Saturday, March 18, 2017

Fair is as fair does --- John-Q-not-so-public gets a boost of “Earned Media” for his boost of the League of Independent Theater

Quaglione gets a really nice article from the Brooklyn Eagle for his support of the arts

 ---  And maybe a new nickname  ---  “Show Tunes”

A few days ago I hammered Republican candidate John Quaglione with a real brickbat about his appearance at a "Meet the Candidates" forum sponsored by >>> The League of Independent Theater <<< .  (See  “He sure ain't Whimpy  ---  But, HOW OUT OF TOUCH can John Quaglione be ???”  by Galewyn Msssey,  3/15/17,   [my post below on this blog]).   Well, at least this one time,  Johnnycakes does get the last laugh…..

According to a recent article in the Brooklyn Eagle,   “City Council candidate John Quaglione— who’s running in District 43, consisting of Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights and Bensonhurst— proposed the establishment of a New York City Independent Theater Week to be organized and promoted by the city's official marketing organization known as NYC & Company….   Quaglione announced the proposal during his remarks at a "Meet the Candidates" forum sponsored by The League of Independent Theater on Wednesday night at Manhattan's Kraine Theater. The League is an organization for the independent theater and performing arts population of NYC, serving more than 50,000 independent performing artists….”  (See  “City Council candidate John Quaglione proposes NYC Independent Theater Week”  by John Alexander,  3/17/17,  Brooklyn Daily Eagle   []).

This one piece of “earned media” for candidate Quaglione is also accompanied by a portrait quality photo of Mr. Q, pictured with an emblem of The League of Independent Theater.     However, the tenor of the Brooklyn Eagle article,  taken as a whole,  would make one think that this GOP candidate is completely out-of-step with most main stream Republicans.   This fact was poignantly brought home, because it appeared in the same week that the release of the Trump Budget showed that the Republican President would completely defund the National Endowment for the Arts.

Nonetheless, since this blog frequently praised Bob Capano’s penchant for getting “earned media,”   fairness dictates giving John Quaglione kudos for succeeding in doing the same thing.


This is too good to pass up…..  The Democrat wag,  who brought this article to my attention also told me this:   “You know how some people like to call Kevin Peter Carroll,  “Show Hands”  ----  now you can call John Quags,  “Show Tunes.”


  1. Johnny Show Tunes, like, Johnny Cakes, is a name that works for Q.

    The nickname Q can have several meanings.

  2. Like Qlueless. Qonfused. Qareless.

  3. ... and don't forget that Beach Boy's hit "Qokomo"

  4. GM...And you can call the silly Bob Capano campaign pushing this nonsense on you the "No Money No Honey" Campaign. Just saying....

  5. Wait till May..quaglione and mccabe have maxed out their people..capano has just begun!
    Ha hahah



    There are many episodes in MTS where one of the boys is jealous of at least one other, or feels slighted or offended. It's then that the older players would come in and apply the balm of age and hard knocks to salve the wounds of misguided youthful greed, lust and ambition (I know, I know... there wasn't a lot of lust in "My Three Sons").

    These three fine young aspirational fellows, candidates all three, have to get over their pitiful, petty petulance..... Their ultimate success depends on finding and then fulfilling their common purpose..... If the three of them don't learn how to hang together, they will be hung-out-to-dry separately.

    Ultimately, there can be only be one Republican candidate with or without a primary, and that candidate NEEDS the support of the other two --- going forward to November. And beyond November, if they want to stay active in local Republican politics, these three will be stronger by working together than by sticking to older more establishment alliances that exist for the benefit of others and are rapidly being played out.

  7. I agree Gale.

    I'll support the winner as long as its me.

  8. Poor Bob. He could have been a contender.

  9. The race has just begun

  10. At this rate Bob is just offering any excuse he can think of. The wait til May excuse is laughable. It's March and he'd already trying to raise money from Staten Island.

  11. Boy oh Boy !!

    That Fred McMurray thing kept the boys quiet for at least an hour.

  12. Capano is just laying in wait, getting ready to pounce like a panther. He has a secret drawer in his attic full of Glengarry leads and those names and numbers will unlock $80,000 in small donations. Trust me, Capano is just biding his time, waiting for his pitch, right down the middle of the plate and BOOOOOOOM..... Fake Liam and Quglioney won't know what hit them

  13. Not sure what's worse. Cats runs and sucks all the money, people and energy(!) our of Capano's stillborn council race. Or Cats doesn't run and Capano continues flailing around for another few months.

  14. I bet Bob is glad he didn't sell his house in Westerligh and move to Bay Ridge like he told everyone he did.

  15. Bob should turn his account over to Liam so he can make some more robo calls to prime Dems

  16. if prime dems dont swing over to vote for a republican then the republican loses in November.

    Thats how Q and fatboy both lost.

    Liam is a genius to robo call prime dems.

  17. Yah go ahead and waste your money on a wing and a prayer callin Prime Dems after the Primary but callin them now is utterly worthless but then again nobody has ever accused Liam of being the sharpest tool in the shed. If Liam's strategy is to get Prime Dems to vote for a Republican in the General Election then we really are all doomed and if that is the case we should only hope Fran really does decide to run !!

    Run Fran Run !!!

    Run Fran Run !!!

  18. Capano will have a $100,000 raised by next filing..guaranteed. .capano played this perfectly

  19. $100 grand will buy a boatload of robo calls to Prime Dems BEFORE a Primary

  20. To 8:53...said the same person who said Bob would raise it by March.

  21. That $100,000 bucks for the Capano campaign is the most talked about bunch of money that never showed up since Geraldo blew the door on Capone's underground safe.

  22. Bob begged borrowed and stole to show money on last filing. Hes done.

  23. Liam is brilliant robocalling Dems now. Those dems may be hesitant in November to vote for El-Yateem.

    Now Justin know how Hillary felt.

  24. You just watch. Capano will have all the money he needs next January. And he won't have to continue paying rent on that apartment in Bay Ridge.

  25. Funny how Bobs E-Z Pass lists him as a Staten Island resident

  26. Wait till Capanos May filing!

  27. Q is in to Off Broadway Show Tunes?

    Dan "Dandy Dan" Donovan may reconsider that Liam endorsement

  28. Wait til Bob's December filing!

  29. That $100,000 bucks for the Capano campaign is the most talked about bunch of money that never showed up since all the bad money Rachel Madcow said would show up on Trump's 2005 tax return.

  30. I think 9:46 made a valid point. If Capanos E-Z Pass gets him a discount because he is a Staten Island resident then Capano has committed a crime.

  31. I have just two words for Liam: Fran Vella

  32. I guess we'll have to wait and see if Fran quits her nice job with Congressman Donovan.

  33. Fran wont quit..she will have the conservative line no matter what to preserve the deal between Golden and Abbate

  34. I spoke to Fran. She ain't running.
