Sunday, September 7, 2014

Video of Governor Cuomo’s cold shoulder of Zephyr Teachout goes viral — “Visual” of Governor shows tremendous a lack of class

Pre-adolescent behavior of Cuomo and Hochull, and Mayor DeBlasio  at “Labor Day Parade” is a major unforced error for Cuomo Campaign

What was the problem ?   Did Andrew Cuomo think Zephyr Teachout had Cooties ?  —   Cuomo, Hochull and DeBlasio sure acted like she did  —  Postings on social media call the exchange “awkward” and “cringeworthy”

GOP candidate Rob Astorino needs to leverage Cuomo's ill treatment of Teachout ASAP while it still is fresh  —  then it will be the gift that keeps on giving for the whole campaign 

Politico said it this way: “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo greeted participants in New York City’s Labor Day Parade on Saturday, but one person didn’t get a warm welcome: his primary opponent. ***   A video posted on shows Zephyr Teachout, who is challenging Cuomo in the state’s Democratic primary, approaching the governor at the parade. She tries several times to get his attention, but first an aide asks everyone to step back, and then Cuomo turns away from Teachout, shouting instead to New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. De Blasio moves through the crowd and hugs Cuomo, but neither acknowledges Teachout in the minute-long clip....” (See “Andrew Cuomo, Zephyr Teachout parade video goes viral” by Adam Sneed, 9/6/14, Politico [][with video link of the incident]).

New York Magazine contained  this in its devastating report of the incident: “...[Y]ou'd think that Cuomo had no idea who Teachout was, because he completely ignored her as she stood directly in front of him. ***  In a hilariously awkward video posted to New York True, a smiling Teachout maneuvers around paradegoers, aides, and journalists until she is less than an arm's length away from Cuomo and his running mate, Kathy Hochul. The pair quickly turns their backs toward Teachout, who then taps Hochul on the arm. Hochul does not respond. Then, with Teachout still standing right there, Cuomo shouts, "Where's the mayor?" at an approaching Bill de Blasio. "Where's the mayor when you need him? We need the mayor!" Cuomo continues, his jokey tone failing to mask what sounds like genuine desperation. While also ignoring Teachout, de Blasio physically embraces Hochul and Cuomo....”  (See “Watch Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio Completely Ignore Zephyr Teachout” by Caroline Bankoff, 9/6/14, NY Magazine/ Daily Intelligencer [][with video link of the incident]).

The Daily News and NY Times also mentioned the incident giving the Governor negative marks in his handling of the whole thing.

The Republican Gubernatorial candidate should immediately take Governor Cuomo to task for his rudeness and brutish bad manners.  If Astorino does so while the whole thing is still news, he can go back to it over and over during the campaign all the way to November.


  1. He looked stunned. Like a deer in headlights.

  2. I think Andrew just had his Makaka moment. The worse part was the interview later on when Andy lied about knowing she was there.

    Why do they always lie?

  3. Mr. Massey, if you want to truly understand the ruthless character of Governor Cuomo you should read a book called The Prince by Machiavelli. It is a terrible treatise on how to be deceitful and conniving in politics. The Prince defines everything that is wrong with politics and with our governor. Andrew is no "scholar and gentleman" as his father was as Governor. That is for certain.



    Even though "THE PRINCE" was nothing at all about the "optics" of Twenty-first Century electoral politics for an executive position, Andrew Cuomo should have internalized the same lessons by virtue of having been in "ministerial" and/or accessory positions both on the federal and state level. Unfortunately, the fact that Andrew Cuomo is a dynastic legacy ruler trumps any other life experience that he might have had.

  5. Picture Fredo Corleone, only a foot taller without the money and youve got diblasioo.

    After one year of diBlasio I long for the days of real leadership from Abe Beame.

  6. Abe Beame & Fredo.

    Will someone get the commenter above out 1973.

  7. The video of Cuomos goon squad elbowing Teachout out of the scene was telling about the character of the sycophants that surround the Governor.

    Hochul and diblasio were like kids in the school yard happy to side with the bully. Very sad, very petty.

  8. The video is on Daily News, WSJ, Huffington Post, NY Magazine.

    I havent seen TV news but I'm sure they had a field day with this.

    Cuomos guys treated Teachout like the LAPD treated Rodney King.

  9. You guys are over the top about this whole thing. What next, are you people going to compare Andy-boy Cuomo to Jack The Ripper or the Green River Killer?

    So, take your best shot, tomorrow is the primary --- and Cuomo's guys are saying everybody will be eating steak on y/k/w at Sparks....

  10. Dear Mr. Massey,

    I am sure I speak for many of your readers when I say it is quite disappointing that the candidacy of the only female Republican running in a New York Primary tomorrow - Lucretia Regina Potter - has yet to be endorsed here. In light of the myriad amounts of criticism (largely legitimate)that the Republican Party has received nationally over its treatment of women, it would seem that this is an opportunity for the local GOP to redeem itself and support Lucretia Regina Potter's candidacy for the 46th Assembly District. I apologize however if I have spoken too soon and you are actually right now penning your endorsement. I and I suspect many others eagerly await your rousing opus.


    No endorsement by GM or this blog has been sought by either side in the GOP Primary in the 46th AD.

  12. Andrew Cuomo was always vulnerable in a Democratic primary from the left flank.
    He pushed out Paterson because he couldnt face him in a primary. In 24 hours we'll see.
