Friday, November 6, 2015

“And the beat goes on – La-dee-da-dee-da...” — Is there a story behind the latest story about the Potter-Harris Race — Somebody mentioned Golden & Kassar to “J*P Updates” for its provocative coverage of the GOP side of the 46th AD post-election story

After what seemed like a nice puff piece about newly elected Democrat Assembly Member for the 46th AD, Pamela Harris, and her strongest supporter among the Democrat electeds, Councilman Mark Treyger   >>>>>   SOMEBODY thought it would be a good idea to pour gasoline on the embers of blame and recrimination smoldering inside the Brooklyn GOP as a result of the still-born campaign of Republican Lucretia Regina- Potter

“...  Some activists believe had Golden supported Regina-Potter, it would have been enough to pull out the marginal difference....”    —   J*P UPDATES, 11/5/15

The J*P Updates article attributed to Mr. Ryan Haas starts out tamely enough:  “Democratic candidate Pamela Harris defeated Republican Lucretia Regina-Potter in the AD 46 Special Election held Tuesday to fill the seat vacated by Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny, who left the New York State Assembly to take a job in the private sector....  Harris ‘margin of victory’ was approximately 1,500 votes....” (See “Sea Gate Elects Pamela Harris as New Assemblywoman”
by Ryan Haas [however the article also contains this apparent attribution “(By: JP Staff)”], 11/5/15, J*P Updates []).  However, it doesn’t finish-off any thing like that.  —  After mentioning something that Democratic County Leader Frank Seddio said about needing to work hard to hold the seat in the future, the Republicans are contrasted by showing them looking backwards and still fighting old fights.

The article takes turn that is quite snarky and slams several of the current top card Republicans, obviously contending in what clearly seem to be on-going Brooklyn GOP fisticuffs flowing out of the 2015 election cycle.


Since this is principally a local Republican blog that tries to cover local GOP politics, let’s cut to the chase of this feature purportedly by Ryan Haas in  J*P Updates from a local GOP POV.

Here’s what Mr. Haas or somebody else on the J*P Updates staff had to say about the Brooklyn GOP coming out of the 46th AD special elecetion:  “....  Following the election, the Republican party, along with its activists, had bitter feelings toward Sen. Marty Golden  —  the lone GOP candidate elected from Brooklyn for not helping enough. Some activists believe had Golden supported Regina-Potter, it would have been enough to pull out the marginal difference....
In recent fighting within the GOP Brooklyn Party, some claim that Golden went against former Assemblyman Arnaldo A. [Ferraro], who was heavily involved trying desperately to pull out a win.  [Accusations] surfaced that the conservative Brooklyn Chairman Gerry Kassar was responsible for pushing Golden to not help the GOP....”

Somebody inside the Brooklyn GOP or very close to it had to be the source of the material in this J*P Updates piece.  Judging by whom was put in the distorted focus and whom was cast in a relatively better light, I do have my suspicions.....   HMMMMM !!!

Based upon those suspicions, I think it’s fair to opine that whoever is slamming Marty Golden and Jerry Kassar to the folks at J*P Updates, clearly intended for public dissemination is not following one of the key post-election plays called in a huddle of the Brooklyn GOP leaders at the candidate’s headquarters on election night.


If the line that mentioned "marginal difference" came from the GOP source, it bespeaks an absolute delusion on somebody's part.  It also shows a complete lack of political astuteness when speaking to the press. 

Hmmm, who might that be???

[Time to cue the DJ with that old Cher recording] ...  La-dee-da-dee-dee.....


  1. In all fairness to LRP she lost WITHOUT active help from the whipping boys close to Eaton.

    The other Special Election wins by Brooklyn GOP candidates referred to had them on board.

    That variable was overlooked.

    Facts are a stubborn thing.

    1. Lucretia and Arnaldo are dogs chasing cars. They caught one. Now what to do...?

  2. This is the SIXTH straight Assembly Election that Lucretia has lost by a substantial margin. FACTS are indeed a stubborn thing. And the JPP article was garbage "marginal" difference is really someone sucking up with that article.

  3. With such a small number of Repubicans in Brooklyn, when an idiot RHINO like Golden and his henchman-useless puppet Kassar decide to support a Democrat (they had all their people behind the scenes supporting Harris, (i.e. Larry Morrish, Frankie Marra, etc.) and force all of their BOE people to stand down "or else", it would be impossible for Lucretia to win.

    Golden and Kassar need to be punished for their actions here.........

