Monday, November 24, 2014

Style point: This blog will be using the term "Skelosism" as defined by NT2

See Definition Below

Research ongoing for term "Goldenism"

Skelosism (SKEL-oh-cis-m)  ***  Noun   ***  In ordinary usage:  1.  Refers to the tendency of politician to interpret election results in an overly optimistic way;  2.  Any specific comment of a politician following an election that is emblematic of a failure to accurately interpret election results;  3.  A general failure to learn from mistakes of the past.   ***   Synonyms: stubbornness, short-sightedness, delusion.  ***   Ex: “In his speech, the party leader warned that skelosism could result in a loss of the majority and permanent minority status.”   ***  Derivation: Named for a minor Greek-American politician in the late 20th century and early 21st century who repeatedly won a political majority due to ineptitude of his opponents but then lost the majority due to his tendency to see the election as validation of personal political views not held by the majority of voters ( See "On Etymology" 11/19/14,  NT2:  Nec Temere, Nec Timide [])  (compare:  "Goldenism" --  still being researched).


  1. Goldenism: A form of early 1950s political campaigning, marked by free food and drink (with the campaign using vendors with close ties to the candidate and/or his family) to induce voters to give their support. Goldenism eschews most modern campaign techniques, or uses a primitive version of them, focusing on wholesale, rather than retail, politics.

  2. Goldenism also focuses on nostalgic, albeit outdated views of women in society, and is often known for its inability to accept changes in demographics, religion and social views.

  3. Is that Dorothy? It is getting hard to tell because there are so many Dorothy impersonators commenting lately.

    And this isn't the "fekking eejit" that likes to use curse words with our favorite "[d]ot" on this blog.

  4. Well, I am no fan of Marty Golden but I do think the commenter two places above has mis-characterized his position on women and gender equality. During this past election, I thoroughly researched Golden's views and actions and it is unfair to say that he discriminates against women. One may hold tradtional values but that does not make the person biased against women. Marty Golden has from the beginning, for example,supported Governor Cuomo's Ten - Point Women's Equality Plan with the exception of the last one which would expand abortion access for women here in New York State. As an elected official he has the obligation to follow the abortion laws enacted but as a Roman Catholic he also has the right to fight against broadening them. The so-called etiquette course that was offered back in 2012 is troubling but in context it was understandable. I believe it was Larry Morrish's wife whose company was being used and she at the time was trying to gain momentum with her business. That same class was offered in Brownsville in 2012 - 2013 and no one complained about it. It was facilitated through another public official ( she was paid by the way) but the difference was they offered it to young women and men both. That was Golden's mistake. Had it been an opportunity for both young men and women to refine their deportment skills then it would not have created such a stir.

    I am troubled, however, by Marty Golden's seemingly preferential treatment of local Catholic Schools in Bay Ridge. I understand he is a product of two of them - both Saint Pat's and OLA - but that is not a reason to funnel government money to these schools to the exclusion of others. The appearance in itself of favoritism toward one religion should concern everyone especially in light of the recent tensions in the area relating to the Muslim faith. As much as the Diocese I am sure is grateful for Marty Golden's ability to faciliate financial grants and an influx of funds to their schools, I believe even Catholic educators themselves would say that ALL children in Bay Ridge should be recipients equally of funds that better their school buildings.

    I know who the "eegit" is - it is that nut from the BYR's who thinks he's Gomer Pyle.

  5. last i heard she was meeting Bill Cosby for a drink

  6. Now that is our dear Democrat Dot.

    But, nobody that I know thinks he's Gomer Pyle... It was Gomer Pyle, USMC and nobody from the BYRs has that service chit in their jacket as far as I know.

  7. Galewyn,
    What happened to the followup you promised to the "The Craig Eaton era is over" that you deleted from your 11-17-14 posting about Golden, Long, Kassar and Eaton?
    A birdie told me that your original post beat the tar out of Eaton. What happened and why did you delete it? Did Eaton buy you off with a judgeship? HAHAHAHA!
    Still too soon?
    Sorry, too good to pass up in so many ways.

  8. please be advised that any racist or sexist comments will be promptly reported to the Southern Poverty food stamp center

  9. Thank you Gomer Pyle but it is the Southern Poverty Law Center. I suspect your raggle taggle group is on their list too.

  10. Please, for clarity, exactly what group would that be?


    The only people that I heard kept lists were Santa Claus and Saint Joe McCarthy.

    The SPLC keeps lists too, I thought that was un-American.

  12. It's "Saint Patrick McCarran" not Joseph McCarthy. Don't you read your own blog? A very nice (but somewhat misguided) commenter explained it all on another thread.

    The list remark was a joke cloaked in Irish wit and sarcasm. Sometimes I think feminists are the only ones who have a sense of humor around here.

  13. What is this all about? This was all about Skelosism and Goldenism until DOROTHY decided it was about racism and sexism. She is using this blog to promote her liberal Democrat's agenda.
    But one part is interesting, it looks like Marty won her over with his support of Cuomo's 10 points for women. More proof that Marty Golden is a RINO.

  14. Because Senator Marty Golden supports women's equality that then makes him a RINO? Because he has the courage to publicly support the national GOP platform on abortion in an overwhelmingly blue district that makes him a RINO? If you look closely at the work and views of Marty Golden you will see that he is more closely aligned with The Rockefeller Republicans than the extremists who have polarized your party. I am not a fan of his but Golden should be credited for his stand of women's issues. They are moderate yet in keeping with Republican mainstream views (as opposed to the crazies like the Tea Party bunch).

  15. Dorothy, you silly silly girl,

    If you would have brought out all these good points about Marty Golden during the last election campaign, your man, Jamie Kemmerer, might have done so much better; especially if you would have pushed this line, "If you look closely at the work and views of Marty Golden you will see that he is more closely aligned with The Rockefeller Republicans than the extremists who have polarized your party."

    Jerry Kassar and Mike Long would have had to take away Golden's Conservative Party line it they believed that point of view had any validity.

  16. First of all, the use of "silly silly girl" is patronizing and condescending and frequently used by Republican males in a feeble attempt to be dismissive of a woman's point of view. Gale can put that in his etymology.
    Secondly, if you knew anything about Gerry Kassar than you would know that he and Marty Golden are more entwined and mutually indebted to each other then say for example DiBlasio and Sharpton are. The Conservative Party line belongs to Golden. He bought it fair and square.

  17. Gail she's misbehaving again



    A few comments have been taken down. Directly or indirectly, they were connected to the particular reference to an anonymous commenter as some sort of a "twat." Because of the particular upset caused by that particular usage of the word by the peculiar person that had chosen to use it, the material has been removed along with any reference to it.

    However, it remains the position of this blog that "IF IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR 'FAWLTY TOWERS' IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR MY BLOG" ... so the mere use of the word "Twat" is in no way proscribed; as for example "'Flowery Twats' is a funny sight gag at the beginning of an episode of 'Fawlty Towers'."
