Saturday, October 18, 2014

REVIEW: “Behind Enemy Lines...” — Berardelli and Gallo Did It Live ! — In the road; and they scared the horses

Bill O’Reilly got it right about this show from the get-go  —   This is “...1@*$^)’?’0*-Z>XW+=-@!#..”

Gay marriage  —   infighting among conservatives   —   not pretty   —   not informative  — unconvincing either way

Iraq  WMD “expose” by New York Times   —   secret casualties; WH & DOD coverup during Bush II years, etc. —   embarrassment to prior administrations  —   Gallo says U.S. government and American political class don’t trust the American people and treat them like children

Ebola   —   Racism  —   Jesse ... Jackson  —  The Lie of the Week  —  The Buffoon of the Week  —   And so much more


No matter how hard I try, I just don’t get it....  any of it...

Somehow, when Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo get together, they channel their internal Leopold and Loeb, Richard Hickcock and Perry Edward Smith,  and/or Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (omg, I just pictured Gene with bright red lipstick, in a dress and wearing a flapper hat).  In any case, the two of them together achive some level of a "critical mass" with explosive consequences and some very deadly fallout.

The Gay Marriage Debate !  WTF !

First and foremost, how did Amanda Kohut allow herself to get coopted into doing this debate “on air” ?  Given that this was a rerun of something similar that happened before the show went “on air”  —  I guess she has nobody to blame but herself. 

For all sides the issue of gay marriage remains a hot-button issue; even the Supreme Court doesn’t want to touch it, in these times.  If it can be debated at all, gay marriage, yeah or nay,  must be done in a very restrained, respectful and rational way to be of any use to anybody.  How this went down between Gallo and Kohut was none of that; and, needless to say Gene B’s lobbing snowballs from the sidelines was in no way a moderating or rationalizing influence.

Bottom line, this segment was not pretty,  not informative, and not convincing either way. ...Other than to convince me that this show should not be done live, so Gene or somebody else can completely edit-out stuff like this.

The NY Times  —   WMD  in Iraq report 

Actually, this segment was not as bad as the rest of the show. To some that might be a special sort of damnation to the highest level of hell; and to others, damning with faint praise; but to most it just is what it is....  It came down to this:  Maybe, "W" Bush was right, maybe not. There was a government cover-up of the WMD that were found in Iraq after Sadam H. was removed by George W.B.; but that still leaves us to ask why.  Gallo says the government doesn't trust the people and treats them like children.

The “Big Lie” of the week  —  The Obama Administration’s and the CDC’s handling of the whole Ebola thing

They started out the discussion by bringing up Jesse Jackson’s charges of racism in the handling of the case of the lone deceased Ebola patient in America, Thomas Eric Duncan. With that as a starting point, one can imagine how the discussion eventuated.

The whine team of B&G basically said tha CDC and the Obama administration are lying about everything concerning Ebola, starting with whether they even know how this dread-disease is spread. Even if close contact with bodily fluids is a necessary element of the transmission of the disease, the protocols and practices being followed by the CDC and NIH are falsely citing past experience with diseases like AIDS and other diseases previously treated in the USA.  None of that was Ebola, and nobody can really say that Ebola is very much like any of them.

The boys from Brooklyn pretty much agree that the CDC has pretty much shown that it is just an organ of the Democrat Party leftist communist agenda. And going on to say that part of that agenda is blaming the Republicans with charges of phantom budget cuts.

If they had left Jesse Jackson out of it, and didn’t sound so rabid in what they had to say, Berardelli and Gallo could have been given partial credit on this segment  —  for presenting the extreme right wing Republican position in the Ebola debate in a free wheeling and stormy screed.

