Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Big House With Big Secrets: 1306 Albemarle Road

Why it is that Some Murder Mysteries Just Won’t Go Away  —   Sometimes They Tie Into the Local Politics  —   Sometimes Into the Local Geography  —   Sometimes the Local History

10 Rillington Place and 1306 Albemarle Road have a few very interesting parallels   —   both in history and mystery  —   Strange Analogues Between a Not-So-Old Brooklyn Case and a Major Case in Wartime and Post-war London

A little while ago, I discovered a surprising connection between the Hynes-Golden insider attorney Arthur Aidala and a case that just won’t go away, or get put to bed, or manage to be swept under the rug, the 2003 Mark Steven Fisher murder case (See my 9/14/14 post “The Curious Cases of Arthur Aidala, ‘Joe’ Hynes and Marty Golden — Part 3*” below on this blog). That post tripled the normal volume on this blog; and so far, no two posts since have totaled either the number of “hits” or the number of “comments” as has “Curious Cases...  Aidala...  Hynes...  Golden...  Part 3*.”

Also, it should be obvious that many people are not happy with the outcome of the Mark Fisher murder case. Standing out among many other people the most important of those not satisfied with the outcome of that case are Nancy and Michael Fisher, the parents of the deceased Mark Fisher; they still run a blog that includes news, background and other information about their son’s case. Probably next would be Doreen Giuca, mother of John Giuca, one of those convicted of the murder, who still maintains that he is not guilty of the murder, and whose mother Doreen has gone to great lengths to discredit the conduct of the trial that convicted her son and the methods used by the prosecution to secure the conviction. And of course, many journalists have been almost untiring in keeping this story alive with new information and repeated editorial criticism of the prosecution and the judicial system that fostered what has gone on in this case so far; and that, to date, refuses to correct any aspect of it.

It is against that backdrop, that I want to take a moment aside and change the focus.


I want to look at ONE PLACE involved in the Fisher murder case that has not received proper scrutiny to this day.  It has received some scant mention, but it needs much more. That place is 1306 Albemarle Road in Brooklyn, New York.


Up to now, the address  “1306 Albemarle Road” has only occasionally been mentioned in connection with the Mark Fisher murder case, occasionally but not often. That is because there has been a well orchestrated effort to keep that address out of the story line. It was the home of two key witnesses in the Fisher case, Susan Cleary and her son Albert Cleary. It is also a place, according to some accounts, that the murder victim Mark Fisher might well have expected to have finished off the night of October 11-12, 2003 safely tucked-in before taking his trip home to Sparta, New Jersey, on the morning or later in the day of October 12, 2003. Instead, on the morning of October 12th, 2003, he was found murdered at the foot of a driveway across the street from 1306 Albemarle tucked in a blanket.

The house at 1306 Albemarle Road is located in the Ditmas Park section of Brooklyn and is situated on a corner plot, whose street side is along Argyle Road, directly across the street from the spot near the front of 150 Argyle Road, where the body of Mark Steven Fisher allegedly was found shortly after his murder. It is very interesting that a recent article by Hella Winston that appeared on the front page of the New York Observer contains one of the few photographs of the turreted and gable-roofed Ditmas Park home at 1306 Albemarle Road in Brooklyn ever associated with the Fisher case (See “Did an Ambitious Prosecutor Convict the Wrong Man for the Killing of Mark Fisher?” by Hella Winston, 9/24/14. NY Observer/ News/  []).

The first reason that 1306 Albemarle Road is a place of interest is because it is one of the closest houses to the place where Mark Steven Fisher was murdered, estimated by some as about fifty feet away from where the body was found. Another is that it is also the house where two or three key witnesses in the Fisher murder case were staying at the time and near the place that Fisher was murdered; those witnesses include Albert Clearly and Angel diPietro, who each allegedly gave incredible and false testimony in the joint trials of two defendants found guilty of murdering Mark Fisher. A third reason that 1306 Albemarle Road is a place of interest is that all three of the witnesses there claim to have been asleep inside and not to have heard the shots, noise of a car and the voices of a young man and woman that were heard by others who were near the corner Albemarle and Argyle Roads shortly before Mark Fisher’s body was found across the street from 1306 Albemarle Road, as well as hearing none of the police that were searching on the grounds of all the houses in and around the crime scene for hours after the body was found. The most interesting unknown about 1306 Albemarle Road is whether New York City Police Officers, Detectives, forensic examiners or investigators of the Kings County DA’s Office ever conducted a complete search of the grounds or any part of the interior of 1306 Albemarle Road and what if any evidence they might have found there.

