Thursday, September 4, 2014

Does Barack Hussein Obama know that there is a job that goes along with the title, “President of the United States” ? — Does Barack Hussein Obama have the intellectual, educational and experiential background to perform up to the minimum requirements of the job with the title, "President of the United States" ?

The answer to the first question would be very difficult for anybody but Barack Hussein Obama to answer, because, to date, the only evidence that we have is that, by any measure, this guy has not performed in the job  —  Whether Obama knows that there is a job with actual duties has never been addressed

The answer to the second is far easier to arrive at. After almost six years since his first election to the position, Barack Hussein Obama has given almost no indication that he is equipped to be the President of the United States, be it intellectually, educationally or by his prior life experience

The good news is that  —   Maybe, Ted Cruz is getting ready to do something about it sooner rather than later

A few days ago, United States Senator Ted Cruz ( Tex- R) made an observation that “President” Obama didn’t seem to have a job to do, and that he played too much golf.  Actually, what Senator Cruz said was that President Obama should take a vacation near the Texas-Mexico border to play golf (Now, that wouldn’t be too dangerous would it ! ) —  “It almost seems like the PGA oughta put him on retainer,” said Cruz, while in Dallas for this weekend. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never known anyone who plays that much golf. It’s almost like he doesn’t have a job, like he’s retired or something....” ( See “Drudge Report Focus: Ted Cruz Quips Obama ‘Doesn’t have a job,’ and Plays too Much Golf” by Jack Phillips, Epoch Times []).  Also in the Epoch Times report, Cruz continued with his on-going anti-Washington, DC message. “I spent last week in Washington, D.C. –  It’s great to be back in America.”  And he defended his moves in 2013 to attempt to shut down the federal government.

Senator Ted Cruz said something else that is very, very important – but more on that below.

A very interesting thing is that the liberal leaning mainstream media and even the hardcore liberal media did not do much to leap to Obama’s defense from this direct and insulting attack by such a pillar of extreme right wing of Republicans as Ted Cruz.

However, almost a month ago, now, Senator Cruz had made a similar thematic complaint and at least one left-wing organ jumped all over it ( See “While Eating a Pork Chop In Iowa, Sen. Ted Cruz Tells Obama To Stop Golfing And Do His Job” by: Jason Easley, 8/9/14, PoliticusUSA []). The gist of the defense raised by Easley and the folks at PoliticusUSA comes down to this: “...The Obama is always on vacation myth is a popular one with Republicans. One suspects that this is a convenient way to subtly portray the nation’s first African-American president as lazy. The fact that Republicans feel compelled to tell Obama constantly to do his job while they do nothing speaks volumes....”

Here at Brooklyn Independent GOP Fountainhead, we generally think that Obama is absolutely working as had as he can  —  it’s just that he isn’t up to the job and he never has been.

That FACT was repeatedly brought out by Obama’s opponent for the Democrat nomination in 2008.  That should have been know by a majority of Democrat primary voters and delegates in 2008. It also should have been clear to most American voters in 2008. And how a majority of Americans voted for Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 is simply inexplicable.  What is clear is that all those so-called “voters” have done more than enough to have forfeited any role in the future selection of presidential electors in these United States.

Back to Ted Cruz.  As I noted above, Senator Cruz said something very, very important.  Cruz noted that Obama’s “popularity has plummeted” because of his actions. And then Cruz said this, “Any student of military history knows wars are not typically won in the first skirmish.” In so doing, he likened his confrontation with President Obama to warfare.  That’s what made his next remark especially telling “America has always been reluctant to use military force, but we have never shied away from defending the United States of America....”

Of course most people would argue that Senator Cruz was applying that principle only to ISIS; and even I would concede that is the proper context of the expression of the principle. However, if a properly enunciated principle has other obvious and pressing applications, and giving credit where it is due, might we not hope that Ted Cruz would be inclined to make that pronouncement for all threats foreign and domestic.