Purple Penguins  —   “The Teachable Moment”

“Listen up, we’re fighting enemies around this world [naming them specifically and graphically] these people are evil... brutal if we ever have to fight any of them ... we are emasculating our young boys ...  What’s wrong with you sick idiot liberals ? haired latte-drinking she-males [aren’t going to be there to protect you]"  —   that pretty much covers what Ole Sarge Russell G. had to say about some Nebraska school district’s trying to eliminate the terms  “boys” and  “girls” ...   Plus “Purple Penguins” sounds kinda “gay” to Mr. Gallo.

btw, little did I suspect that all of it was a segue to the Mayor of Houston segment [See Buffoon of the Week below].

Democrat Congressional Candidate Domenic Recchia, nominated as a BOTW

This was the only part of the show that got passing marks, as far as I am concerned.... [yes, it basically agreed with some things that I wrote in one of my posts]....

In presenting the nomination of  Domenic Recchia as Buffoon of the week,  Gene Berardelli also presented this argument:  Given Congressman Michael Grimm has all his problems, how can this guy, Domenic Recchia, still be behind by 4% ?   Plus, when even Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” pokes fun at the Democrat in a race, you know that guy has a real problem.

Winner of  “The Buffoon of the Week”  —   Houston Mayor Annise Parker

Basically, the show finished it’s thematically anti-gay agenda by awarding their weekly booby prize to the “radical lesbian” Mayor of Houston, Texas  —  Annise Parker  —  for her attempt “to bully [Christian] pastors off of their bully pulpit.”  At issue was the Houston mayor’s attempt to use the courts to subpoena the sermons that had been delivered by several clergymen to their congregations in several churches in Houston that were suspected of political advocacy.

I’m sure that there are several juicy items that I have left out  —   but I’m not going to go back and check; listening to this once was more than enough for me.

Like I said at the beginning of this “REVIEW”  —   “No matter how hard I try, I just don’t get it....  any of it.”   BUT, if what I wrote about in this post above seems like your cup of Rosie, then have at it, at the following links: “This Week, We Did It Live, by Gene Beradelli, 10/17/14, Behind Enemy Lines – Blogging From Within []; or “WAAR Radio – Behind Enemy Lines - We’re Doing it Live !” [].


  1. Beradelli and Gallo's show took a turn down the toilet. While the topic could be their relevant with the upcoming elections, Beradelli's delivery of it was ridiculous......

    'I'm just saying'....Beradelli and Gallo get the radio buffoon of the week award

  2. A radio show? I thought these two only met out in the cornfields under the big moon?

    And aren't these the very same folks that Michael Grimm has refused to allow to volunteer for him? Well, that speaks volumes.

    Snarkiness aside, I visit this blog to learn about grassroots politics and what really goes on inside and how all of that then plays out in the political arena. I don't come for links to intolerance. The world has enough of that. But when I see it I will call it out as we all should so: Don't diminish a reputable blog Mr. Massey by insisting on your readers visit the above. Go ahead and defend to your death their right to say whatever they want as we all should but please don't bring it here. Unless of course, like them, you really do want to bring our borough back to the days of Yusef Hawkins and Gavin Cato (RIP).

    Even Michael Grimm . . . wow

  3. All said, Gene is still a better radio host than he is a lawyer.

  4. Gail,
    Why are your always negative about these two hardworking members of the Brooklyn GOP? For at least five years Russel and Gene have been loyal supporters of almost every GOP candidate around the County of Kings. Even though they have not strongly supported every candidate in the 2014 cycle, they haven't been as openly hostile as those writing this blog under you're name and several of the obvious Democrats among your recent chattering followers.

  5. The purpose of the "Democratic chattering followers" is to enlighten and inform the often misguided discussion that takes place around here. Think of it as a service provided to the local Republican community - you know, the way Rachel Maddow has helped the nation put the ramblings of Fox news into perspective. Or the way Eleanor Clift calls out the nonsense spewed forth by Pat Buchanan at the McLaughlin Group.

    As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "We women just do what we do as things come along. Don't call us heroes"

    Even Michael Grimm didn't want their volunteer help, well, well, well,

  6. Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.
    Pig Vomit: How can that be?
    Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next."
    Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?
    Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
    Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen?
    Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."

