Friday, January 23, 2015

New York S.A.F.E. Act Registration Being Resisted Upstate by County Sheriff

Pursuant to provisions of the NYS S.A.F.E. Act, the Empire State wants to create a new digital database of all handgun owners  —  It will require re-registrations of handgun permits by 2018  —   Clerks and law enforcement already running into problems

Fulton County Sheriff's advice: “'TOSS GUN-REGISTRATION LETTERS IN TRASH”

“THE REVOLT IS UNDER WAY”  –   says Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America Executive Director 

New York State has sent out 500 “invitations” to gun owners in several counties asking them to participate in an early pilot program. In those counties, gun owners are being asked to go online and upload their information on each gun they own. The Sheriff of Fulton County New York  Thomas Lorey volunteered his county to participate in the pilot program, however he did that only to send a message to the bureaucrats in the Albany, including Governor Andrew Cuomo, that he will not work to enforce those provisions of the S.A.F.E. Act (See “Sheriff's advice: 'Toss gun-registration letters in trash' ” by Leo Hohmann, 1/22/15, World Net Daily [])

Sheriff Lorey told a recent meeting of conservative activists,  “I’m asking everyone that gets those invitations [to re-register their guns] to throw them in the garbage because that is where they belong....  [F]or 100 years or more, ever since the inception of pistol permits, nobody has ever been required to renew them.”

The Fulton County Sheriff isn’t alone in his views,. The New York State Sheriffs Association and individual sheriffs are already on record opposing tightened gun laws and are suing the governor to block their enforcement. Less than a year ago, The Times Union of Albany reported that getting all of the counties up to speed with the new online database had been a chore, resulting in many delays (See  “County clerks: State delays handgun permit updates under NY SAFE Act” by Rick Karlin, 4/18/14, Albany Times Union/ []). According to various sources mentioned in the WND article, many of those NYS S.A.F.E. Act implementation problems persist.

County Sheriff Tom Lorey seems to be leading a revolt in Fulton County New York State similar to what is going on in some places in neighboring Connecticut, where thousands of gun owners have refused to comply with the sweeping new gun control laws that were passed in the wake of the Sandy Hook School shootings.

“The revolt is underway,” according to Gun Owners of America leader Larry Pratt talking about Connecticut’s refusnik gun owners. “Tens of thousands of people in Connecticut have intentionally missed the deadline. They are not registering. Some of them actually said they would not when they were at the hearing when the law was being considered in the legislature....”

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