Sunday, January 4, 2015

A candidacy that makes little sense — Staten Island Joe Tirone for Congress — Or does it ???

How is losing an election for the NYS Assembly to Democrat Michael Cusick in an arguable “swing” district a good credential to run for U.S. Congress against the same Mike Cusick or against former Congressman Mike McMahon, also a Democrat ?

On the other hand, the story does make interesting political grist for the mill as far as internal Brooklyn GOP politics goes

A few of my Baker Street Irregulars have let me in on something that is perhaps stranger than fiction.

Try this on for size. There is a behind the scenes effort to generate some enthusiasm for Staten Island Republican Joseph Tirone to be the GOP candidate for Congress in place of the disgraced former Congressman, U.S. Marine and FBI Agent, Michael Grimm.

So far my reporters have indicated that Tirone has reached out to certain Brooklyn GOP people like the following: Joseph Hayon, a social conservative activist; Lucretia Regina-Potter, 46th AD District Leader, GOP County Executive Member and connection to Kings Republican Executive Vice Chairman Arnaldo Ferraro; Russell Gallo, Kings County GOP Secretary and GOP Executive Member, and Tirone’s 2014 Campaign Treasurer; and Kings County GOP Chairman Craig Eaton. The responses have all been positive; and a few have made some degree of commitment to the Tirone effort.

My opinion is that this is going nowhere, because there is nowhere for it to go. However,  it costs me nothing to stay open minded about all or any part of it.

This alignment is more interesting for what it says about internal Brooklyn GOP politics than it does anything about who will ultimately be the next GOP candidate in the 11th C.D.  All of the GOP operators above were united against the forces of Marty Golden in the 2013 Republican organizational primaries and at the 2013 Kings County GOP Convention.  As has been well reported here on this blog, that coalition seemed to have fallen apart a few months ago. Now it seems to be reforming with the first political battles of 2015  –  those involving the refilling of the Grimm seat, soon to be vacated by the disgraced incumbent.

As of this moment, Golden and his GOP operatives appear to be backing Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan (with Golden's Conservative Party types going for Nicole Malliotakis, along with Glenn Nocera), and the once and future Eaton crowd are going with Joe Tirone, for now.


  1. Please, Gale. Someone could die laughing from a post like this. Think before you post!

  2. Yeah, Gale, think before you post.

  3. Why not Tirone?

    He did received 42% of the vote against Cusick, when Cusick up to this point had never received a challenger, and Tirone stripped Cusick of the conservative line, when Cusick had the support of the conservative party for 12 years.

    Joe Tirone ran a great race, and has no baggage unlike the other two candidates mentioned, and Joe Tirone in many ways is similar to Bob Turner who the Brooklyn GOP strongly backed and who won convincingly.

    Staten Island and Brooklyn have had this seat represented by the likes of Fossella, Weiner, and Grimm, the last thing we should have his someone else who falls into the same pattern.

    Joe Tirone is a fresh voice, a proven campaigner, and with the support of the GOP he will be our next congressman.

    It should be a fun next few weeks.

  4. Well I am no expert political consultant but I think Craig Eaton is too smart and sensible to get on board a clearly losing proposition. He'll go with Donovan. Who by the way sat with Golden and Giuluani at the funeral today.

  5. Contrary to press reports, they'll be a primary in both parties for Congress.


  6. Joe Tirone ran in a Democrat gerrymandered assembly district, and gave a strong showing for a first time candidate against an entrenched incumbent who's family has long been involved in local politics.

    Joe Tirone would be a great candidate for any seat, but especially this one.

    Dan Donovan's tenure in congress will only be about one thing Eric Garner, and he will do more harm than good to the Republican party nationally.

    In a presidential year, Donovan will lose, and probably cost Republicans the US Senate.

    Joe Tirone has long defied the odds and he is a special candidate.

    The Republican party has a chance to do something difference, and back someone who reflects our views. Joe Tirone is the best and only candidate for this seat.

  7. Sounds like Tirones mother who wrote comment above

  8. All I heard was that he was an awful candidate with zero people skills, who was too cheap to buy any refreshments for his volunteers.

    Yeah, sounds like real Congressional material.


    Does it really matter what qualities Joe Tirone has or doesn't have ?

    I was just blogging about what some people said somebody was trying to do....

    Let's see what happens next....

  10. I guess the race boils down to who gives out more free ginger ale

  11. Well, I am immediately skeptical of anyone who would spell his last name with an "i" and not a "y". What's that all about????

    It's Tyrone not Tirone. Go listen to the Clancy's Auld Orange Flute...In the county TYRONE near the town of Dungannon . . .

  12. Wow Gale!!! How did you get all that information? Wiretap? Double agent? Only you can flip a coin and have it land on all sides at the same time!!! It is a real shame for Marty Golden that Craig Eaton put his coalition together again for this special election. Now Golden will have to work to take over the Republican Party.


    If I can flip a coin and have it come up on heads, tails and edge at one time, then I'm only half as good as Marty Golden.

    He can role a single dice [According to The New Oxford Dictionary: “In modern standard English, the singular die (rather than dice) is uncommon. Dice is used for both the singular and the plural.”] and have all six numbers come up. Right now, Marty Golden and about half his people are for Dan Donovan and half are for Nicole Malliotakis. Just wait and see, if Joe Tirone hangs in there, Golden will come up with another "half" of his folks to support him.

  14. Gale, as good as Golden may be (and he is totally awesome!), you still do a better job rolling the information dice. While Golden has the dice falling on all six sides (one of his sides still supports Craig Eaton), Gale has the dice falling on all six sides, the 12 edges, and the 8 corners!

    When you want to read news, throw away the NY Post and open the Gale Files!

  15. Tirone is a "special" candidate alright.
