Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Curious Cases of Arthur Aidala, “Joe” Hynes and Marty Golden — Part 2

This installment of a two-part series  will deal with key aspects of two legal matters that closely tie Golden and Aidala in a knot along with former DA Hynes  —   It will show and tell some of what is not-so-well-known about why Artie Aidala  might well be considered  as close an insider to Marty Golden as anyone

“The Curious Cases of Arthur Aidala, ‘Joe’ Hynes and Marty Golden — Part 1” appeared below on this blog on Monday, July 21, 2014  >>> that installment showed that Arthur Aidala was a key Hynes insider and some of what that involved 

Now, at last, here is the final installment of what had been  promised more than six weeks ago   (See 7/13/14 post below, "COMING ATTRACTIONS  —  Golden - Hynes -  Aidala Connections ..." []).

Of course, no discussion of the interactions of State Senator Martin Golden, Defense Attorney Artie Aidala and Former Brooklyn DA Charles “Joe” Hynes would be complete without a rundown of some of the goings-on in the Kettle Black on April 9, 2010 — and the related cases arising from that incident.

Golden, Aidala and Hynes also had their hands together in another case —   however, unlike the Kettle Black matter, this was a Pot-of-Gold Case  —  Golden got his multi-million dollar house out of it  —   At that house, Marty Golden sang his version of  “Drugs and drugs and drugs and drugs....  Zarou, Zarou....   Georgie, I hardly knew ye.... ” to a Post reporter  —   herein below,  you’ll get a different version

In 2010 the following appeared on another GOP political blog operated by a faction of “independent” Brooklyn Republicans (It is believed that many of those people are now backing State Senator Golden):  “Before we move on, aren’t there a few items that ...OUR ‘… infinite times great State Senator, the always honorable Marty Golden’ needs to clear up before he again tries ‘to make Brooklyn proud, this state proud, and this great Country proud.’
Isn’t the recently re-elected State Senator Martin J. Golden still under a cloud for possibly being involved in tampering with some evidence in the cases against several of his relatives arising out of the April 2010 Kettle Black brawl. ***  Doesn’t the recently re-elected State Senator Golden need to explain how a man, to whom Golden gave 1.5 million dollars ($1,500,000), has avoided spending any time in jail after pleading guilty to drug felonies (in full disposition of several other charges involving other drug charges, weapons possession and threats with weapons) which happened in 2006, shortly before Golden completed his transfer of the funds to that man in a very suspicious deal. Interestingly, the arraignment on multiple drug charges was “rescheduled” from a date shortly before the transfer of the 1.5 million dollars ($1,500,000) by State Senator Golden to a date right after the transfer. ***   ...[A]n attorney named “Aidala” is a person of influence in both of these cases. ***  Attorney Aidala, who represent[s/ed] one or more of Golden’s relatives in the Kettle Black cases, made a series of statements indicating that he had detailed inside information about “tampered evidence” long before any disclosures of such missing or tampered evidence had been made public. ***  Attorney Aidala apparently was brought into the “drug case” above to represent the man, who’d received the $1.5 million from State Senator Golden in 2006, but after the man had made his plea bargain. Since being brought on, Attorney Aidala has been involved in dozens of adjournments of the sentencing after the plea bargain and guilty plea had been made more than three years ago.” ( See “New York State Senate Control in Serious Doubt” by John Galt, 11/4/10, Atlas Shrugs in Brooklyn [] [Comment: “Marty Golden's Future in New York State Senate in Serious Doubt” PERMALINK November 6, 2010 9:29 am]).

What follows is a discussion that includes material showing much of the Golden-Aidala connection manifest by those cases and a few related matters.


Golden, Aidala and Hynes were closely intertwined in what some have called “The Kettle Black Scandal” or “The Kettle Black Cases” all of which arose out of a donnybrook that took place inside the Kettle Black Bar in Bay Ridge on the night-morning of April 8-9, 2010.