Also very interesting, according to two of the witnesses themselves, those inside 1306 were probably the first witnesses and/or suspects to discuss obtaining legal counsel in connection with the Fisher murder case. Of particular interest, for this post, Albert Cleary, together with the lawyer he selected, discussed Fisher’s murder and various defenses with John Giuca, a man later put on trial for the murder and against whom Albert Cleary testified at trial.

There is something else that makes 1306 Albemarle Road interesting.  It is the parallels that it holds to a long-ago demolished building in London. That building was the infamous 10 Rillington Place, an address whose infamy was raised to fame by a great piece of investigative writing and criminal history by Ludovic Kennedy, and a chilling movie starring Sir [later Baron] Richard Attenborough,

The decrepit terrace-fronted stack of flats that had been located at 10 Rillington Place in Notting Hill, London was never anything like the massive single family home at 1306 Albemarle Road in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn.  However, there are a few things that link the two addresses:  murder victims, murderers, false witnesses in murder trials, falsely convicted alleged murderers and a nearness to two neighborhoods named Kensington, one in Brooklyn and one in London.  Almost every detail that I mentioned as being interesting about 1306 Albemerle Road in connection to the Fisher murder case has a parallel or analogue to the murders that happened at 10 Rillington place between 1943 and 1953,


The story of 10 Rillington Place is a far more lurid tale than what happened in and around 1306 Albemarle Road, Brooklyn.  The cases at 10 Rillington Road were much more in character with the historical and literary traditions of mysterious multiple murders in London. The terrace style row house at the far end of Rillington Place was the situs of several sexually perverse murders that began during the Blitz in WW II and ended in the early 1950s.  In that time,  John Reginald Halliday Christie, who started his spree as an auxiliary police constable in wartime London, murdered several women over a ten year span at 10 Rillington Place, in Notting Hill, and buried their remains at that location and at a few other places nearby, like bombed out buildings in the adjoining London neighborhood called Kensington, where on occasion he also stalked his prey.

The first trial in the 10 Rillington  murder cases  was brought five years after the war against Timothy Evans, who was convicted of murder by a concatenation of unscrupulous detectives and prosecutors, and his trial turned on the testimony of the actual murderer, Christie. In the Evans case, neither Scotland Yard nor the rest of the Metropolitan Police bothered to thoroughly search the property where Evans supposedly murdered his wife, Beryl and daughter Geraldine. As a result, they failed to see the bones of Christie's earlier wartime victims, some of which were visible in the garden according to Christie’s later statements.

Evans, who was of limited intelligence and illiterate, had been tried for the murders of his wife and his unborn daughter. The trial turned on the testimony of John Christie, who had supposedly been a virtual co-conspirator in Evans’ attempts to cover-up the murder of his wife and daughter. Because of Christie’s testimony, all attempts by Evans lawyers to avoid the impact of a vague and garbled confession failed. That confession related to the killing of “his daughter,” which “confession” had been related to a detective who had taken incomprehensible notes (Evans believed that his wife had died during a botched abortion, because that’s what Christie had told him. According to Evans’ lawyers, Evans thought he was confessing to soliciting Christie to perform an abortion on his wife and to trying to cover up his wife’s death as an accomplice to Christie.). As a result of his confession, Evans was found guilty of the murder of the daughter, but not his wife, and executed in 1950.

Within a few years, Christie committed three more murders and eventually was caught and tied to the actual Beryl Evans murder, although he never admitted to murdering the child of Timothy and Beryl Evans.  After confessing to the murders of eight woman, Christie was charged only with the murder of his wife, tried and executed in 1953. Notably, he wasn’t charged with anything that he did during his police service, nor for which he had testified on behalf of the Crown in the Evans case.