PoliticusUSA thinks that Cruz is doing what he does because he wants to be "The Obama of the right," riding on his high horse in a run for president in 2016. I, for one, don’t see why the nation needs to wait that long. A full-bore, no-holds-barred effort to remove the completely dysfunctional Obama regime could be done by early to mid-2015, with Boehner becoming little more than a Gerald Ford-style caretaker president  —  the real regent could easily be an appointed VP Ted Cruz. (Didn’t Nelson Rockefeller have the same game plan –  boy, how did Squeeky screw that one up ?).


  1. Ted Cruz !!!

    Are you nuts?

    Cruz is the Canadian version of Joe McCarthy

  2. Great. Now we have democrats who are birthers

  3. Mr. Massey,

    "There you go again . . ."

  4. Dear Mr. Massey,

    With all due respect (and I mean that genuinely and not in the sarcastic way that some folks say it and you know right away they mean the opposite), why are you not focusing your readers' attention on the only Republican primary election this coming Tuesday? It is in the 46th Assembly District yet there has been nary a word from this blog on the importance of making certain Lucretia Regina-Potter is successful. That is just one of a number of local races that are important and have not been mentioned here. With all due respect (see above on this), you seem to either focus on arguments akin to eight grade boys school yard bullying fights or to alleged issues of national importance focusing on what kind of golf club our president uses. Perhaps I should remind you (and you in turn can remind Mr. Cruz) of the wonderful movie in which Father FitzGibbon was ever complaining about the new curate always playing golf. The moral was that in the interim it was the golf playing priest who was reaaly getting the work of the parish done - going around helping the poor, feeding the hungry, opening doors for the homeless,and all the while the Pastor was spending his time complaining about golf being no more than a pool hall or something. Do you think, Mr. Massey, there is a lesson for your Republican readers to be learned in that?

    1. Lu-creature's race is important? Please explain...

  5. Get a load of Tiny Tim pontificating from above


    TO: "Anonymous said... 8:49 AM"

    "...going around helping the poor, feeding the hungry, opening doors for the homeless..." This blog's blessed mother figure, Ayn Rand, would turn over in her grave at this "blasphemy" -- as if she might have cared one wit for the concept of blasphemy. She believed the "Sermon on the Mount" was one of the great lies of history and a virtual crime against humanity --- and boy, did that bend Bill Buckley's cruller !

    The great "Manifest Destiny" presidents shunned and took advantage of the poor at every turn, told the hungry to get a job and opened the great outdoors of the west for the properly-motivated homeless.

    The lesson for "my" Republican readers is this --- there is very little to be learned about the prunes of politics by any comparison with the plums of charity --- especially the saccharine church-based version occasionally peddled by Hollywood.



    According to a blog of the Dallas Morning News, “Sen. Ted Cruz returns this weekend to rub elbows with GOP activists who just happen to hold the keys to the first presidential primary on the 2016 calendar. *** On Sunday morning, he’ll appear at a New Hampshire GOP rally in Manchester, followed an hour later by another state GOP event in Concord billed as a “meet and greet.” That afternoon, he’ll backtrack to Nashua City Hall to stump for congressional candidate Marilinda Garcia, a state lawmaker....” (See “Ted Cruz heads back to New Hampshire this weekend” by Todd J. Gillman, 9/3/14, Dallas Morning News/ []).

    Cruz’s appearance would help the Latina-named Ms. Garcia fend off an attack that she favors amnesty for illegals. Senator Cruz has made a statement released by the Garcia campaign and reported by the Union Leader that is unequivocal on the issue of amnesty: “I’m proud to support Marilinda Garcia …because she is the candidate who will fight to stop President Obama’s amnesty, work to secure the border, and celebrate a legal immigration system that both protects immigrants and our national security interests....”

    If Marilinda Garcia is elected to congress, Senator Cruz would have a very enthusiastic ally in New Hampshire during the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary.

  8. Joan Alexandra Molinsky, or , Joan Rivers to you, is not coming back to her birthplace in Brooklyn.