  7. Kenny Rushton: Researcher, I worked with Howard Stern. I know Howard Stern. Howard Stern is a friend of mine. They are no Howard Stern.

    Even Michael Grimm and Clorinda want no part of them? Don't fret young republicans, desperate times will call for desperate measures and you just might be enlisted to leaflet for Mr. Grimm especially if Gerry calls.

  8. A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush

  9. Has Gene fucked up any legal cases lately?

    Besides having the Brooklyn Republican Party's entire State Supreme Court judicial slate removed from the November ballot, leaving the GOP line blank, that is.

    Come on, it's been a few weeks...

  10. Was that 'Dorothy' that answered with Elinor Rustybelt and Rachel Maddog to the 'several of the obvious Democrats among your recent chattering followers' remark?

    Some here think it is. Tell the truth and shame the devil.

  11. Some like it hot, some like it cold

  12. What goes up must come down

  13. will the idiot above stop with the bad fortune cookie quotes

  14. Hey did you see Kassar's attack on Berardelli in his waste of time column...he refers to having no Republican judges....BUT there is a "full slate of conservative candidates for judge"....Number 1, the judges that the GOP we going to put on the ballot were not Republicans but were all dems, and Number 2, Gerry has never won a judicial race ever, ever what is the big deal here? what a waste of ink and paper...

  15. The point about the judges ... is that Gene has an uncanny knack for fucking up legal paperwork and filings, resulting in candidates being permanently removed from the ballot.

    He's done it several times. In this last episode, he told delegates to the judge convention that it was important to nominate those candidates, even though they were Democrats, in order to keep the Republican line from being blank.

    Then he went and fucked up the filing, so the line was and is blank.

    Way to go, Gene!

  16. Someone PLEASE stop Gene before he lawyers again.

  17. Anon at 12:50: "Gerry has never won a judicial race ever"

    Gerry never won a District Attorney's race either. But he should did try.

    I almost like you Anon. You spell Gerry the way one former DA did in his many many many emails to Gerry Kassar when he was seeking political help, that is, when the now retired Judge wasn't available to respond.

  18. I also forgot to add he's also a horror show just in time for Halloween.



    According to the Reverend Jesse Lee Patterson, “In an unprecedented attack against religious freedom and free-speech rights, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, an open lesbian, recently issued subpoenas demanding pastors turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality and any remarks they’ve made in opposition to that city’s “non-discrimination” ordinance, which in part allows transgendered men to use ladies’ restrooms....” (See “Houston’s Lesbian Mayor Turns Tyrant” by Jesse Lee Peterson, 10/19/14, WND/ Faith Under Fire []).

    Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson says that the left is attempting to silence conservatives by criminalizing free speech. The criminal prohibitions on speech are often expressly codified in so-called “hate speech” laws which are being used to silence and stifle the traditional values viewpoint. The left likes to harass those who don’t conform. One case that arose in Idaho, where city officials told local ministers that they would have to officiate at same-sex weddings or face fines and possibly jail time. When the ministers refused to conform, they were prosecuted and they now face a possible 180-day jail term and $1,000-a-day fine.

    Also according to Reverend Peterson, in these times liberal office holders will not go after Muslims because the liberals view them as part of their coalition to take down Christian groups with traditional values.

  20. I think nationally there is a recognition that the Muslim community has been unfairly targeted in many ways. Right here in Brooklyn, the new District Attorney has had to recently create a special hate crimes unit in his office solely to focus on the prevalence of hate crimes toward the Muslim community in various parts of Brooklyn. The press release specifically refers to the rise in bias crimes against Muslims in communities that were once predominantly white. Historically, Brooklyn has witnessed most hate and bias crimes accurring against Orthodox Jews; and there is the occasional Christmas season story of someone knocking over a shepherd in the manger which always turns out that the culprit is an errant altar boy on his way to sip the sacristy wine before Mass. Hence, it is understandable that nationally our leaders seek to be more sensitive to the Muslim community. It is unfortunate too that our county has the need at this time for a special hate crimes unit. Sometimes I think, will parts of Brooklyn just evolve already?