Let’s start with the goings on at the Kettle Black on the night and morning of April 8-9, 2010.
The names of those charged were Golden, Crowley, DeCarlo and Jung. Except for Jung, all were related to State Senator Martin Golden, based on family notices and articles that appeared recently in the local papers. It was alleged that those named defendants attacked police officers Paul Aparo, NYPD and Ryan McCarthy, PA NY/NJ PD, along with fireman Rosario Cicero, FDNY — all “off-duty” at the time.  A related case was brought against Jasmin Pontic, 27, an employee of Vanguard Security Systems,  who was hit with charges of tampering with physical evidence, an E felony, and obstruction of governmental administration,  an E felony, all in connection with the events of April 9, 2010 at the Kettle Black.

First things first, according to contemporary reports State Senator Marty Golden, defense attorney Arthur Aidala and defense attorney Michael Cibella were all at the crime scene with several police investigators later-on during the day of the April 9th Kettle Black incidents. Aidala and Cibella would wind up as counsels of record and trial counsel for two of Golden’s relatives charged in the case. One of the alleged incidents giving rise to the charges against the computer tech Jasmin Pontic actually occurred while Marty Golden was there according to at least one of the earlier published reports.

Aidala and Cibella were a virtual entry as lawyers for Golden’s relatives in this case; and they have had a long business and personal relationship together since working as ADAs for Hynes. ( The third lawyer for a Golden relative at the joint trials was Gary Farrell )

With the charges against Golden’s relatives dragging on for over a year, the case was eventually tried against the defendants jointly in a Brooklyn Court. The following report says almost all that needs to be said here: “A team of defense attorneys representing Daniel Golden and co-defendants Kevin Crowley, Michael Crowley, Peter Jung, and John DeCarlo produced a friend of the group who witnessed the bloody 2010 Bay Ridge fight after weeks of blowing holes through the prosecution’s case  —  claiming all the while that the victims and the police had tampered with evidence. ***   Arthur Aidala, who represented Golden, said his client was overjoyed with the jury’s acquittal. *** ‘You have no idea the sense of relief we feel that this is behind us,’ Aidala said. ‘We’re just happy that the criminal aspect of the case against Daniel Golden is over and he is moving on with his life.’” (See “GOLDEN TRIAL –  Golden acquitted without putting on a case”
by Will Bredderman, 3/28/12
[] [Interestingly the entire 3/30/12 article by Will Bredderman is contained at {}]).  The Breddermann article included this: “Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes refused to take the case against [State Senator] Golden’s family claiming that the defendants’ connection to the law-and-order Republican legislator — a former cop — constituted a conflict of interest.”  What was not reported in all of this was that then-DA Hynes always retained jurisdiction over the case against Jasmin Pontic, the computer tech who’s version of events actually could have connected State Senator Golden to the crime scene and the whole story about missing or altered evidence  — details of which missing evidence was first being talked about openly by Artie Aidala in the days immediately following the fight on April 9, 2010.


Marty Golden, Artie Aidala and Joe Hynes also had their hands in another case and this one had a pot-a-gold attached to it  —  The People versus George Zarou.  The George Zarou story is a cautionary tale in which drug use and/or serious intoxication due exposure to drug vapors involved everybody, including Zarou, his wife and his infant children. In late October 2006, George and Dawn Zarou were put in police custody for various drug-related and other offenses,  and their children were removed from the premises; after neighbors had called police about a woman and children walking on 80th Street in a disoriented stupor near their home.

Then, while the serious drug case, brought by Hynes as DA, was still pending against the seller, Marty Golden bought his present beautiful home on 80th Street from the accused George Zarou, who desperately needed the money to retain the services of attorneys, that eventually would include Artie Aidala.  That seems straight forward enough, right ?  Not so fast, the sale to Golden was completed after Zarou had been indicted (but oddly, with the arraignment adjourned) and by the time Zarou had retained Aidala, he had already long-ago pleaded guilty in the case (also immediately after the sale of the property to Golden, the Zarous began divorce proceedings).

