Saturday, July 30, 2022

With less than 100 days until election day, the Brooklyn GOP is wasting time with low energy and minimally funded campaign events --- largely focusing on Bay Ridge


Last night, Brian Fox, Vito LaBella, Alec Brook-Krasny, and Dimitri Kugel made up about half of the walking crew mustered by their joint campaigns and the Brooklyn GOP to work the rest of the crowd on Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

You don't have to believe us at this independent GOP blog for Brooklyn and Staten Island  ---   just look at the pictures that they have chosen to show off their version of "successful campaigning" in 2022

And of course there is Brian Fox's own word-picture of just how he saw things:

"Brian Fox for City Council... Friday, July 29,2022 at 10:54 PM...  The 1st Fun on Fifth of the year went of to a great start, it was great seeing many of my supporters and many new people. We played some games, had some great food and most importantly had great conversations with a lot of great people. Always happy to campaign with our great candidates Alec Brook-Krasny, Republican for State Assembly, Vito LaBella, Dmitriy Kugel and the Vice Chairman of the Brooklyn GOP Richie Barsamin. See you guys at the next one!..."

Yes, once again, it's there in beautiful black & white >>> "... We ... had some great food...." If it's about the Brian Fox campaign in 2022, it's all about the food. --- Yep !!! It's right there near the top of his own list.


  1. I guess the NYPD had no height requirement when Vito joined.

  2. I am still fired up and glowing from the big Rob Ortt visit to the Coney Island boardwalk. Having a back-bench senator from Niagara Falls is all we need to coast to victory in November!!!

  3. Nobody noticed, but Brian Fox posted a picture taken from a video that showed two very unfit for duty NYPD officers take a beating from a pair of teenagers near a subway turnstyle, In addition to being grossly out-of-shape the video showed that the two cops were guilty of several severe violations of the NYPD Patrol Guide, especially wrt the "Use of Force": P.G. 221-01; 221-02; 221-07; 221-08 & 221-11.

    Even though Brian did not make it clear that the immediate discharge of the officers would have been the most appropriate discipline for them; one of his supporters, Mary Jo Tobin was very clear that somebody like Brian would "... Fire them both...."

  4. Fox has clearly emerged as the leader of the GOP.

  5. Brian Fox looks like a con-man turned coke-dealer.

  6. Shortly after I lost my 2017 NYC Council campaign by double digits to Boss Brannan, I was walking intentionally with my head down along 5th Avenue. I was crying like a little baby and my nose was running snot down my shirt. I didn't have any tissues left so I began sobbing uncontrollably. Just then, I noticed a person’s shadow on the ground and I knew I had to look up. I made eye contact with this man who said to me, “Never walk with your head down. Be proud of yourself no matter what.” The shadow, the man, was Liam McCabe. I ran into his arms and cried like a baby.

  7. Does anyone know Mary Jo Tobin's pronouns?

  8. Did Bob actually crack 1%

  9. It is possible that both these things are true

    #1 > Brian Fox looks like a con-man coke-dealer

    # 2 > Brian Fox has emerged as the true leader of the Bay Ridge GOP

  10. This is Day 12 and this crappy website has still not acknowledged John Quaglione's award for the 3rd best press release in the diocese!

  11. Brian Fox looks like an out of shape (morbidly obese) washed up bodyguard for a C-level actor

  12. Malliotaks for mayor had a 20 percent lead on DumBlasio and Quaglione still lost....Sliwa had a 40 percent lead on Eric Admams and Brian Fox still lost.... Failed leadership by Ghorra
