Thursday, January 29, 2015

Obama's A.G. Nominee Loretta Lynch Is “in Lockstep” With His Illegal Actions on Immigration

Two Republican Senators on Committee clearly oppose approving Lynch  —   Two Others seem to be alright with recommending her to the rest of the Senate

Cruz says that he was disappointed with the answers Lynch gave about President Obama’s Executive Orders   —   But, he spoke to her as if she were going to be approved

Lynch says she thinks that the United States currently is "at war"  —   She says that drone bombings and NSA eavesdropping are lawful, but waterboarding is not

According to a Newsmax report, “Two top Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee came out against Loretta Lynch's nomination as attorney general Wednesday after she defended President Barack Obama's amnesty orders and refused to say whether she would challenge the White House over the use of powers. ***   ‘We are at a dangerous moment,’ said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who repeatedly questioned Lynch over the legality of Obama's unilateral actions during the first day of her confirmation hearing. ‘For the Senate to approve this nomination would bring us another step closer to the point’s edge.’ ***   Louisiana Sen. David Vitter charged that Lynch was ‘in lockstep with his illegal executive amnesty.’...” ( See “Sen. Vitter Charges Lynch Is 'in Lockstep' With Obama's Illegal Actions” by Todd Beamon, 1/28/15, Newsmax []).

Even though Ms. Lynch offered few opinions or details as to on how she would run the Justice Department as the Attorney General of the United States, she apparently stood firmly behind those executive orders by President Obama, about which she was questioned.. Specifically she said that the legal justification for the policies, outlined in an opinion by the department, were sound.  It was that support that led to one of several tense exchanges between Lynch and Senator Jeff Sessions.

Cruz admonishes Lynch  —  If she is approved, she should...

Newsmax gave this account of what Senator Ted Cruz had to say to nominee Lynch: “...’I will say that it is disappointing in this hearing that, try as I might, there has been nothing I have been able to ask you that has yielded any answer suggesting any limitations whatsoever on the authority of the president,’ Cruz said as his questioning period ended. ***   ‘That does not augur well for this committee's assessment of your willingness to stand up to the president when the Constitution and the laws so require.’ ***  ‘It is discouraging,’ Cruz later added. ‘I hope that if you are confirmed that your conduct in office differs from the answers you have given at this hearing.’..."

Lynch says she believes that country is "at war"

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham called on the nominee to review some of President Obama's policy as it related to releasing terrorists held at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Graham asked Lynch,"Do you believe we are at war ?" Loretta Lynch, whose brother had been a Navy Seal that died in 2009, tersely answered, "I believe we are at war, Senator."

There was some disagreement about other policies involving national security; and Graham admonished the nominee that she needed to review cases that decided that Americans could be held as enemy combatants to obtain intelligence and laws that allowed for drones or other lethal force to be used against U.S. citizens who have been deemed to be aiding terrorism.

Bottom line, Senator Lindsay Graham was satisfied with Lynch's testimony. "In my opinion, you have acquitted yourself very well," he said as his time ended.


  1. How can any "Republican" on the Judiciary Committee or in the rest of the Senate vote for any cabinet level appointee, especially a nominee for Attorney General, that testifies that they are willing to engage in unconstitutional acts or support the unconstitutional acts of the President?

    Any Senator that says the President exceeded his authority by single-handedly implementing immigration amnesty, and who also votes to approve Loretta Lynch, is worse than a RINO, they are pro-Obama operatives that despise their rank and file Republican supporters.

  2. Lynch will be confirmed by an 87 to 12 vote.
