Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What did State Senator Marty Golden do to piss-off Zephyr Teachout ? Somehow, alone among state senators, Golden got on Teachout’s Radar for “public corruption” !

Former Democratic Party Candidate for Governor Says State Senator Golden is “someone who has some serious issues with public corruption”

Back to being a Fordham Law Professor specializing in political corruption cases,  Teachout says that she wants to jump in to help out in the Brooklyn senate contest because, “Jamie Kemmerer’s race is an important race [and] he’s fighting an uphill battle ...”

Yesterday, Jamie Kemmerer’s “Little Engine That Could Campaign” got the news that it’s getting an unexpected “boost” from somebody that knows what it is to be “a poorly funded long-shot opponent to a powerful incumbent...” —   Zephyr Teachout, the former Democratic Candidate for Governor and  Fordham University Law School Prof ( See “Zephyr Teachout Wants to Campaign for Two Senate Democrats” by Will Bredderman,  09/15/14, NY Observer [http://observer.com/2014/09/zephyr-teachout-wants-to-campaign-for-two-senate-democrats/]
[@newyorkobserver on Twitter &  newyorkobserver on Facebook]). What is especially interesting about this is that out of all the GOP state senators, Teachout singled out Marty Golden to specifically call out for “public corruption.”

Will Bredderman also noted that “[t]he academic [Law Professor Teachout] –whose area of expertise is political corruption– alluded to Mr. Golden’s history of spending campaign money at his family’s catering hall and allocating funding to suspect Orthodox Jewish non-profits....”

If I, Galewyn Massey,  weren’t such a humble guy, I’d almost begin to think that Zephyr Teachout had been reading my blog; but then again, all that stuff has been widely reported and commented upon  —  most recently, in Jamie Kemmerer’s campaign postings.  —   Excuse me, now that would be in Zephyr Teachout’s comments yesterday.


  1. Mr. Massey, one of your more reliable BSI's did phone banking for Zephyr which another BSI can vouch for. Zephyr was there and perhaps she was looking over the BSI's shoulder when your blog was pulled up and saw your work. But I take none of the credit.

  2. Marty Golden, the disabled Narc who bought a Catering Hall with a bag full of cash, you say is corrupt?

  3. Why hasnt the NFL done something about this.

    According to CNN the NFL has a duty to punish all wrongs.

  4. The real political corruption is how Golden has tried to use every trick in the book to take over the Brooklyn Republican Party. He has almost succeeded in his plan to destroy the KCRP under Eaton, who just had to shut down Brooklyn Republican Headquarters on 17th Avenue.

  5. No the real Golden corruption is the money he gets from developers for tax breaks on buildings already built.


    Don’t forget that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has convened the grand jury in Brooklyn Supreme Court to present witnesses and evidence on allegations that former DA Hynes misappropriated public funds. In the past, this blog has looked into the probability that part of those funds probably found their way to several of Golden’s insiders and/or operatives.

    In addition, there are other continuing state and federal investigations coming out of the NYS Moreland Commission flap and the NYC DOI’s Preliminary (Peter’s) Report that has already mentioned one Golden staff member, and which investigations are likely to involve several other Golden insiders and a associates, possibly including State Senator Golden, himself.

  7. Schneiderman, a democrat, is investigating Hynes, also a democrat.

    Yeah party hacks are going to expose corruption. That happens a lot.

  8. Anyone know how much one of those buildings in paying in tax with the Golden Tax Break? The buildings are in Manhattan so it was no break for someone in our area. I bet it's just a little higher than that of a BR home.

  9. The last minute Golden tax breaks for the Manhattan buildings was a straight political payback for donations. It was a something for something deal that should be indictable corruption like the charges brought against the convicted ex-governor of Virginia Bob McDonnall.

  10. Gale, someone should REALLY take a close look at Golden's BOE Filings....he paid over $ 19,000.00 last year to Georgia.....the useless woman who works for him who he is trying to get a BIG job for at the BOE???? Why would he pay such a large sum to her? and there are other payments to her as well? Doesnt she work fro the NYS Senate?? This could use some investigative journalism...I have all the BOE reports if you want to see them.....just post where they should be sent, or if anyone else wants them, just ask.....it is some very interesting reading...also look at Golden's filing with JCOPE.....and he says he doesnt own the Manor!

  11. Golden needs to go.........

  12. Golden needs to go.........