    Lets take Golden out in 2016 and send a message to him.......

    and send Kassar and the others to the unemployment line.......

  4. Such tough talk from the comment at 8:01. Lucretia Arnaldo & Co couldn't take down Pam Harris with only 7,000 people voting, they lost Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights convincingly but they are planning on taking down Marty Golden? It is this kind of delusional thinking that led to their humiliating defeat on Tuesday.

  5. Hang in Lucretia

    Seven times a charm

  6. She may well take that into serious consideration and run again in 2016.

  7. 2016 is a lock for lu

  8. the story behind this election is people in brooklyn stopped voting for republicans when eisenhower left the whitehouse.

  9. Wishful thinking...

  10. Close but no cigar for 11:18 AM. The story behind this "Special Election" in the 46th A.D. is that vowel at the ends of their name Republicans with first names like Arnaldo or Lucretia or Clorinda aren't relevant in November elections in the 46th AD, and they haven't been for a very, very long time. Just ask Ron D'Angelo, once a strong Armaldo Ferraro booster --- "It's all demographics... Republicans can't win in Brooklyn." Of course what Ron meant was that "vowel at the end of their name Republicans" can't win in Brooklyn, because people with names like Golden, Turner and Storobin have won. And in the 46th AD people with names like McCarthy, Lilikakis and now Harris have easily beaten Lucretia, who keeps reminding everybody she's a "Regina" and isn't light years away from being a real "Potter." You know, like Colonel Potter on M.A.S.H.

  11. Lucretia already attacking Pam Harris on Social Media. "Be careful who you vote for" . Isn't she a few weeks too late and a couple of thousand votes short? While apparently already planning her 2016 race, how long before she starts looking to 2017 and 2018? It's over for Republicans in the 46th as long as she is around to wreak havoc.

  12. I thought we lived in a democracy? Isn't anyone allowed the right to run for public office? I guess only when the CON-servative party is running the local Republican party campaign, we live in a democracy. When the CON-servative party is ruining, sorry running a campaign how did that work out for Lililkakis last year? I am sure he misses the $70,000 he spent on CON-servative operatives which didn't earn him a single vote.

  13. Half of that money came from having to fend off a spiteful Primary challenge from a perennial also ran because he didn't have the name recognition. By her own admission she barely spent any money and was basically running --as usual-- to play spoiler. Now certainly everyone has the right to run but running for everything and anything just to start fights and rehash petty rivalries is not leadership. She went after Tom losing by 40 she went after Steve losing by 20. The only damage she has ever done in an election is to Republicans.

  14. Heard there's a new Republican club starting in the 46th to counter Lucretia and the LaGuardia, and replace the defunct Seergy

  15. If "Steve" was so great, and his 2014 election was so successful, why didn't he run in the 2015 special election?

    The answer might be that Kassar had his own very clever plan that involved Democrat Katy Cucco. What Kassar didn't bargain on was that he didn't have Marty Golden helping make deals with Vito Lopez. Some of the newer breed of Democrats look at him and his bosses Marty Golden and Mike Long like the plague, and they are getting the upper hand all over Brooklyn, even along the districts on the west end.

  16. The new 46th AD Republican club will have the upper hand soon

  17. From what I know Steve and Lucretia are friends a lot of Republicans knew that she was heck bent on running and decided to give her a chance. Now it is time for Lucretia to take a time out from running all the time.

  18. Who else was there to run? No one else stepped up to run in the 46th. The CON-servative party was busy fleecing a candidate in Queens who was running as an Irish pro-NYPD ex cop in a minority majority district, and who's previous run for the city council received something like 3% of the vote! You can't make this stuff up, and yet Lucretia is the perennial candidate because she didn't have access to $100,00 in matching funds to pay CON-servative operatives, the double standards some have.

  19. 46th configuration a lot more Republican than Queens race. Lucretia didn't have access to $100,000 because she can't even raise $10,000 without Ed Cox holding her hand and paying for three mailings something that the State Party had never done before in this area. Lucretia is the perennial candidate because she run and been soundly defeated SIX times in an Assembly Race.

  20. The candidate in Queens who ran was an ethnic mismatch for the district, and received 3% of the vote in his prior run for city council, giving him $100,000 still garnered him less % than Lucretia. $10,000 for a few targeted mailings late in the game versus $100,000 is no comparison.

  21. She's lost 3 races in the 49th, and 3 in the 46th. She has to stop running.

  22. Lucretia ran with generous backing from the State Party was not able to raise a lot of money independently and has been hoarding funds and not spending much so she can keep being a nuisance for years to come. It is astonishing that she wants to run again so soon.