For several years, there was resistance to any reopening of the case against Timothy Evans, even thought there was a widespread belief that the conviction and execution of Evans was a gross miscarriage of justice.  Largely due to the research and writing of a well-connected historical author, Ludovic Kennedy,  the Crown accepted the theory that Evans had been framed by Christie, and Timothy Evans was officially pardoned by the Home Secretary in 1966. The Evans case is one of the first major miscarriages of justice known to have been acknowledged by the British Crown in its prosecutions occurring in the aftermath of WW II.

The connotation of “Rillington Place” was so bad that city officials soon changed its name to “Ruston Place.” However when that failed to stop crime tours and just plain ghoulish Nosy Parkers, city and local planners quickly authorized an urban renewal; and eventually wiped it from the street grid, making any observation of the original site of 10 Rillington Place a virtual impossibility.  They formally and practically wiped out th whole small close (dead end street) of about ten houses, even thought there was a separate historical reason to note it as  the birth place of Charlie Chaplin’s father at 15 Rillington Place, in an earlier time when the street included several more residential buildings.

Thanks, in part, to a great book by Ludovic Kennedy, and a very good but very creepy movie by Clive Exton, Richard Fleischer, John Hurt and Richard Attenborough, the man originally and wrongfully convicted of at least one ( but not two, the child but not the mother?) of the Rillington place murders was vindicated and posthumously pardoned.

Similarly, many American writers and movie-makers are presently trying to do the same with Fisher-Giuca-Russo case(s). No doubt, what happened in and near 1306 Albemarle Road, and what the police, prosecutors and their witnesses did or didn’t see, hear or otherwise search for at that location, will be a big part of the telling of that story.

There are many more specific and interesting parallels between John Christie and Albert Cleary, however the purpose of this post was to draw the analogies and parallels between 10 Rillington Place, London -and- 1306 Albemarle Road, Brooklyn. Let’s leave the rest about Christie and Cleary for another day.


  1. Well done Gale.
    The story is chilling and the paralells to 10 Rilington makes one ponder how a cover up is accomplished. A cover up works with the right players in the right places.

    The unexplained question is why does the cover up continue?

  2. I recall a movie was being made about the Fisher case. How does it end?

  3. This is an excellent post, well-written and your use of artistic license rivals that of Shakespeare's Richard III. The willing suspension of disbelief I experienced half-way through your post would make Coleridge smile.

    You didn't mention that Judy Geeson was the lead actress in 10 Rillington Place. She is best known for her role in To Sir, With Love. One of my favorites; yours too?

    By the by, word among the Breezy crowd is that the Hynes son who long ago left the Hynes reservation and became a movie producer in (where else?) Hollywood is in the throes of developing a prosecutor friendly version of the Mark Fisher Trial for the big screen.

    A+ on the post.

    BSI Those school girl days of telling tales . . . Division



    The Fisher murder case is still a UXB for many people and many careers ....

  5. Is Hynes son financing his movie with money his Dad stole from drug dealers?

  6. Is this the same case with the prosecutor from Fox News?



    The only lawyer that I know, for sure was involved in part of the Fisher murder "investigative phase," was a former Hynes prosecutor and also does stints on Fox News, is Arthur L. Aidala, Esq. ....

    But, who knows, others in the "wall of lawyers" in the Fisher case might also have shown up on Fox at one time or another.

  8. To Anonymous at 9:30 - That is a good question. In FY 2013 Hynes brought in $6,754,237.00 Yes, that is six million. In FY 2012 Hynes/Dino brought in $6,285,474 in seized money. None of it was from federal adoptions at least as I was told meaning the Money Laundering Bureau made it on its own. When a smart alecky upstart asked about its legitimacy, McCarthy the Chief said that it is like sausage no one wants to know how its made but in the end it tastes really good.

    To the Blog Boss at 10:55 - Yes, Arthur Aidala is connected to this case. You are correct. I recall seeing that somewhere on another thread when it was first revealed by one of your ever faithful BSI's but it is gone . . . and yes, just the way Joe Hynes nurses grudges some of us can't let go.

    Oh, and the figures above do not include the tax money that came rolling in. We couldn't report that.



    I mentioned the possibility of some other lawyer(s) from the “wall of lawyers” for the defendants, other suspects and witnesses in the Mark Fisher murder case being on “panels of experts” on the Fox News programs. I foolishly overlooked the possibility that a current prosecutor might be allowed to do that. That seems to be the case with the controversial Brooklyn ADA named Anna Sigga-Nicolazzi.