  21. I was not offering an opinion; I was simply making an observation. Is there some sort of disconnect between what you read and how it is processed by you? "Why does she say . . . " No, she doesn't say anything. "She" was merely remarking on the apparent need for a hate crimes unit in our lovely borough. I was reiterating the statements of the chief law enforcement officer of Brooklyn that a hate crimes unit had to be and thus was created. I further commented on the fact that this unit was in part created to combat hate crimes against the Muslim community.

    Why is she commenting here you ask? It is because of misinformed and dangerous comments like yours that I comment here - to correct the record. I also like and respect the blog administrator - even though I rarely agree with him. And he is often annoying. But hey we take the good with the not so good right?


    If this is y/k/w, then except for the "rarely agree" part --- I disagree...

    Whoever did the first comment and the sur-rebuttal, whether y/k/w or not, clearly does express an opinion; and any observations or reiterations were colored by that opinion.

    I'd love to see the data on these so-called bias or hate crimes against Muslims in Brooklyn, regardless of how anybody describes the neighborhood where they might have occurred.

    btw, I think that Thompson's establishment of a "Hate Crimes" unit here in Brooklyn, announced over a month ago, fits right in with what Reverend Jesse Lee Patterson is warning us about in his article.

  23. Non-responsive counselor. Move on.

  24. To anonymous at 12:58 - Yes, the hate crimes unit was created as a response to attacks on the Bay Ridge Islamic Center. It is run by the office LBGTQ ADA and will also combat anti-gay bias in Brooklyn. Watch out for the koolaid on this blog.

  25. Anon 7:48am: Thank you. I have never nor would ever write a statement without checking its accuracy beforehand. The cloak of anonymity that a blog post comment provides does not lessen that standard. I actually made the initial comment with the thought that it might begin an engaged discussion on a relevant issue in our county. Obvious this is not the forum for such dialogue.

    I don't drink Kool Aid - but I know it when I see it.


    mmmmmm I Love Kool-Aid when I see it -- and even more when I drink it

    mmmmmmm even when I think about it

    mmmmmm KOOL-AID !

  27. Response to the Creepy respnse:

    "Everybody is going to be what they are, and whatever they are. there's not going to be anything to apologize about." - T.W.

    It might do well for all of us to sip his kind of Kool Aid around here. Served that generation well.



    ...but Electric Kool-Aid Acid isn't really a flavor of Kool-Aid...

    Oops, now you've done it...

    mmmmmmm, KOOL-AID !

  29. To your self-description just add: pedantic, recalcitrant, irksome,contrary,bullheaded . . . that about sums it up. Alas, the total picture behind the blog.


    I think that your idea of an independent Republican blog administrator establishes a set of changing standards that, if you don't mind my sayin' so, there's not a man alive, who could hope to measure up to that blend'a Paul Bunyan, Saint Pat and Noah Webster, you've got concocted for yourself outta your Irish imagination, your [neighborhood omitted] stubbornness, and your liberry fulla' books...

  31. Just melt him down and you'll reveal a lump of lead as cold as steal. There, where a man's heart should be.

    BSI Sadder but Wiser Gal Division


    Your comment is inapposite....
    My line was taken from Mrs. Paroo about Professor Harold Hill and addressed to Marion, the Librarian, Paroo; whereas your line came from the "Ladies of River City" about Marion, the Librarian, Paroo and addressed to Professor Harold Hill. You did violence to the lyric, both in meaning and in context.

    In other words... a person could develop a cold....

  33. Sit down, you're rocking the boat. The People all said, "Sit down, you're rocking the boat."

    And we'll have no rocking of boats around here.
