Saturday, September 6, 2014

Congressman Marty Golden — The story behind his push to re-elect Michael Grimm

What is the real deal behind Golden’s letter and fund raiser for Grimm ?

Why else would Golden be NATIONALIZING  himself during his race for State Senator ?

Golden wants to be the Congressman after Grimm gets the Bum’s Rush

I think that the usually astute Ross Barkan, writing in the New York Observer, and the pair of reporters, doing the same in the Post all missed their real leads by not asking these rather obvious questions  –   What’s really going on here ?  Why is Marty Golden doing this, right now ? ( See “Democrat Blasts Golden’s Grimm Fund-Raiser” by Ross Barkan, 9/4/14, NY Observer [][@newyorkobserver on Twitter | newyorkobserver on Facebook] [with Scribd. download of Marty Golden’s Letter]; “Prominent Republican aiding indicted Rep. Grimm” by Rich Calder & Carl Campanile. 9/4/14, NY Post [])

Instead of sniffing out the real story, Barkan followed the leads of Jamie Kemmerer, who after all has every interest in keeping things focused on his race for Golden’s  State Senate seat, and a cooperative State Senate staffer Ray Riley, whose boss Marty Golden needs to keep his federal ambitions under wraps, for now.

On the other hand, Golden's man Riley’s words might actually be the signal for a complete pivot away from Golden’s State Senate campaign toward one that is oriented toward the Brooklyn-Staten Island congressional seat  —  “[Talking about Jamie Kammerer] Our opponent is about as relevant in this community as a haberdashery,” said Ray Riley, Golden’s staffer quoted in Ross Barkan’s article, “Since he can’t raise money, or get anyone to take him seriously, he is now grasping at straws. We will no longer be responding to his shameless attempts to save a campaign that never got off the ground.

Showing that he is far from being the great white shark in Golden’s small state senate pool, Democrat Jamie Kemmerer went for the bait and missed the boat. Quotes like this miss the point because they are just too “small ball” and too local: “Marty Golden likes to bring up President Obama who he perceives as unpopular in the district....  But if you want true guilt by association look no further than Golden who is actively attaching himself to indicted-on-twenty-counts Grimm. Marty is parading [Grimm] around not in a perp walk like he deserves but like he’s the second coming of Fiorello LaGuardia....  In fact, no matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican you can see that his alignment with indicted Congressman Grimm is proof that Marty Golden clearly doesn’t have the best interests of the district in mind.”

Well, everybody that reads this blog knows that Marty Golden clearly doesn’t have the best interests of his state senate district in mind, but that doesn’t answer why he is working so hard for a shipwreck like Grimm [whose legal woes, not mentioned by Golden in his letter, go from bad to worse with each passing day].

According to the report in the Post, “...Golden told supporters he’s all in to re-elect Grimm to help beat back “the very liberal policies of the Obama administration....”  However, do these remarks by Golden sound like somebody running for a New York State legislative position ?  —  “Liberal policies have spelled failure. So their tactic is to change the subject, talk about something else, avoid the real issue of an America on the wrong track. I believe the voters of our district [THE CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ! ! ! ] are much too savvy to fall for any such trickery. However, they also know that such trickery does have to be countered, and that doing so does cost money.... [blah, blah, blah for what’s his name, oh yeah, Grimm]”  Read the whole “Dear Friends”  letter formally from “Marty Golden,” but oddly signed “Martin J. Golden” [What’s that all about ?]  —  see if you agree that it sounds like “Marty Golden” is ESPECIALLY INTERESTED in Grimm’s congressional seat this time around ( See Sribd. Download [238647910-Golden-for-Grimm-2.pdf]).

Tell Staten Islanders that they soon will have a “Brooklyn Congressman” no matter what !

By the way, now that Golden his running against Domenic Recchia, by name as his virtual co-opponent for congress  —  Recchia needs to run against Golden as the real GOP candidate for Member of Congress from Brooklyn and Staten Island.

Jamie Kemmerer needs to bring up the very same issue in the state senate race as well.


  1. Any endorsements for Tuesday Gale?

  2. I think Mr. Massey will be endorsing the following candidates in Tuesday's Primary:

    Lucretia Regina Potter the Republican candidate for the NYS Assembly in the 46th AD.

    Zephyr Teachout for Governor on the Democratic line to run against Rob Astorino in November.

    Wu for L. Governor on the Democratic line to run against that odd sheriff from upstate who is running on the Republican line.

    Dell Smitherman in the 19th SD.

    Peter Sikora in the 52 AD

    NOT Rupert Barry for Civil Court Judge. Anyone but him.

  3. Gale i think you are smoking something here. Golden cannot win a congressional seat because of the following:

    a) he is not bright enough - face it, he is a cop...that is education, no college, not pedigree except the old people like him because he shakes hands and smiles at them;
    b) he is already in over his head intellecutally - he uses all his brain power now just to accomplish what little he does;
    c) he is surrounded by losers - people who havent won a real race in decades, i.e. Kassar, Krauss, Georgia and the great Ray Riley, who himself was the guy who was bashing Grimm a few years ago for the medals he was claiming he won - hey Grimm, you should not forget this fact. When Riley ran the great campaign for Allegretti, Riley is the one who attacked your military service - not anyone else;
    d) Golden has single handedly, or should i say, with the idots named above, significantly hurt the GOP in Brooklyn where he would need support to run for any other seat - he threatened people I have heard, and told lies about many peopld to try to take control of the Brooklyn GOP for his own greed and ego - yes greed, so that the Manor could house all his GOP events....look at all the events he holds at the Manor now - imagine if he were a congressman?
    e)I heard from the grapevine that a lot of Golden's supporters (threatenees as I have been told) attended the recent wake of Eaton's mother...maybe a sign that the BOE employees are concerned that in 2015 Eaton runs again and wins like he did in 2013......and then Shamoun gets sent back to the woodshed.....where he belongs - remember he was the BOE Commissioner who swept all the allegations of Brooklyn BOE problems under the rug - dont forget the SHREDDED PETITIONS????against Shamoun's co-Leader, and at the time of his vote, he was a Commissioner and a District Co Leader???Sounds like a conflict to me?;
    f) Golden is a brooklynite;
    g) Golden is a loser;
    h) Golden should lose to Kammerer.....

    I say Republicans for Kammerer in 2014......Pls join me and chime in on this BLOG

    Golden should not run for Congress and he should lose his senate seat now.....lets hear what you guys think.....lets send him back to the maitre de spot at the Manor in November.....



    Everybody seems to be having such a nice time; why would I ruin it by answering any of the questions or making any of those "endorsements."

    However, I do agree that if MG loses to JK, all bets are off on the congressional thing. As far as "Republicans for Kammerer [sic] in 2014..." You go girl, but check the spelling of Mr. K's name.

    btw, the people behind the congressional thing for MG are at a much higher pay grade than Jerry Kassar.

  5. To Anonymous at 4:02 PM

    Isn't it Grenwitch, Connetticcutt?

  6. What is even funnier than Golden running for Congress, is Cockrane running for Congress....whatever happened to Hot Dog Tim and his Repubs for Change . I guess the Timster vanishd again thank god...

  7. Anonymous said... September 6, 2014 at 2:47 PM Hi Russel Gallo...