The indictment and arraignment in the criminal case against George Zarou was adjourned a couple of times just to allow the house deal between Zarou and Golden to be completed.  George Zarou was charged on October 28, 2006; indicted on 18 felony & misdemeanor counts on 12/6/06 with the mark on 12/19/06 –“not arraigned”; with the arraignment of George Zarou occurring on 1/5/07. Zarou completed the sale of his house to Golden for $1.5 million on 12/29/2006 ( a date between the indictment and arraignment of George Zarou).  Artie Aidala became George Zarou’s counsel on 2/27/08, well after Zarou had pleaded guilty on 8/1/07 to:  2 felony counts [possession contr substance/narc] – 220.16(12)(cocaine) & 2 misdemeanor counts [crimmpossession contr substance] -- 220.03.00 (cocaine) [note menacing & menacing with a weapon were “disposed” in the plea].  Even after Aidala got on the case, George Zarou’s sentencing was adjourned countless times, until June 13,  2012  —  the  total time between the plea and sentencing was almost five years, over four years while represented by Aidala.  During all of that, most things for George Zarou and the Zarou family went wildly out of control, but this isn’t the stories of George and Dawn Zarou, this is about Aidala, Golden and Hynes.


In November, 2010, Marty Golden was confronted about the strange background to the purchase of his home in the driveway of the Zarou-Golden house, by that time long-occupied by Golden and his family, by Joe Goldstein, now a crime-beat writer for the NY Times, but then a reporter for the NY Post (Goldstein was there based upon a tip by one of my sources).  At the time Golden spoke to Goldstein “off the record” and was able to talk his way out of the whole thing by focusing everything on the very sad situation of the Zarou family.  I can only guess how heavy Marty poured it on; but the cruncher was that Golden told the reporter that George Zarou was working very hard to get his life back together and was fully cooperating with the court and participating in a court-ordered drug-treatment program (how or why Golden was supposed to know all that stuff about Zarou was never made clear to my source by the Post’s reporter, Goldstein).  Candor was not Marty Golden’s strong suit that day, and Joe Goldstein let Golden off the hook with just a little diversion and dissembling by Golden.

Unfortunately, somebody didn’t tell George Zarou or the New York State Supreme Court about Marty Golden’s version of the case.  Here’s what the Court officially said about Mr. Zarou on August 13, 2013, sometime well after Golden’s conversation with Joe Goldstein in November 2010:    “[George Zarou] failed to enter a drug treatment program, and as a consequence, on June 13, 2012, he was sentenced to a one-year term of incarceration and a one-year period of postrelease supervision.... By virtue of his felony conviction, [George Zarou] was automatically disbarred and ceased to be an attorney....”(Matter of Zarou 2013 NY Slip Op 05750).  So much for Marty Golden’s version of  Zarou’s getting his life back together, fully cooperating and participating in rehab.

Bottom line, how much did Marty Golden really pay to get his multi-million dollar home, purchased during somebody else’s family crisis ?  How much did Artie Aidala collect as a fee; and what did he do to earn it ?  And most important, in the case of a man who “sold” his house to Marty Golden, one of DA Hynes’ biggest supporters,  why did the DA’s Office allow more than four years to pass between a guilty plea and sentencing; and then, after an arrest and sentencing, why was there only one year in jail for Zarou, after his obvious non-cooperation on the plea deal made years before ?  (Gee!  Maybe, Mr. Aidala really did do a lot to earn his fee in this case  —  wink, wink, nod ! ! ! ).


Given the obvious close relations between Marty Golden and Artie Aidala flowing from the cases discussed above, you can imagine my surprise at the following item that appeared on State Senator Golden’s own web page at the following cite and under the following title:  “ITALIAN CULTURE AND HERITAGE AT COMMUNITY AWARDS CELEBRATION Posted by Martin J. Golden on Friday, October 19th, 2012, State Senator Golden’s Official Web Page []:
‘Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today is announcing his plans to host a community celebration and awards ceremony in honor of Italian Heritage Month to be held on Tuesday, October 30, 2012, at 7:00 p.m., at St. Athansius Auditorium, 6120 Bay Parkway in Brooklyn. ***   The honorees to be recognized by Senator Golden are Arthur Aidala, [and three others] ***   Senator Marty Golden stated, 'Each year, the month of October is dedicated to the celebration of Italian Heritage. This year, we have planned another outstanding community tribute to Italian heritage and I look forward to recognizing our honorees. I invite the neighborhood to join me for a night of entertainment and celebration.' ....  ***   Admission is free and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Senator Golden’s office (718) 238-6044.’”

