Saturday, January 24, 2015

Will 2016 be a replay of the 1964 split in the GOP ? — Then, who gets to play Barry Goldwater ?

Hillary looks like perfect casting for LBJ  —   She has all the wrinkles, can show us all her scars  and can even wear the same boxy suits

This time, the Republicans will win more than Goldwater’s six states   —   In 2016 it’ll be at least a dozen, for sure

Right now, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz are vying for the “I’d rather be right...” caucus of the GOP  —   Some of these really-right conservatives will start to mark their territory at the conservative gathering in Iowa this weekend 

Some commentators are already setting up a straw man, in order to derail strongly principled  conservatives like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. The argument goes something like this: "Establishment Republicans, who still live with the specter of an arch-conservative getting the GOP nomination for presidency like Barry Goldwater did in 1964, won’t let anybody like Rand Paul or Ted Cruz get the Republican nomination ( See e.g., “Rand Paul Will Not Win 2016 Presidential Election” by Christopher Spencer, 3/16/14, Guardian Liberty Voice []; see also “Extremism” by    10/20/13,   []); see also “KEY DATES IN REPUBLICAN PARTY HISTORY 52 YEARS APART-1860, 1912, 1964, 2016!” by “Ronald”,  10/7/13 []).  Some have even said that  “The Republican primary electorate tends to be somewhat risk-averse. The party’s donor base is even more so. Win or lose, Republicans generally go with the safe choice in presidential candidates. The one recent exception, Barry Goldwater in 1964, almost proves the rule....” (See “How the GOP Can Win the Presidency in 2016" by W. James Anttle III, 10/2/14, The National Interest []).

With the recent notable activities by and on behalf of Bobby Jindal in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, his name will doubtless be added to that list of unacceptable extreme conservative Republicans.

Democrats want to crown Hillary like the Democrats of 1964 did to LBJ

Although it is a stretch, Hillary Rodham Clinton could made into a reasonable resemblance of Lyndon Baines Johnson. After all, both have exhibited ruthlessness earlier in their lives; and both played background or supportive roles in the wings while very popular Democrats ruled before them: LBJ to JFK; and Hillary, both to her husband Bill, and again to Barack Obama.

The Republicans’ meeting in Iowa

Saturday, the largest gathering of potential Republican candidates to date will be in Iowa for the annual Freedom Summit, an event that some see as an informal kickoff to the 2016 presidential campaign. The Freedom Summit has been organized by Congressman  Steve King and Citizens United, and it is expected to attract over a thousand local activists from Iowa’s conservative grassroots base, largely made up of Tea party supporters, Evangelical Christians and libertarian activists (See “Conservative Gathering in Iowa Offers Platform to Several Possible 2016 Contenders” by Trip Gabriel & Ashley Parker, 1/22/15, NY Times []).

According to the Times, those scheduled to speak include: former Governor and Fox host Mike Huckabee of Arkansas; former governor Rick Perry of Texas; Senator Ted Cruz of Texas; Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin; former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania; and  retired neurosurgeon and hospital administrator Ben Carson. The Times article made much of the fact that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie would be attending the Freedom Summit, but that Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney were likely to take a pass on the event.  Interestingly, the Times did not make any mention of Bobby Jindal whatsoever.

Bobby Jindal

Fresh off of Bobby Jindal’s momentous appearance in London, where he denounced the practice of “Muslim No-Go Zones” in various European countries, Jindal’s folks have just opened a new PAC [ Is that an even dozen yet ?] for the candidate that says: “If I were to run for president, it’s because I believe in our country, the American dream is at jeopardy...." [maybe that’s how they say it back where Jindal was conceived] (See “Jindal Supporters, Readying for 2016 Run, Launch New PAC” by Melissa Clyne, 1/23/15, Newsmax

According to the Melissa Clyne story in Newsmax this morning, “Supporters of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal have registered a political action committee with the Federal Elections Commission in preparation for the Pelican State’s leader to seek the presidency in 2016, according to MSNBC. ***  "We want to be prepared if Gov. Jindal wants to run for president," said Brad Todd, lead consultant for the super PAC "Believe Again." "Our job is to raise money and communicate ideas. We’re very confident that it will be well received by donors."

Ted Cruz

Even though Ted Cruz will be a prominent participant in the Freedom Summit in Iowa this weekend, a recent article showcases why his presidential candidacy is such a problem in and for the GOP.

According to Ruben Navarrette Jr., “... At a time when the GOP is hemorrhaging support from Hispanics, would nominating Cruz provide a solution—or, given his extreme rightwing politics, make the problem worse? ...” (See “Is Ted Cruz ‘Post-Hispanic’?” by Ruben Navarrette Jr., 1/22/15, The Daily Beast []). The article went on to note “Ted [Cruz] knows about being attacked on a personal level. In May 2013, he was treated like a piñata by Bill Richardson. The Democratic former New Mexico governor accused the freshman senator of being ‘anti-immigration’ and even insisted that he didn’t think that Ted ‘should be defined as a Hispanic.’...”

But of course, this is Ruben Navarrette’s article’s money line “So how “Hispanic” is Ted? For those Americans who believe that President Obama is ‘post racial,’ it’s tempting to say that Ted is ‘post-Hispanic.’...”


  1. Primaries are a good prelude to a victorious election day.

    It produces a stronger candidate.

  2. Hillary has surprising few wrinkles for a woman her age. She doesn't wear boxy Brooks Brothers suits in dull colors. She wears streamlined colorful modern day sexy suits that are both feminine and strong. Each scar represents a battle won, a triumph - her scars she should wear with pride.

    All the Way with LBJ Super Pac

  3. AHAH! You said it... You said it!

    "... for a woman her age..."



    While in town for the Iowa Freedom Summit, former Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin talked to a WAPO reporter and said that she is “seriously interested” in running for the White House in 2016 ((See “Palin says she’s ‘seriously interested’ in 2016 campaign” by Robert Costa, 1/24/15, Washington Post/ Post Politics []).

    “You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested,” Palin said, when asked to clarify her thinking about a possible presidential bid. The former GOP vice-presidential nominee, said she stood by remarks she’d made to ABC News, wherein she first expressed her enthusiasm about potentially competing for the Republican presidential nomination. Those earlier comments had been made on Thursday, while Ms. Palin was in Las Vagas.

    The Post coverage noted that "Palin previously mulled a presidential run ahead of the 2012 election cycle, but declined to enter the contest. During the run-up to the GOP primaries, her supporters built an expansive political network in Iowa on her behalf, in case she jumped in. *** On the campaign trail last year, Palin traveled extensively to bolster her handpicked candidates, including stops in Iowa with Republican Joni Ernst, who won a Senate seat. Her political-action committee, SarahPAC, donated to several tea-party favorites.”

  5. Ohhh a Hillary / Palin debate - now wouldn't that be great. Better than Lloyd Bentsen beating up Dan or Joe Biden chuckling through his debate with Paul Malarkey Ryan . . . or sweaty Nixon getting thrashed by Jack. I can't wait.

    It's a Hillary Cakewalk Super Duper PAC

  6. When evaluating women for almost anything, except maybe cooking for friends, it's all about sex appeal.

    Sarah is still a MILF and Hillary never was.

  7. Hillary Clinton has probably done a lot of cooking for Bill's friends, because Hillary said they left the White House broke. How else could they entertain back then?

  8. The Republican Party is sexist and anti-woman as evidenced from the two comments above. The GOP will never reclaim the Presidency so long as you continue to bash Hillary. Also, Hillary is considered a cougar and most men like that.

  9. Most men don't like Hillary.