    A quick Google search turned up a bunch of Fox News “hits” for ADA Anna Nicolazzi, the trial ADA in the two Fisher cases that have gone to trial – the ones against John Giuca and Antonio Russo that ended in two problematic “guilty of murder” verdicts. Anna Sigga-Nicolazzi has written posts as a “Fox News Insider” and she has appeared on Fox News shows with Sean Hannity, Gregg Jarrett, and also on several shows on the Fox Business News station.

  10. Have Ms. Nicolazi and Mr. Aidalla ever appeared on the same Fox News show.

  11. She appears with Bo Dietl.



    Everybody relax, forget about whether Anna Sigga-Nicolazzi or Arthur Aidala were ever on the same Fox News Show, or whether they both might have been on Don Imus’ radio show, or whether they both know Bo Dietl.

    Let’s assume they know each other, because way back when they both more or less were on the Fisher case ( and it’s my belief it was MORE than less, and maybe someday I’ll tell why) or some other cases, or the Columbian Lawyers or long warm showers in the DA’s Office; however, more important than any of that is the recent case of the Orthodox Cantor, Baruch Lebovits, who was facing very big time for sexual abuse. In that case, the supposed super trial prosecutor Nicolazzi, rather than push for the heavy sentence already hanging over the cantor, swan-dived into the tank for Arthur Aidala’s client Lebovits; so that he would serve only a couple of months new time. Don’t believe me, read about it in the NY Times ( See “Brooklyn Cantor Pleads Guilty in Sexual Abuse Case” by Stephanie Clifford, 5/16/14, NY Times []).

    For sure, only Nicolazzi knows why she did the tank job on the Lebovits case, but maybe Aidala knows too; and who can say, if it might or might not be something that goes all the way back to the Fisher case.

  13. Where's Sister Dorothy?

  14. Well now the Lebovits case comes full circle. Aidala gets paid and Nicolazzi folds.

    Gee, I wonder what role Ben Franklin and his crew played in that deal?

  15. 10 Rillington Place was such a stain on the Crown that eventually Rillington place was demolished. The streets were renamed and the British made every attempt to erase it all.

    Do I hear condos coming to Albermarle Road?

  16. Aren’t there documents in the Fisher case, including transcripts of their testimony, that say after Angel diPietro and Albert Cleary were told that Mark Fisher’s body was found outside of Cleary’s house, first they cleaned up some things in Cleary’s garage and then they went to Long Island to talk about the case with Angel diPietro’s father.
    And for a long time after that didn’t both DA and the cops complain that Cleary and diPietro weren’t cooperating in the investigation of Mark FIsher's murder.

  17. Its all about the girl

  18. Which girl? Weren't there two?



    According to the record and the reports to date, there were only two young women that witnessed any part of the actual incidents surrounding the murder of Mark Fisher: Meredith Denihan and Angel DiPietro. There were many inconsistencies between the various versions of the events given by these two witnesses, as well as repeated internal inconsistencies in the statements and testimony of Ms. DiPietro. As stated in the post above and in other reports, DiPietro was the “young woman” thus far known to have been nearest to Mark Fisher at the time he was shot. (Angel DiPietro is reported to have been at 1306 Albemarle Road, but she claims that she was asleep inside and heard nothing that happened outside.

    Lauren Calciano, a/k/a Lauren Calciano McCullogh, also testified at the trail about things that she heard, but she has given a sworn statement that all of that was concocted and coerced by the police and/or prosecutors.

    The most important girl or “young woman” in the case is the one that was obviously present when Mark Fisher was actually shot near 1306 Albemarle Road. She has never been identified, but neighbors of 1306 Albemarle Road reported that the clearly heard the voice of a young woman immediately before they heard the shots fired.

    Susan Cleary is an older woman, who is the mother of Albert Cleary. Although she claims to have been present at 1306 Albemarle Road at the time of the shooting near her home; thus far, her minimalist and repeatedly contradicted statements have contributed little but confusion to the investigation of Mark Fisher’s murder.

  20. In 2010 Susan Cleary completely blew up the Jonathan Judge petition for City Council by not putting down her 1306 Albemarle Road address even though that's where she was registered to vote with the Board of Elections. Something that she knew would invalidate a significant part of the Jonathan Judge petition.