I guess that was Golden’s version of the cherry for the top of Aidala’s cake  —   more likely it is just ONE OF  THEM.


  1. If Aidala didnt get a check from Hynes asset forfeture account than the account dosent exist.

  2. Mr. Massey your post seemed like a page out of Joyce's Finnegan's Wake until I arrived at the name Gary Farrell. Do you think it is the same Mr. Farrell who is a former Brooklyn ADA under Mr. Hynes and as a criminal defense attorney represented ADA Michael Jaccarino when he was arrested for assaulting the EMT worker? In December of 2012 it was a big case in the office because the campaign was just starting up and the concern was that negative publicity coming on the heals of the well-published ADA Justin Marrus blackface incident could prove detrimental to Mr. Hynes winning the election. Young Mr. Jaccarino was suspended and Arthur Aidala gave him a position as an associate attorney at his law firm - where he works today. Gary Farrell's name came up when we were tweaking the ADA personnel file information sheets in response to discovery requests in the wrongful conviction of Jabbar Collins. The office turned over to the plaintiff's attorney information stating that Mr. Jaccarino was suspended because he committed a Brady violation. This was not true but the office was trying to show that Mr. Hynes did indeed discipline ADA's for prosecutorial misconduct. Hence, we took any infraction and turned it into a prosecutorial one. We were able to do that for 209 ADA's. I wonder too if there is a check made out to Mr. Gary Farrell from the Deputy District Attorney's book for his advocacy in representing former ADA Jaccarino. Often, Mr. Aidala was called on to represent patronage hires who got into trouble but for some reason this time it was Mr. Farrell.

  3. If Aidala got checks from the district attorneys public money to represent these clowns than getting disbarred will be the least of his problems.

  4. Question.

    If DA Hynes was in on it than why didnt he drop the charges instead of going to trial?

  5. keep writing Dorothy

  6. When arrests of ADA and other office personnel are made public by other entities it was impossible for Mr. Hynes to just "drop the charges" as you ask. There were/are a number of situations in which hired ADA's got into criminal mischief but it was not made public, therefore, the office was able to handle it internally. That is why ECAB had/has such a bad reputation as this was the place to send ADA's who got into eggregoius trouble that could adversely affect Mr. Hynes' chances of continuing in office if known. A case on point is that of ADA Mark Posner. He solicited prostitutes from the 17th floor office phone while reading the back pages of the Village Voice and his only punishment was to be cast off to ECAB in the criminal court building. It was only when the case became public four years later that the office was forced to take action. Posner was sent to John's School to learn not to solicit prostitutes. However, in June he was finally invited to leave because the campaign thought it might hurt Mr. Hynes' getting the women's vote in the primary. There is another ADA relagated to ECAB who took bribes from a defendant and was caught. That too under the penal code is a crime but it was never reported and he still works there. One very nice executive told me that Mr. Hynes did not like receiving phone calls from politicians for whom he gave their family members jobs complaining that Hynes' reprimanded them. So he created this ECAB punishment. And yes, Mr. Aidala was paid by Dino Amoroso for representing office employees. That is a fact known to him and the signers of the checks.

    And who is Dorothy?

  7. "Dorothy!" From the "Wizard of OZ," Miss RUBY, not "Red," SLIPPERS...

    "...Red Shoes" is about the ballet and it's a British not an American movie.

