021-2022 --- and this year, 2023, voted with only about a dozen of the most radical & woke Democrats in the City Council against funding vital city services, including maintaining any funding for the NYPD ???????????
Kagan obviously thinks that his non-explanations about his questionable history, recent allegations about his website and the porn on it, and reports of his votes on the City Council can be shrugged off just like he has done as a Democrat in the very recent past, becuase the GOP and Conservative leaders don't seem to care about it --- at all.....
There are so many question marks in the sub-headlines above, because there are so many unanswered questions about Ari Kagan and what he's all about. And those questions need to be put to the persons responsible for selecting Ari Kagan to be a Republican-Conservative nominee and endorsee in 2023 --- Ted Ghorra, who acted inspite of the strong opposition to Kagan by many prominent Republican leaders, activists and office holders in Brooklyn --- Jerry Kassar, who in recent years has cynically and increasingly sold out Conservative Party members and conservative-minded voters in Brooklyn for his selfish and corrupt goals, ends, and schemes --- and Fran Vella-Marrone who has been nothing but a cat's paw for Jerry Kassar since taking over the Chairmanship of the Brooklyn Conservative Party from him.
The porn site
Here's some of what we know so far >>> City Council Member Ari Kagan’s personal website was was used to show porn for two years. Reports are that it’s a defunct link now, but for quite a while it was a only one mouse click to reach the graphically obvious overseas porn on the AriKagan.com website.
Until very recently, GOP voters looking for more information about New York City Council Member Ari Kagan on AriKagan.com would have been in for an eye-full of sex acts, with links to pornographic videos. Some have suggested that the URL that Ari Kagan had used to host his personal website was taken over by international trolls linking a foreign language porn site, along with ads for livestreams of chess matches. The datebase, Internet Archive, saves webpages, reports that AriKagan.com had been a porn site for the past two years, from May 2021 through May 12, 2023, when the domain supposedly "expired." It’s now a non-functioning link; however, from 2012 to 2019 Kagan used it as his personal website linking to his product as a "journalist," and his political activities as an elected Democrat district leader. There are some very revealing bits of evidence that Kagan knew and cooperated with the pornsite usage of his URL as part of an international FSU trolling operation --- or that he had been only allowed to use the site by his international handlers in the first place.
Somehow Kagan wants us to believe that he didn't police his old websits at all after 2019. A few months ago, when reporters asked about the porn on his site, Kagan replied, "Wow. No, I didn’t know about that. That’s news to me....” Then he went on with this non-responsive and deceptive non sequitor >>> ".... I’m not surprised, because in every election I ran, every time, there was some anonymous stuff....” --- he then explained that there were robocalls during his 2013 council campaign calling him "... a KGB agent...”. [FYI, at least one part of the Kagan statement is a provable lie --- Kagan was personally confronted as a former KGB agent by an obvious FSU emigre at a public meeting several years ago, and that person's identity was well known, both to Kagan and others.....]
Ari Kagan's votes on the
New York City Council
Kagan was always a staunch Democrat radical while a NYS Democrat State Committeman and District Leader in Brooklyn. Whaie a senior staff member for Democrat City Councilman Mark Treyger became a woke spokesperson for the post- George Floyd "defund the police" movement and in 2020 openly worked to defund the NYPD to benefit the NYC BOE in the 2021 NYC budget process. After a budget cutting the NYPD was passed by the City Council and became law --- Kagan bragged about his part in the process as a senior staffer for Councilman Mark Treyger --- Kagan also made that claim throughout his own 2021 run for City Council, both in the primary against [ then-Democrat and now-Republican-Consevative Member of the Assembly] Alec Brook-Krasny and in the general election against Republican-Conservative Mark Szuszkiewicz --- and until earlier this year had doubled- down on that stand as a rookie Democrat City Council Member.
Since becoming a NYC Councilman, Ari Kagan has made many votes along with his most woke and "progressive" Democrat colleagues on the NYC Council, and in support of several items of their woke Democrat agenda. Those "YES" votes included but were not limited to the following: In favor of a local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing a needle, syringe, and sharps buyback pilot program; in favor of a local law to amend the administrative code of the City of New York, in relation to requiring the department of health and mental hygiene to make therapeutic abortions by use of medications available at no cost to a patient at NYC health clinic; and in favor of a local law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to prohibiting the use of NYC resources to enforce abortion restrictions.
In addition to all that, even after being selected as the GOP and Conservative Party candidate to oppose Justin Brannan, Kagan has retained the same City Council staff that he had selected when he had first been elected and then servrd as a woke Democrat Councilman. And -- low and behold --- was it any wonder that Kagan voted in lockstep with about a dozen of the most radical woke members of the NYC Council to opposed the 2023 NYC budget and its failure to decrease funding for the police..... [[[Note: When he voted against the 2023 NYC budget, Kagan voted in opposition to all of his very recent Republican-Conservative colleagues elected to represent us on the Council, but along with the most left-wing elements on the current NY City Council.]]]
Ari Kagan's problematic past as a KGB-style state security agent and/or operative and/or asset
As far back as April 2023, shortly after it was obvious that the Brooklyn GOP and Conservative Party might be endorsing Ari Kagan as their chosen candidate for NYC Council against Justin Brannan >>> it had been openly asked on this independent Republican blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island ".... Why isn't anybody looking into Ari Kagan (the same person as Arkady Kagan the professionally trained military-security operative in Belarus and other places in the FSU, like "The Ukraine" and Latvia) and his possible work as a wolf in sheep's clothing FSU emigre operative for the FSU Security-Intelligence services (successors to the KGB-GRU-NKVD, etc.*) in and among the emigre community in Brooklyn and the rest of NYC.
It was reported here that Kagan's educational background at the Soviet state run Leningrad Suvorov School and later at the Lvov Military Political College fit a profile of under cover Soviet operatives coming into the USA late in the 20th Century under the guise of political refugees that surged into America at that time....
At that time, we noted that it was very telling that Ari Kagan's own admissions during an interview that he was a longtime member of the Communist Party as it then existed in the Soviet Union, and that "I was not a dissident..." until "... I gradually became disillusioned with the Soviet-Communist ideology...." In that commentary, it was also specifically noted that none of Ari Kagan's disillusionment happened until after the fall of the old hardline regime in the Communist Soviet Union; and there is no evidence that he was ever a dissident at any time during the Soviet regime, as a Soviet government paid journalist or otherwise.
Given all that, it seemed incredible those editing and moderating this blog, and several Brooklyn GOP activists, and others that contribute to this blog and/or comment on it, that nobody in the Brooklyn Republican and/or Conservative Party has followed up with proper vetting and the necessary questions about what Ari or Arkady Kagan actually did while he was an active Communist in the Soviet Security aparatus. --- And we even went so far as to ask whether Ari Kagan has or has had any lingering or "sleeper" obligations to his former masters, who still hold significant sway throughout the Russian Federation, other parts of the FSU, and even throughout the rest of the world.
To date, neither Ari Kagan, nor any of those running the Brooklyn GOP and/or the Brooklyn Conservative Party have address any of these issues.
* What had been called the the "KGB" in the days of the Soviet Union was succeeded by what was called the "Federal Counterintelligence Service of Russia" (FSK), which was thereafter succeeded by the "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation" (FSB).