    As a result, the Marty Golden-Gerry Kassar-supported & -endorsed David Greenfield, a Democrat, ran without effective Republican opposition.

  21. I understand young Albert came home to a shocking discovery.


    ? ? ? ?

  23. Finally, somebody is looking into Angel DiPietro and her lies about what happened to Mark Fisher.

    She told the first big lie in the coverup of the Mark Fisher murder. When first asked by Fisher’s friends where he was, she told them that he had gone home safely, even though he was already dead about fifty feet away from the place where she was staying when he was killed and police had been all over the crime scene for hours.

    Since she first told the story, Angel DiPietro shifted her story about when and how she learned that Mark got home safely, no less than 4 times. Apparently nobody with the cops or the DA’s Office was concerned about this in any way when they put her on the stand to testify.

    Both of the people she claimed told her about Mark Fisher’s safe departure to his home were not able or available to have told her so; and both have denied it. They are Meredith Denihan and John Giuca.

    To this day, we have not learned the true version of how or why it was that she falsely told Mark’s friends that he had left Brooklyn safely when he was already dead right across the street from she says she was “Sleeping.”

    I don't think Angel is just covering for Albert Cleary. I think Angel is covering for herself and what she did.

  24. You are claiming that Angel DiPietro who is an ADA in Ken Thompson's Office was complicit in a murder? At what point does this become Ken Thompson's problem in that he has to answer for allowing this injustice to continue? When does the new DA become equally culpable as Hynes? Ken Thompson cleaned out the office when he came in so why keep ADA Angel DiPeitra if there is any truth to your or Bederow's claims about her?



    I pointed out that there were inconsistencies between some of what she said and certain other versions of what happened, and even with Angel DiPietro's own varying versions of events. Also, based on what has been reported to date, DiPietro was a "young" woman who was known to have been somewhat closer than many others to the place where Mark Fisher was killed at the time that it happened, seeing as she states that she was at 1306 Albemarle Road at the same time that Mark Fisher was reported to have been shot across the street,

  26. 10 Rillington place was a small house.

    I dont see the comparison


    10 Rillington Place was big enough to hold the evidence of three or four murders prior to the Evans case, which detectives and other police didn't find, because they never bothered to look while investigating the Evans case. The evidence was literally popping up out of the ground at the time.

  28. Nothing adds up with what any of the people supposedly inside 1306 Albemarle said about the time that they were supposedly there around the time that Mark Fisher was murdered nearby on October 12, 2003. If the three people, were all “asleep” between about six and seven that morning, none should be able to testify about where the other two were or what they were doing during that time. In other words - who was or wasn’t inside or outside 1306 Albemarle Road at the time of the murder can’t really be proved by them if they all were all supposedly “asleep” at the time.

    It is completely beyond belief that none of these three people saw or heard anything going on right outside 1306 Albemarle Road on the morning of October 12, 2003. At least eight neighbors of Susan and Albert Cleary were disturbed enough by the commotion surrounding the murder of Mark Fisher , including the gunshots, that they made 911 calls; one of those was as far away as the middle of the block at 164 Argyle Road. At least nine neighbors living on Argyle Road heard multiple gunshots based on questioning by the police; the furthest away being in his house over 450 feet away from where the body was found.

    One of the closest ear witnesses to the shooting of Mark Fisher, heard a car door, a man’s and a woman’s voice followed by about four shots not very far from the corner of Argyle Road and Albemarle Road. The next door neighbor heard “lots of shots” and saw a black or navy blue car nearby.

    It also doesn’t seem possible that nobody at 1306 Albemarle was available to make any substantive statement to police canvassers on the morning of October 12, 2003 after Mark Fisher’s body was found nearby.

  29. None of it adds up because no one told the truth and the answers they did give were contradictory. As far as the police not questioning anyone at the premises of 1306 Albermarle Road, from my recollection I believe the attorney Arthur Aidala was involved at this early point but I will check my resources on that. For some reason I believe I read that the police did not proactively seek to speak to the residents of that home; not that the residents refused to make themselves available. A minor but potentially important point.

    There are also some details in The Observer piece that had not prior to its publication been made public.

  30. “No one told the truth and the answers they did give were contradictory...” that’s surely an understatement.

