Friday, August 29, 2014

It’s Been a Few Bad Days for Governor Andrew Cuomo

New York Post Editorial Slams Cuomo’s TV Spot Against GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Rob Astorino

Local Dem Candidates in heavy voting Brooklyn district all oppose Cuomo in the Democrat Primary, two-of-three endorse Zephyr, while the third says she is looking into a Teachout endorsement

Today, the Editors at the New York Post lashed out at Governor Cuomo with this:  “...[W]hy is the governor’s campaign going with an ad that’s sleazy even by the low standards of New York?   ***   Earlier this week, The Post’s Fredric U. Dicker reported the Cuomo campaign has begun airing a commercial that opens with this line: “The Rob Astorino story: racketeering, conspiracy, fraud.”  ***   It goes on to accuse him of “conspiring with a family and accomplices to rig his election through election fraud.” ***  Sounds awful. So what’s this “racketeering” all about? Turns out it’s based on a civil lawsuit that’s been filed against Astorino. ***   What the Cuomo ad leaves out, however, is that this suit was filed by Astorino’s longtime political foe, the head of the Westchester branch of the Independence Party. Which has endorsed Cuomo....”(See “The Cuomo Fraud Racket” by NY Post Editorial Board, 8/28/14, NY Post/ Opinion/Editorial []).

This sort of thing poses a long term threat to the Governor’s bid for re-election, because it contributes to the narrative that Cuomo is comfortable with tawdry tactics and big-money bullying.  Both of those things are viewed widely as part of the culture of corruption that Cuomo has allowed to flourish during his first term as governor.


According to a report by Will Bredderman in the New York Observer, “All three candidates [Jo Anne Simon, Pete Sikora and Doug Biviano] vying to replace retiring Brooklyn Assemblywoman Joan Millman [D - 52nd A.D.] blasted Gov. Andrew Cuomo at a debate last night–with two saying outright they supported his long-shot Democratic primary challenger Zephyr Teachout, and a third saying she was undecided.... [but] watching Zephyr Teachout’s campaign very closely....” ( See “No Love for Cuomo in Race for Millman Seat” by Will Bredderman, 8/28/14, NY Observer/ []). Strangely, even though these candidates had some good words for Cuomo and his first term as governor, none could bring themselves to endorse his re-election.

As a practical matter, the 52nd A.D. has a deep streak of good-government reform idealism as part of its political DNA – being one of the first assembly districts in Brooklyn to elect a reform-minded Independent Democrat to the NYS Assembly. It might well be a bell-weather of what is going on in Brooklyn’s two or three ADs with the heaviest vote in the upcoming Democratic Primary.


  1. Good government idealist elected in 52nd you say ?

    And just who would these idealist be ?


    ...and I know that you would have said Leo Borilli, except that you were talking about Pascone to a very distinguished looking gentleman at the bar of Skinflints just a few nights ago (one of my Baker Street Irregulars was there at the time).

    No, it was the reformers that elected Mike Pesce to the Assembly and Art Paone to Congress (that's real inside pool -- and the most recent report about those days in the early-to-mid 1970s is contained in "Bari Political Club overcomes Mazzini forces" by Chuck Otey, 12/17/12, Brooklyn Eagle [] oddly, that report says that Leo Zeferetti won the seat. Hmmm!).

  3. To the comment above please stand corrected on:
    1- Mike Pesce was as much of a reformer as Joe Stalin was.
    2- Unfortunately, Art Paone was not elected to congress. He was beat by Zeferetti because his name rymed with spaghetti.
    3- Chuck Otey needs a guardian.

  4. Joseph Stalin was a great "reformer" and functional anti-Communist. He ordered the deaths of more "Communists" inside and outside of the Soviet Union than anyone else, except perhaps, Mao Tze Tung, in whose name the "Cultural Revolution" was conducted in China.

  5. Judge Michael Pesce and Joseph Stalin are not identical in all respects. Pesce is shorter.

  6. lately, many of the posts and almost all of the comments on this blog seem to be about democrats and by democrats

  7. Aside from the fact that the Democratic Party is far more relevant to this county, I think Mr. Massey is having a true road to Damascus moment and he is realizing that he is a Democrat and not a Conservative-Republican. (A Democrat in the spirit of Fiorello LaGuardia whom we all know embraced the blue party ideals in all he did.) I mean not to flog a dead horse but what have the Brooklyn Republicans given to us in recent time except for the failed utterly embarrasing campaign of our former District Attorney. Besides blogs depend on readership and who wants to read about obscure Republican politicians in-fighting over silly issues?

  8. Damascus is out of the district

  9. Several roads to Damascus are in ISIS', or as Obama-baby prefers ISIL's, hands. If anybody is traveling on any of those roads to Damascus, don't they risk lot's more than being knocked off their ride and becoming a Democrat. Like being beheaded is a little worse than that, right.