  8. We were all expecting something far juicier!
    The first case was a bar fight. Yes it was an intersection of Golden, Aidala and Hynes. No matter what happened to the case, Hynes would have been accused of mishandling it - so he stepped aside for a special prosecutor. The case was actually handled by the Queen's DA Office. The assigned ADA was a journeyman, who was far overmatched against Aidala, Cibella and Farrell. The three were working on their home turf, and all had been top notch homicide prosecutors before becoming defense attorneys.
    The second case is easy to understand - most first time felony drug defendants in Brooklyn were allowed to take conditional pleas. If they completed a designed treatment program they were allowed to withdraw the plea and take a misdemeanor with a no jail sentence. If they failed, the ended up with a felony and state prison time. The process often took years. This appears to have occurred here. No favors for the defendant.
    Amoroso was close with Aidala - but if you have any evidence that he (or anyone else) paid for a criminal defense attorney from DA funds (forfeiture or otherwise), you should give it directly to the AG - it would be a serious felony. The AG already has subpoenaed all the accounts, so it should become clear one way or the other anyway, but for now
    seems you are just making up conspiracy theories.

  9. You omit the juicy stuff in your comment and then say it's not juicy, nice trick.

    Aidala and Cibella harped on the missing and/or altered
    evidence, then they focused on the prior relationship of Pontic and P.O. Aparo --- but according to Pontic Golden was there while he was assisting the police at the scene. That's why it's so interesting, when Aidala talks about missing and/or altered evidence. including new charges for all of that (describing exactly what is supposed to be missing) only a day after all of it happened -- and before the DA even had time to process any of that -- especially when Hynes then did charge Pontic, keeping that part of the case in his office the whole time as a sword over Pontic's head (all with the exact same conflicts and appearances of impropriety as Golden's relatives).

    What went down with George and Dawn Zarou while this case was pending was nothing like a routine drug story -- it was more like alternative reality fiction -- sort of like 50 Shades of the Heart of Darkness.

  10. What nobody knows on this site or in the public is that some of the family members of those accused of assaulting police officers and a fireman at the Kettle Black many years ago were very unhappy and upset about how Artie Aidala was talking so much about the case on television.

  11. Who was the anonymous person who was commenting in favor of Aidala and seems to know all about case of Golden's nephews in the Baack Kettle bar fight, but not very much about Zarous' case? That was not only a simple first time drug case, there were drug cases after in Staten Island, somebody came up with the idea to blame it all on the wife. It also had a domestic abuse with violence part which HYnes the DA at the time used to say was a very big deal.

    Don't forget GOlden also had his part in that one too, with a quickie sale of the house from both of the Zarous, most of it paid for with a large private mortgage by somebody with lots of cash to put into the deal.

  12. There is little difference between lawyers Cibella and Aidala going back to their days in the Brooklyn DA's Office. They have always had a close business relationship in their legal practices, whether they've been formal partners or not. Right up to a few minutes ago they have shared an address in Midtown Manhattan and a Fax machine,546 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10036 - Fax: 212-750-8297).



    A comment to the instant post above that appeared as "Anonymous said... September 7, 2014 at 8:00 AM" had been removed after a brief appearance yesterday. It will remain deleted pending vetting of certain allegations contained therein.

    Generally, the comment made claims, purportedly based on the commenter's research of records, indicating that Mr. Aidala was involved along with another lawyer, Philip Smallman,in aspects of the case involving the murder of Mark Fisher, for which John Giuca and another were convicted.

    Several aspects of the Mark Fisher case have been discussed on this blog. However, to my knowledge, this deleted comment would have been the only instance alleging Arthur Aidala's involvement in any way in the Mark Fisher murder case.