    There has been a behind the scenes campaign to keep everything about the Clearys’ and DiPietro’s involvement in the Fisher murder case under wraps. Some of that was brought out in the June 12, 2013 “Village Voice” article about Angel DiPietro getting hired as an assistant DA by Hynes in 2010-2011.

    The people that said they were in 1306 Albemarle Road at the time Mark Fisher was murdered nearby have not cooperated, and they have given false an deceptive information to both the press and police from the very beginning. For example, the deception and evasiveness of Angel DiPietro and her family is completely brought out in one particular article in the “New York Times” that was in paper on February 22, 2004. The Times said, “The investigation got off to a difficult start, with detectives struggling to piece together the different groups from the night before the killing. Ms. DiPietro, for example, was ‘not immediately available,’ in the early hours of the investigation, said Mr. Browne, the police spokesman. ‘She was difficult to locate.’...” In the same story that appeared in the New York Times was this, “Her father, James DiPietro, said she met detectives promptly the day after the killing and had cooperated fully. ''She left that young man earlier in the evening,'' Mr. DiPietro said, referring to Mr. Fisher. ''He decided to stay. My daughter left. She knew nothing about this until a day later.'' According to Mr. DiPietro, detectives have praised his daughter's cooperation....”

    But later in the same "New York Times" article, a Police Department spokesman. named Paul Browne said that Angel DiPietro’s insistence that her lawyer be present when she talked to police "demonstrates a lack of full-hearted cooperation.” Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the same thing to the Times and other papers. Later on, the statements and testimony by Angel Di Pietro in the case and those of other witnesses completely contradicted the rest of what her father had to say to the Times in February 2004.

    Everything bad that happened between DiPietro and Fisher happened in the early morning of the same day that Fisher was murdered. There is no "earlier in the evening" that matters in this horrible story; and the testimony says that DiPietro found out about Fisher's murder later on the same day, and she didn't talk to the cops until more than two days later.

  31. Here’s why police thought that Cleary and DiPietro were not cooperating in their investigation.

    On the same day that Mark Fisher was shot and killed near the house where Albert Cleary and Angel DiPietro had been staying at the time, both of them decided that they needed lawyers before they would talk to police detectives. After that key aspects of their stories kept changing or were completely contradictory of each other or other evidence in the case.

    Based on the record, two couples Albert Cleary and Angel DiPietro, and Mark Fisher and Meredith Denihan rode in the same taxi cab from the Upper East Side of Manhattan to Ditmas Park in Brooklyn. At least three of the four people in the taxi had expected to sleep at the Cleary house at 1306 Albemarle Road in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn sometime after arriving in Brooklyn; they were Cleary, DiPietro and Denihan (it’s safe to assume that, at least at some point, Mark Fisher thought so as well). Only Albert Cleary knew anything about the neighborhood where the four of them were going. The fourth person in that cab, Mark Fisher, was found shot dead outside of the Cleary house. All three of the survivors from the cab ride from Manhattan to Ditmas Park, Brooklyn claimed not to have any personal knowledge as to what happened to Mark Fisher, because they were asleep at the time of his murder.

    Also in the record, one of those who had ridden in the cab with Fisher from Manhattan to Brooklyn, Angel DiPietro, spoke to one of Mark Fisher’s friends and said that Fisher had returned home safely from Brooklyn. At first DiPietro said that her friend Meredith Denihan had told her that, but when Denihan denied that she had, DiPietro switched her source of that information to another person. It needs to be noted that Di Pietro’s phone conversation with Fisher’s friend happened after Fisher had been shot, his body found outside the Cleary house by the police, police had investigated the area of the crime scene near the Cleary house and questioned several of Cleary’s neighbors, and the general facts about the finding the body and hearing shots were known by neighbors near and far on the same block as the Cleary house.

    Reports also indicated that several friends and acquaintances of Angel Di Pietro at Fairfield University reported that her versions of what happened to Mark Fisher and to her while they were in Brooklyn together changed many times in the days right after Fisher’s murder.

    Through everything else one thing stayed the same. Albert Cleary and Angel DiPietro claimed to have been asleep inside the Cleay house when the shooting and all of the commotion outside happened. There was also another person claiming to have been inside the Cleary house and not knowing anything about what had happened outside the house, Susan Cleary, Albert Cleary’s mother.