  23. Since when is $10,000 considered generous backing from the State Party? That's not even enough for one mailing to the entire voter universe. Now $100,000 like some other candidates got this year, that would be considered generous.

  24. $11,000 is what Lucretia raised by herself. The State Party paid for three mailings in addition to that. Lucretia also had an additional $20,000 left from previous campaigns. Pam Harris raised 30,000 and barely spent a penny of it. Harris didn't have to spend much money because a perennial weak candidate was running against her. It's time for Lucretia to find another hobby and Arnaldo a new minion.

  25. If this was the case then why didn't the conservative party should find a candidate to run, wasn't the conservative party plan was to run was a liberal Democrat.

  26. This is getting rich. Lucretia loses by almost 30 points it being her sixth straight substantial defeat for Assembly and somehow the Conservative party is to blame? She had a bunch of support from the State party was on par financially with Harris and somehow it is everyone's fault but Lucretia's...

  27. No I think the issue here was that the conservative party didn't get rich off Lucretia's campaign, so they had to get rich elsewhere. $10,000 versus $250,000 as to what DACC poured in and what Harris raised is not on par financially. A few targeted mailings late in the game versus the near a dozen mailings Harris had plus the boots DACC put on the ground from Albany on election day is not being on par.

  28. The Democrats spent no where near that much on Harris and the Republican state party spent an unprecedented amount of money to try to help Lucretia.Making up figures is not going to help out Lucretia's case. She had a historic rare opportunity to take this seat and got crushed like a grape.

  29. Pam Harris was an unbelievably weak candidate and would've lost to most other candidates. The woman can barely string two coherent sentences together but she had the windfall of facing a woman, Lucretia, whose primary occupation seems to be collecting signatures door to door almost year round aided and abetted by a rare talent for making bizarre excuses and blaming everyone but herself for her campaign defeats.

  30. I suggest you look at the DACC filings and see how much was spent on mailings and expense allocations toward Harris's campaigns, and compare that to how much the state GOP spent. $10,000 an unprecedented amount in cheapness sounds more like it from the state.

  31. Spreading misinformation about how much Harris spent does not excuse another dreadful showing by Lucretia. And if Lucretia can only raise $10,000 for a very winnable race it shows she has no business running anymore.

  32. Misinformation would be the $70,000 Lilikakis was conned into spending last year on conservative party operatives instead of obtaining votes. The $250,000 Pam Harris had versus the $10,000 Lucretia had does not equal the same. However, the $10,000 Lucretia had went to better use then at least last year's Lilikakis campaign which historically even for an assembly campaign was such a fleecing Bernie Madoff would be envious of.

  33. Lilikaks did much better against an entrenched incumbent after he had to endure a brutal primary against a perennial also ran heck bent on playing spoiler. Lucretia ran against Pam Harris who makes Alec sound like a professional English orator and got clobbered. If she had any decency she would go take a long vacation from politics.

  34. Lucretia had $30,000 in her account roughly the same as Pam. Plus the State Committee paid for a bunch of mailings for Lucretia which is something they never do for an Assembly race in Brooklyn. Somehow her supporters are blaming anyone from Golden to Kassar to even LIlikakis who donated $1.000 to her campaign and helped her raise money. If she only raised $10,000 it means that she is unfit to be taken seriously as a candidate. Only Arnaldo thinks she is a serious candidate.

  35. Lucretia can't take responsibility for anything apparently. Lilikakis had to spend thousands to defeat her last year, not to mention to get on the ballot. Lucretia only collects signatures, files objections to other people's petitions, and complains. If she collected signatures for the party's candidates other than herself, she'd be a very good district leader, but that's not the case. She has spent so many years fighting the problems in the Brooklyn GOP, she doesn't even realize that now she's become part of the problem.

  36. Lilikakis could have run a much better race if he hadn't been fleeced. Talk about being taken to the cleaners!

  37. Somewhere somebody talked about a new club in the 46th AD. For Republicans, that would change everything. Neither the LaGuardia Club nor the Starace Club said or did very much in and for Bay Ridge where the Democrats are getting stronger all the time. A strong Bay Ridge club would be able to beat Arnaldo and Lucretia.

  38. There's a group putting a new club together in the new year

  39. Can someone explain to me what the thinking was to run an Irish ex NYPD cop in a minority district who received 3% of the vote in his prior race two years ago? I think the answer is $100,000 that was fleeced from his campaign to the same operatives who fleeced $70,000 from Lilikakis. Not a cent of that money spent on obtaining a single vote. The Ponzi schemes some are running would certainly make Bernie Madoff envious.