  14. Dear Mr. Massey,

    It is interesting that one of the more colorable claims in the failed 440 motion and the petition of review of the John Giuca case is the complete ineffective assistance of counsel on the part of criminal defense attorney Sam Gregory. The petition details at length Mr. Gregory's complete lack of meaningful representation - failure to adequately investigate, failure to cross-examine witnesses, and the like. One would think Mr. Gregory was hand picked to "give John Giuca on a platter" to Mr. Hynes. Mr. Gregory's ineffectiveness in the Giuca case is all the more startling because he has been teaching Trial Advocacy at St. John's law School with Mr. Michael Vecchione for years once even using the same syllabi. Mr. Gregory many times was asked by Mr. Hynes to do CLE presentations at the Brooklyn D.A.'s office in an effort to keep new ADA's well-trained in the court room. Mr. Gregory along with Mr. Aidala have presented at workshops for the Kings County Bar Association of which they are both active members. This of course makes sense because they honed their skills together back in the 90's when Gregory was representing defendants and then ADA Aidala was prosecuting them. The 1996 P.J.'s Pub in Bay Ridge bar fight is a case on point. I wondor how it was that Sam Gregory had the John Giuca case fall in his lap? I wonder at the aberational behavior of a top-notch crimnal defense lawyer such as he is. Perhaps if the Conviction Review Unit were to fully look at the Cleary DD5's discussing his visit(s) to criminal defense attorney James DiPietra and dinner with the family (and other notes available)it might be revealed that Mr. Gregory came upon the Giuca case through the good will of Mr. Hynes and Arthur Aidala wanting John to have the best defense available.

    BSI - If a man speaks and there isn't a woman to hear him, is he still wrong? - Veritas Division

  15. This comment is very confusing. How is Arthur Aidala connected to any of this? This is nothing but name dropping Gregory, Vecchione, Hynes, AIdala, Guica and on and on with jargon like DD5s and 440 motions to spice things up.

  16. If it is too confusing then evidently it was not meant for you to be reading it. Or simply reasd it again slowly sentence by sentence the way your third grade teacher Sister Mary Margaret taught you to do.

    And I don't name drop. My friend Bobby DiNiro told me it is uncomely for a woman to do so.

  17. Mr. Gregory was selected as the best trial lawyer for John Giuca in the Fisher murder case. In addition to Mr. Gregory, Guica had many other fine attorneys like Lance Lazarro, Jim Kilduff, Lloyd Epsten and others working on his case at one time or another. It is often part of the "evolution" of an unsuccessful defense case to attack the attorneys active during and before the trial as being incompetent.

    How many fine lawyers need to have their names dragged through the mud before you people, who don't even have a clue about all that happened in the Fisher case, are done.

  18. "How many fine lawyers need to have their names dragged through the mud . . . " Perhaps at least as many as the numerous prosecutors who have been unfairly targeted in this case for committing unfounded acts of prosecutorial misconduct. John Giuca's attorney in his petition for review to the Conviction Review Unit has alleged inexcusable instances of ineffective assistance of counsel on Mr. Gregory's part. How is is that one of Brooklyn's best criminal defense attorneys could be so deficient in his legal trial skills during this particular case? It seems to be a fair question.

  19. "... as many as the numerous prosecutors who have been unfairly targeted in this case for committing unfounded acts of prosecutorial misconduct..."? When a miscarriage of justice happens, it is not unfair to look the team of prosecutors that Hynes put together on the case, and who cooperated with the cops to fabricate a case. After a year without any progress, the DAs and cops changed the case from one involving two girls and a couple of guys at a house on Agyle Road in Brooklyn where the murder did take place to another house that the couples left before the murder. Then they made up a story about an amateur mobster with a crew of teenage thugs that did it as an initiation of some kind.

  20. "and who cooperated with the cops to fabricate a case"

    That is a statement with absolutely no foundation or basis in fact. It is conclusory. A wise man recently reminded me that "facts to conclusions works better than conclusions to facts."
    I wonder why Mr. Massey did not remove this comment pending vetting of facts? Perhaps it is because commentrs here that reinforce the narrative being told about this matter are permitted, whereas comments that challenge the story or question aspects of it - must be removed.



    There seems to be some dissension in the ranks of the future former Baker Street Irregulars alumni association. Commenters make comments. Occasionally, when specific statements are made about specific people, the comment might need to be moderated based upon the opinion of the moderator of this blog, me.

    “Facts to conclusions as opposed to conclusions to facts” — when a comment appears, it’s up to the reader to determine whether to apply that standard as they choose. That admonition was not made openly on this blog to anybody, so I see no need to discuss it further.

