Sunday, January 22, 2017

On the crest of inauguration weekend,  Trump White House immediately went to war  ---  with a quick-attack on the press

Trump and his  crew are making it hard for me to do a comprehensive inauguration weekend synopsis  ---   but here’s a little taste of what’s been happening 

Spicer did the bitch-slapping of the whole WH press corps yesterday and Kellyanne Conway did it to NBC’s Chuck Todd on his own show earlier today


According to Breitbart News,  White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer held an emergency press briefing on Saturday where he lit into the media for their ‘egregious’ and ‘deliberately false reporting’ of Friday’s inauguration of President Donald Trump and his first day in office….   “Some members of the media were engaged in deliberately false reporting,” Spicer said. He explained that one reporter ‘falsely tweeted out that the bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. had been removed form the Oval Office… This was just plain wrong.’...”   (See  “WH Press Secretary Sean Spicer Blasts Media’s ‘Deliberately False Reporting’” by Adelle Nazarian,  1/22/17, Breitbart News/ Live Updates   []).   
Also according to the Nazarian report for Breitbart, Spicer then went on to scold those present that the media had attempted to paint Trump’s inauguration as appearing much smaller than President Barack Obama’s;   with  Spicer issuing this warning:  ‘There’s been a lot of talk in the media about holding President Trump accountable. Well, I’m here to tell you that it goes two ways. We’re going to hold the press accountable as well. The American people deserve better,’ Spicer said. ‘And as long as he serves as the messenger of this incredible movement, he will take this message directly to the American people where his focus will always be.’…   Breitbart opined that  ---  “Spicer’s criticism of the media’s fake news reporting resulted in a media meltdown on social media….”


According to the Daily Caller,   Kellyanne Conway told Chuck Todd to stop being so “dramatic” on “Meet The Press” Sunday….   Todd initially asked her to explain why press secretary Sean Spicer was sent out Saturday to “litigate” the crowd size issue….  (See  “Kellyanne Drops Rhetorical Atom Bomb On Chuck Todd Over Media’s Crowd Obsession [W/ VIDEO]”  by Katie Frates, 1/22/17,  Daily Caller/  []).
 Here’s how Conway first put it to Chuck Todd:   “ ‘The fact that 29, 30 million women voted for Donald Trump for president. They should be respected, somebody should cover their voices as well,’ she said. ‘I’m about things that are quantifiable and important. I don’t think, ultimately, presidents are judged by crowd sizes at their inauguration, I think they’re judged by their accomplishments.’…   ‘On this matter of crowd size, I think it’s a symbol for the [un]fair and incomplete treatment that this president often receives,’ she said.”  
Things got more heated when MTP host Chuck Todd tried to press Conway on why she wasn’t answering a question about why WH Press Secretary Spicer had come out to tell-off the press on Saturday evening.  According to Chuck Todd:   You did not answer the question. Why did the president send out his press secretary, who’s not just the spokesperson for Donald Trump, he also serves as the spokesperson for all of America at times, he speaks for all of the country at times,” Todd said. “Why put him out there for the very first time in front of that podium to utter a provable falsehood? It’s a small thing, but the first time he confronts the public, it’s a falsehood?”
That’s when Conway let him have it with this:   “ 'Chuck, I mean, if we’re going to keep referring to our press secretary in those types of terms, I think that we’re going to have to rethink our relationship here. I want to have a great, open relationship with our press, but look what happened the day before. Talking about falsehoods. We allowed the press to come into the Oval Office and witness President Trump signing executive orders….   ‘What happens almost immediately? A falsehood is told about removing the bust of Martin Luther King Jr from the Oval Office.’…” 
Then Todd tried to press his point by being repetitious  ---  “ ‘Excuse me. It does not excuse, and you did not answer the question. You did not [ ] answer the question of why the president asked the White House press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood,’ Todd said. ‘Why did he do that? It undermines the credibility of the entire White House press office on day one.’…”  
Conway slickly put Todd back in his place with  ---  “Don’t be so overly dramatic about it Chuck.”   
The folks at Breitbart liked Kelly Conway’s handling of the NBC News star too  (See  Conway to Chuck Todd: ‘We’re Going to Have to Rethink Our Relationship Here’”  by Pam Key,  1/22/17,  Breitbart News/ Video  []).


  1. Gail, your post didn't even come close to telling how Kelly Conway completely buried 'nice guy' Chuck Todd on 'Meet the Press' yesterday.

  2. At first I was sad the Circus left town. But now if I want to watch a clown taunt an elephant I can watch the video of Trump with Christie standing behind him.