  40. Who are these operatives?

  41. I can't think of a bigger perennial candidate than the Irish ex-NYPD cop who ran in a minority district in Queens, he got like what 3% of the vote in 2013, you can't make this stuff up. Who actually thought he could win? The race before that he ran in a Republican held senate district for like centuries and got about 20% of the vote. He must be planning for 2016 now and after he loses that race, 2017.

  42. While the above must make for interesting discussions among Queens Republicans, I am far more concerned about how we got this all the time every time also ran Lucretia nominated in a race that was very winnable for us.

  43. I think the Irish ex-NYPD cop has got the market covered for also ran candidates. I heard he's planning his next two losses, sorry races already. At least the Lilikakis operatives will have work for the next two years.

  44. If Joe Concannon wants to become a perennial candidate playing spoiler for members of his party than Lucretia and Arnaldo will also have new business consulting for him as there is none better suited to advise about running again and again and again with little chance for success but a litany of excuses for the failures.

  45. Lucretia got 25% against Abbate twice, then lost three primaries, then did no work for the whole special election and got 36% in a very winnable race. Also, the perennial candidate in Queens got 16% (not 3%) in 2013, not far off from Lucretia's performances.

  46. I think Joe Concannon has already a team in place to encourage him to keep losing, it's the same team that advised Lilikakis to spend all of his money on them, and have no money left over to obtain votes. The Concannon and Lilikakis campaigns political Ponzi schemes finest hour.

  47. Lucretia is a loser. The new GOP club in the 46th will defeat her for the Assembly nomination, and then for district leader.

  48. No one can top perennial candidates when it comes to Joe Concannon all that money he had he still got a less % then Lucretia. Joe Concannon even had more money then Pam Harris, and still lost big, what a loser.

  49. In that case perhaps Lucretia can do us all a favor and start running in Queens...

  50. Joe Concannon has the market covered for perennial candidates. Joe Concannon spent more money than Pam Harris and he got less votes than her. Joe Concannon also got a less % of the vote then Lucretia who had about $200,000 less money and about 10 fewer consultants on payroll. What a loser.

  51. No one wants Lucretia to run again...she can make as many silly and irrelevant comparisons as she likes. Lucretia and Arnaldo need to find a new hobby.

  52. Lucretia's new excuses are right on. She's way better than that loser Concannon, and she's better than Mitt Romney too! That loser spent more money than Lucretia and Harris, and he's still not president, or district leader. What a loser! Lucretia is way better than Mitt Romney.

  53. Nothing can top perennial losers than John Concannon. Concannon who had more operatives on his campaign than volunteers, spent more money for fewer votes than any candidate in history, even Pam Harris from Coney Island couldn't top that.Maybe in 1975 John Concannon would have got elected running as an Irish ex-NYPD cop in that district. Poor guy sounded like he was mumbling every time he spoke, maybe that money should have been spent on speech classes rather than the consultants who fleeced his and Steve Lilikaki's campaign. What a loser!

  54. Is this still a Brooklyn politics blog or are Lucretia and her minions having some sort of meltdown?

  55. Who is Lilikaki? I thought he was a donor of Lucretia's

  56. That John Concannon campaign will probably go down as one of the worst campaigns run in history. What was that midterm message all about? John Concannon had so many consultants on his campaign for a minute he must have thought he was running for President? I don't think Jeb Bush even has that many consultants on his payroll. What a waste of money. I heard Concannon's spending was so out of hand that even Ed Cox had to waste $2,750 just to pay the dozens of consultants on Concannon's campaign. Yet this guy is going to run again next year, and again 2017 maybe by 2050 he will win one!

  57. Still won't help us forget Lucretia's fiasco failure in the latest election.

  58. A huge fiasco failure would be spending around $250,000, over 10 consultants on payroll, and receiving about 4,000 votes. The John Concannon campaign was like last year's Lilikaki campaign only in Queens.

  59. Actually a huge fiasco would be losing in 2 different districts, 3 primaries, 3 generals, not knowing how to raise money to save your life, not knowing a single issue, and always getting 29% of the vote. That's the epidemic known as Auto-Reflexive Candidate's Syndrome (ARCS) or Lucretia's Disease.

  60. You must be confused with the candidates that have hired the operatives from the Lilikaki and John Concannon campaigns.