    In spite of all that, let me take this opportunity to announce that there will be an upcoming special “EXTRA” edition of the “Brooklyn Independent GOP Fountainhead.” Unexpectedly, as the result of the “research” of a relatively new Baker Street Irregular, whose participation was motivated by the vetting process involving the contents of a comment that was deleted with the announcement above, certain old information has been uncovered. The “EXTRA” edition will be entitled "The Curious Cases of Arthur Aidala, “Joe” Hynes and Marty Golden — Part 3”....

    So this won’t be new news, it will be old news — but make no mistake, these old facts will be accompanied by a completely new series of conclusions.

  22. It is okay, Mr. Massey, Thomas doubted too.

    I trust your newly favored and more trusted Baker Street Irregular will fully corroborate the initial statement the was deleted pending vetting.

    I will take the official GM comment as an apology.


    Baker Street Irregular Alumni Association St. Augustine Faith is honest Doubt Division

  23. Now that i have read all I ever wanted to know about the Fisher case I wont have to watch the movie.

  24. did Dorothy chime in yet?


    So far the contents of any comment deleted from this thread remains completely unvetted.

    Clearly, somebody has jumped to a conclusion as to whose "'research' of a relatively new Baker Street Irregular ..." I might have been referring. Even though Aidala is clearly connected to the Fisher case, none of what I have seen to date connects the two attorneys whose names were mentioned in the deleted comment to the DA's and ADAs' actions wrt the Guica & Russo RR.

  26. You people cant see the obvious.

    The Fisher cover up by Hynes was never about Cleary. Its about the girl.

  27. Wheres doroty? feeding the poor or talking to the feds? i wanna hear Dorothy.




    As late as September 25, 2005, and after ADA Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi had opened the prosecution's case, the New York Times was reporting that the night of Fisher's murder, "Mr. [Albert] Cleary made an offer: the two women could spend the night at his family's house." The next morning, Mark Fisher's body was found in front of Cleary's house -- with ample forensic evidence showing that's where he was shot. It is undisputed that Cleary and DiPietro were at that house when all of this went down. Fisher had been chasing Merry Deniham all night. Deniham's whereabouts that morning are somewhat problematic.

    Angel DiPietro, whose father is/was a top criminal defense lawyer in his own right, immediately retained Ben Branfman, a move clearly suggestive of the need for a top-notch bespoke defense.

  29. Is this the same Angel DiPietro that is a prosecutor in the Brooklyn DA office?

  30. Yes, you are correct. Miss DiPietra came in with the new ADA class in 2012 and was assigned to the red zone where she to this day represents the people of Kings County. On the morning or mid-afternoon (depending on which transcripts one reads) Angel and Al Cleary went out to her parents Garden City home to talk with her dad about what had happened the night before. According to the notes accompanying the DD5 dated Novemebr 16, 2003, both Al and Angela met with Mr. DiPietra in which it was noted that at that time a number of defense lawyers' names came up as prosepctive sources of help. Corroborating follow up notes to the names of these attorneys mentioned do not exist because the DA's office stopped documenting their interviews with witnesses during the investigation.
    I suspect Mr. Massey's more diligent and trustworthy Baker Street Irregular will be able to find out the names of defense attorneys who were discussed at dinner on that Sunday afternoon in Garden City.


    Other than Angel DiPietro and her dad settling on heavy-weight Ben Brafman (not "Branfman" as above); and Albert Cleary's deciding to stick with his lawyer from a Bronx assault case, Phillip Smallman, why is this important ?

    BTW, weren't these two darlings telling all this stuff to detectives in order to explain their delay in coming forward to talk to them ?

    You aren't suggesting that a concerted plan for "lawyering-up" all of the witnesses-to and suspects-in the murder of Mark Fisher was engineered by Angel DiPietro and Albert Cleary with the advice and assistance of top defense attorney James DiPietro -- are you ?

  32. You people are clueless. You nothing about what you are talking about.


    If you mean that "[I and my recent Baker Street Irregulars now contributing on the Mark Fisher Murder Case] [KNOW] nothing about what [we] are talking about...."; I COMPLETELY DISAGREE !
